queeriam! profile picture


i realized there was no time like now, and i didn't care if i was scared...

About Me

hmmm... there's not really alot i can put here, cause i don't really like to talk about myself, so i'll just put that i love music (playing it and listening to it), poetry, writing in any sense, drawing, meeting new people and enjoying life to it's fullest. oh! and i love to party... the end.

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My Interests

I'd like to meet:

people interested in where their world is going, and what impact they have on it.


top 3:
louis armstrong
billie holliday
nat king cole, all the late greats...
non-dead artists that i dig:
missy elliot (my favorite female hip-hop artist by far)
beastie boys
red hod chili peppers
the cure
ani difranco
gravy train
imogen heap
spank rock
bob marley
snake river conspiracy
dj irene
apoptygma berzerk
depeche mode
siouxsie & the banshees
the cranberries
the pixies
tori amos
pretty much... anything that doesn't suck, and has soul, i like.
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Gwilt Family, Christmas, 2005 (left to right) top: my sister erika (ikey), my mom, myself bottom: my brother dan, his wife outhong, and my niece jessica. (she's so cute!!!)


romy and michelle's high school reunion (me too, uh!)
night @ the roxbury
muriel's wedding
chutney popcorn
can't buy me love
a clockwork orange
party monster
rosemary's baby
full metal jacket
the breakfast club
the sweetest thing
fear and loathing in las vegas
better than chocolate
star wars
godzilla vs. mothra
shark boy & lava girl (in the company of my niece)
willy wonka and the chocolate factory, and so so many more...
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big love, flight of the conchords, the simpsons, family guy, america's next top model, (yes, i'm addicted) old school cartoons like smurfs, thundercats, he-man and the masters of the universe...(i never knew he-man was so homoerotic!), and occasionally large amounts of the history channel.


coloring books are my favorite. i occasionally enjoy reading bathroom walls, if they've got anything interesting to say,(and by interesting, i don't mean "call this person for a good time", but bathroom wisdom in the form of little poems.) as far as actual books with words.. anything by hunter s. thompson, the last time i wore a dress, pomosexuals, if you give a mouse a cookie, harold and the purple crayon, the ethical slut, and the book that i'm currently working on about my journey across the country on greyhound busses from 08.07 to 10.07


captain planet... for rocking the green mullet. (public service announcement: mullets are ok if you're a rockstar or a cartoon, but not if you're an everyday joe shmo, or jane shmo. this message brought to you by the foundation for mullet safety)

My Blog

just the way i like them to look... like a robot did it...

people in milwaukee smoke.they smoke inside...at least the people that i stayed with did.you can still smoke in bars there, and the diners usually have an ashtray on every table...at least the ones i ...
Posted by queeriam! on Wed, 17 Oct 2007 02:29:00 PST

home is...

i've been thinking alot lately...reflecting on my travels, and challenging myself as to what the definition of home really is. cliches will tell you that "home is where the heart is..." or "home is wh...
Posted by queeriam! on Thu, 11 Oct 2007 02:46:00 PST

who needs a talkboy?

i'm in the city of san francisco, where something's always going on. i got here on thursday (sept 5th) and have been too captivated by the beauty, too amazed by the overwhelming feeling of community, ...
Posted by queeriam! on Thu, 18 Oct 2007 01:00:00 PST

the symphony of river west

it's 4:15. i hear the church bells, then police sirens.the bells were 3 notes of metal crashing in sequence, bearing their souls to be heard for anyone who would stop... and listen.anyone who would st...
Posted by queeriam! on Thu, 11 Oct 2007 03:27:00 PST

he man & vodka

once upon a time some friends got together and drank vodka and watched he-man and the masters of the universe. they all laughed with glee at all of the homoerotic undertones, and they all yelled along...
Posted by queeriam! on Tue, 06 Mar 2007 03:00:00 PST