fashion, music, movies, sports, reading, dancing, hiking, eating at as many different restaurants as I can, and much more...
filf dos, shirleys, femmes, bitches, hos, bois in da hood, tranny bois, queer bates, mother fuckers, gender fucks, andro-geniuses(boifriend's word), kudos chewy, swf w/a y peeps, nwmf without a y peeps, mich festies, cool dudes, Qos's, snrkensteins, snrkowitzes, rosensnrks, and a whole lot more,I edited my profile with Thomas' Myspace Editor V4.4
I love all different kinds of music!
Favorite movie when I was a kid: Stand By Me Favorite movie now: Too difficult to decide. I love to watch all kinds of movies, but I like the drama type movies the best. Comedies only once in a while. I appreciate movies with a twist.
don't got no tv these days, but it's all about Six Feet Under on DVD
The Fifth Sacred Thing, Anne Rice Novels
My Grandfather Herb Dansicker who died May 9, 2005. He was my true hero.