Jungle Juice International... All about promoting 100% Pure Caribbean Vibes! Jungle Juice Int'l is the 1st Caribbean Entertainment website to take you Global! Check us out at www.junglejuiceinternational.com
Our first installment of Jungle Juice Int'l is Trini Jungle Juice ( www.trinijunglejuice.com) . We deliver pure exclusive business... If it's HOT it's on TriniJungleJuice.com!
TriniJungleJuice.com is a Caribbean flavored web site spanning all the cultures that comprise the Caribbean. The site's roots are buried deep within the sweet land of Calypso, Steelband and a most colourful Carnival in which an entire people express themselves... Trinidad & Tobago. From here, the site's many branches grow throughout the Caribbean archipelago blossoming in Cuban, Puerto Rican Latin Salsa, Merengue and Bachatta influences, as well as, Jamaica's Reggae and Dancehall
The site is unique. It is the first to pull the whole Caribbean together giving everyone a bird's eye view of the islands yet still feeling the plight of the new and upcoming artist of each community. Our passionate local correspondents allow us to penetrate at that level, something we are proud of, while our US based team use the leading edge technology to project this information globally.
We know them as 'Nay Sayers'. These are the negative thinkers, the pessimists & the non-believers. All too often, this limiting mindset influences us in our thoughts, our hopes & our beliefs. Why should we conform to the norm of a many few?
Jungle Juice stands for the liberation from these shackles - no longer falling prey to boundaries, but rather, believing in infinity. If you can dream it, you can do it! If you can see it, you can reach it! This web site is dedicated to those who have dreams. Educate yourself, never cease to believe in yourself, and most of all 'Do Not Be Apprehended.'
Much Niceness,
TriniJungleJuice.com Team