things and stuff
some one,any one,no one.......
old school punk and other stuff
blood,gore and more gore
the simpsons,family guy,fear factor,the outer limits(new),robot chicken,adult swim in general,the history channel,animal planet,late night tv that doesn't suck shit,ect
mostly true crime and horror,but i also love anything having to do with cults,punk culture,dark and violent history,and bio's from strange people that i find interesting,ect H.P. LOVECRAFT is my all-time favorite author. the mammoth book of zombies(a collection of zombie stories)was ok,not the best though..... anything about bonnie and clyde although most of the shit written about them is incorrect or just outright lies. I highly recogmend: lexicon devil-the life and time of darby crash and the germs. I ve read at least 5 books about he Black Dahlia and all but one of them suck serious shit. I just finished reading 'shit magnet" by jim goad(author of the highly offensive ANSWER ME! zines wich was amazing!!!and i am currantly reading the "redneck manifesto" also by mr. goad.If you have never read "geek love"run out and grab that one you twisted fucker you.
fuck you and anyone who thinks i like you