The 'Original' Stewie profile picture

The 'Original' Stewie

<b30,000+ Stewie Fans Can't Be Wrong.</b

About Me

My full name is Stewart Gilligan Griffin, but soon you will all refer to me as your unquestioned Lord and Master! As soon as I rid my life of that wretched woman, I will unveil my wickedness upon the face of this pathetic planet. On my off days, I love to sing showtunes in the mirror.

My Interests

Murdering Lois, making my own radio shows, traveling through time, manipulating the weather, inventing mind control devices, theater, musicals, and murdering Lois again.

I'd like to meet:

Those with the intelligence of a toaster mind find it beneficial to join my grand army or else suffer consequences of unimaginable horror and pain! Oh, and I would love to meet that Don Knotts fellow. He is SUCH a delight. If you spell words like "dat", "lub", "krazee"--don't bother. I don't want to deal with idiots. If I am online, you may IM me.


Air Supply, Gilbert & Sullivan, Bob Hope, Bing Crosby, Elton John, gay techno music (What? Can't a man listen to gay techno?)


Star Wars, Anything with Rex Harrison. (And for you perverted people out there, I'm also making copies of the Paris Hilton sex tape).


History Channel, Smurfs, A&E, Nickelodeon Jr., Surf Side 6, KISS Saves Santa, Nick at Nite, Three's Company, Queer Eye for the Straight Guy, "Fast Animals, Slow Children", and Animal Planet.


"The Art of War" and "If You Give a Mouse a Cookie" Tolstoy and Machiaveli.


Death and that God fellow. He is so deliciously evil.

My Blog

NFL = No Family Guy?

Greetings. As you may very well know, Family Guy didn't air tonight due to the NFC Championship game. No doubt the program executives at Fox felt the best way to follow the NFC Champion...
Posted by The 'Original' Stewie on Mon, 23 Jan 2006 09:49:00 PST


As many of you are aware, our return to television has been a rousing success! The new season of Family Guy kicked off last Sunday. Expect more stabs at celebrities, religion, and the occasional sacre...
Posted by The 'Original' Stewie on Fri, 11 Nov 2005 10:39:00 PST

A Kind Request

Please: *Do not send any Group Invites. It floods my mailbox. *Do not send "Add Me' requests. I am happy to add everyone, but as you can imagine, I have many to go through. Please be patient. I promis...
Posted by The 'Original' Stewie on Mon, 01 Jan 1900 12:00:00 PST

Family Guy Update

Well, it seems May has been quite the busy month for me, hasn't it? The show has begun once more, and a slew of merchandise has hit the shelves for you to spend that hard-earned check from your job at...
Posted by The 'Original' Stewie on Mon, 01 Jan 1900 12:00:00 PST


Oh God, yes! They mocked us. MOCKED US, I say. They wrote us off as a Simpsons knock-off that would never see the light of day again. Well, my friends, it appears that these 'television critics' we...
Posted by The 'Original' Stewie on Mon, 01 Jan 1900 12:00:00 PST

Mitch Hedberg

In response to the dozens of e-mails I've received asking if this is some form of sick April Fool's joke; I can assure you that the news of Mitch Hedberg's passing is unfortunately true.As it's been r...
Posted by The 'Original' Stewie on Mon, 01 Jan 1900 12:00:00 PST

Comment Back!

Greetings.Many of my (how should I put this?) 'special' friends are getting on my nerves. Last I checked, the comments portion of one's page was intended for COMMENTS, not bloody requests for comments...
Posted by The 'Original' Stewie on Mon, 01 Jan 1900 12:00:00 PST

So much love for little old me?

Greetings. Although I feel there are far better things to do on this day than spend money on useless greeting cards and chocolates, I thank you all for your kind words and nude pictures. It brighte...
Posted by The 'Original' Stewie on Mon, 01 Jan 1900 12:00:00 PST

Watch Family Guy cast perform table read of a NEW episode!

Follow the directions1. type ""2. Watch a table reading of a BRAND NEW episode of Family Guy aptly dubbed "North by North Quahog".3. Become stricken with awe by the voice talents of S...
Posted by The 'Original' Stewie on Mon, 01 Jan 1900 12:00:00 PST

Family Guy Returns? This calls for a SEXY PARTY!

In celebration of Family Guy's grandiose return, I'm having my good friend put together a gathering among Family Guy fans to drink themselves silly to our return. Now, of course, nothing is finalze...
Posted by The 'Original' Stewie on Mon, 01 Jan 1900 12:00:00 PST