Formed in 1998 or something...? Band was named "Rock and rollJesus", but changed it's name in summer 2005 to "Joukkoitsemurha" (MassSuicide).
Mass suicide is not only a "funny" - provokating name for band. It shows that I am not dead serious, however I am serious. If I had wanted a super provokating name, It could be something like "Cum swallowing children" or something...
Murder is just stupid. Suicide is much deeper and more evil. It is the biggest cry for help. It shows that something is terrible wrong and we must do something.
Name "Mass suicide" tells stupidness of human and cruelties what we do. For example why are we so scared of death, when we feed it ourselves. We greedy bastards repeat same mistakes over and over again. "White of hope - turning black." There is no escape. We have digged our own grave - our suicide.
...And how can anyone bring a child to world like this?
How stupid/sadistic you must be?
Mass suicide is about religions too. All religions are dangerous! Think about how much less there would be wars without religions. Religions make us blind. There are too much horrifying examples. One is "People's Temple" (in 1978) that did mass suicide in the name of god.
Who cares?
Faith no more cares a lot
Here I dwell
My day-nursery
Here used to be my first primary school (2 years)
My primary school (4 years)
My primary school (3 years)
My high school (3,5 years)
check out also my paintings here