Tired of mainstream modern fashion? So too was Shona Stark. And so, the ‘Shona™’ label was born.
Shona creates unique one-off garments each with their own story. The ‘Shona’ label is not just a sign of a hot fashion – it’s a weight off your shoulders. Slip it on, glam it up with accessories and strut into the club; safe in the knowledge that no-one else will be dressed the same as you.
Shona thoroughly enjoys creating new pieces, as she can be experimental with every piece rather than making the same repetitive design. She uses vintage and retro fabrics and gives them a new life. Shona is inspired by the vintage and retro garments she finds - their fabrics and structure. She then designs and creates new one off garments each with their own personal style.
Shona garments do, however, come with a warning. Shona garments are only for those bold enough to wear them, and for those not afraid to stand out in the crowd.
Thank you to,
Bree Johnson- Model,
Georgette Pontikis- Stylist
In store now at:
La Petite Boutique,
Shop 13b 38 Orchid Ave Surfers Paradise QLD 07 5526 8666
2 Bond St South Yarra VIC 03 9827 5278
69 Main St Greensbourough VIC 03 9434 2331
213 Lower Heidelberg East Ivanhoe VIC 03 9499 4116,
Visit www.shonadesign.com for more info.