CONTRIBUTORSEditor :: Alastair McCannFeby ParamitaGeorgia VerityLaura McNeiceWebsite :: Carlos Sanchez, Dan Raica & Eli AframBECOME A CONTRIBUTOR!We are expanding the breadth of our content and are on the lookout for talented people to join our team. If you are a street fashion photographer, writer or stylist and into street fashion and music and think you can help us out, please contact us for more info here .
SUBMIT YOUR PHOTOS AND WORKIf you've got stylish street fashion pics of you or your friends and you want us to publish them, please send them to us at this address. Make sure the files aren't too big (less than 150 KB preferably) and include as much info as you can like where it is taken and what is being worn.Also email us if you've got a fashion or music story that you want to be published!
PROMOTE YOUR EVENTIf you have a party, launch, opening, show, gig or whatever coming up in Melbourne with a stylish crowd and would like us to feature it please write to us to let us know.
LINK AND BE FRIENDSIf you like what we're doing please consider blogging about us or linking to us. We are open to swapping links with other sites so feel free to contact us about that too.You can also be friends with us on facebook .FEEDBACKWe would love to get your feedback, suggestions and ideas for the site so we can continually improve! Tell us your thoughts here .
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