I am here for Dating, Serious Relationships and Friends
About Me
I left my home planet, Decapod 10, to become a rich doctor, but instead I became the Planet Express staff doctor. When it is time for mating season on my planet, I become angry and violent and I start growing a big fin on my head. But once my species has mated they die =(. My cousin's name is Zoidfarb and my uncle is Harold Zoid, who is a silent hologram star. I have a round head with large, beady blue eyes. Underneath these eyes is my mouth, which is covered by my oh-so-special tentacles. I have four claws, two on my arms, and two on the end of my legs, where you ugly humans would have feet. I'm much, much stronger than puny humans are and my sharp claws can cut all but diamond tether. I change my shell when it gets old, but the Planet Express budget severely limits my choices. Last time I almost had to go all white with the exception of a nasty barcode. I 3 flip-flops..you cannot have mine..i will cut your arm off like i did to Fry during my mating season if you dare steal my flip-flops 8|
My Interests
Murderology, Murderonomy, Being an under-qualified doctor, eating anchovies
Any of my Uncle Zoid's old movies
You are Dr. John Zoidberg
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