KUOLLEET KUKAT profile picture



About Me

KUOLLEET KUKAT was a band with a long history. Some members of the band have been parts of legendary Finnish hardcorebands, such as KAAOS, RIISTETYT and TURUN TAUTI.
The band was formed in -84.At the beginning it was a 3-man-band. The musical direction of the band in those days has been descriped as post punk influenced by thestyle of the English post punk and anarcho bands of the 80's. It is worth to mention that KAAOS was still around at the same time. Jakke(vocals) and Nappi (bass) are those members of the band, who have been along right from the beginning. Duringthe first two years line up changed a lot. Many people were around at that time (f.ex. a girl singer and a guy playing saxophone). The result ofthe activity of those days was only one 7" EP called "Isoveli valvoo" (in English something like "Big brother is watching on yourback"). They recorded also a tape for a LP, which never came out, due to several reasons.It was, however, important for the Kuolleet Kukat oftoday that the tape was made. That is because of the release of some songs of that tape led to activity of Kuolleet Kukat today.
Afterthese two years the bands activity ceased, but not permanently. In -93 Fight Records said they would publish some songs from thetape.
Before the end of the year a 7" EP called "Vallankumous" (In English "Revolution") was published. This occasion actuallywoke up the band to play again. Four mmembers of the band of 1986, asked me to join them so as to make a new start.
The banddecided to continue, not actually from the situation left behind, but to make much harder stuff. The only major change at the new beginning was when Toby couldn't continue with the band. He went back to play in Two Witches and Poikajoined us to replace Toby.
As a result from the new activity a 7" EP called "Kyynelkaasua" (In English "Teargas") waspublished after 6 months. During the autumn of -94 joined Luigi us to replace Poika (Luigi was a former guitarist of TURUNTAUTI).
In the winter -95 Kuolleet Kukat finally published their first full lenght release, a CD called "Kansanmurha" (In English"Genocide"). These records and the reputation of the old times have given Kuolleet Kukat an oppotunity to make lots of gigs. Also, becausethe style in 90's was close to -82 style HC, not forgetting the KK old style, many young punks have liked Kuolleet Kukat very much. There has been about 50 gigs after the first gig in -93, including a very succesfull Eastern European tour (Spring -95).
Kuolleet Kukatsplit up in December -95. One gig more was played in December -96. The End released an EP "Live at Tavastia"-96.
The Drummer Juha died in Dec. -04 and band played one gig in his memorial festival in Sept. -05. Perttu fromRiistetyt played drums on that show.
Now band have played 1 gig more in Puntala Rock opening club 2006. That was totallylast one.
- ESSI -
I edited my profile with Thomas Myspace Editor V3.6 !
KUOLLEET KUKAT (1) 8-10/1984
Jakke - vocals/guitar, Nappi - bass, Masa - drums
KUOLLEET KUKAT (2) 10/1984-2/1985
Jakke - vocals/guitar, Jasu - vocals, Nappi - bass, Poko - drums
KUOLLEET KUKAT (3) 3-6/1985
Jakke - vocals, Jasu - vocals, Nappi - bass, Jarze - guitar, Juha - drums
KUOLLEET KUKAT (4) 6-11/1985
Jakke - vocals, Jasu - vocals, Nappi - bass, Toby - guitar, Jarze - guitar, Juha - drums, Popo - synth
KUOLLEET KUKAT (5) 11/1985-1/1986
Jakke - vocals, Jasu - vocals, Nappi - bass, Toby - guitar, Juha - drums
KUOLLEET KUKAT (6) 6-7/1986
Jakke - vocals, Jasu - vocals, Nappi - bass, Toby - guitar, Stydy - drums
KUOLLEET KUKAT (7) 8-11/1993
Jakke - vocals, Nappi - bass, Toby - guitar, Essi - guitar, Juha - drums
KUOLLEET KUKAT (8) 11/1993-9/1994
Jakke - vocals, Nappi - bass, Essi - guitar, Poika - guitar, Juha - drums
KUOLLEET KUKAT (9) 9/1994-12/1995 //12/1996
Jakke - vocals, Nappi - bass, Essi - guitar, Luigi - guitar, Juha - drums
KUOLLEET KUKAT (10) 9/2005 //7/2006
Jakke - vocals, Nappi - bass, Essi - guitar, Luigi - guitar, Toby - guitar, Poika - guitar, Perttu - drums

My Interests


Member Since: 8/20/2006
Band Members:
JAKKE - vocals/gtr
(1984-86, 1993-95, 2005/06)

NAPPI - bass
(1984-86, 1993-95, 2005/06)

MASA - drums

JASU - vocals

POKO - drums

JARTZE - guitar

JUHA (R.I.P.) - drums
(1985-86, 1993-95)

TOBY - guitar
(1985-86, 1993, 2005/06)

STYDY - drums

ESSI - guitar
(1993-95, 2005/06)

POIKA - guitar
(1993-94, 2005/06)

LUIGI - guitar
(1994-95, 2005/06)

PERTTU - drums

COSTELLO - synth

POPO - synth

TONTO - sax.

ARJA - additional vocals

Record Label: Fight Records
Type of Label: Indie