piruido - faithful until death profile picture

piruido - faithful until death

The World of piruido - Discover the Unknown and Conquer the New

About Me

Discover the Unknown and Conquer the New - The World of piruido
It looks like a Fan Site from TOP JOHNNY!. And indeed, I'm a fan of this superb Canadian rock band. I got to know the music and the band in April 2006. From the first tune I became a great fan. They have been and they are still my favorite band from Canada. Everywhere I go or I have the chance to send a request to a radio station I ask for their songs.
My other favorite singers and bands you'll find under my friends.
piruido aka Karl Behr grew up with the music of The Beatles and The Rolling Stones. His oldest brother played trumpet like Satchmo Louis Armstrong. And he wanted to sing like Bing Crosby.
The early seventies brought good music for fundamentals for the new music of today. piruido aka Karl Behr soon realized that he would have to learn notes to create his own music. At that time his family owned an Ibach piano which was out of tune but it gave him the first attempts to play and show what he has learned at the college of music. When piruido aka Karl Behr was about 10 he had to learn music. It was a must and no longer a wish for him. His brothers and sisters all played some instruments so he had to learn it too. It was awful and boring. He left the college of music after attending it for 6 month. But there was only one thing that he had learned: reading music notes and transform it into audible music.
At school piruido aka Karl Behr sung in a choir but his manner of performing must have been disturbing to the teacher so he was delivered from the lessons. The eighties had some very good musicians. Some of them are still present.
At the other school that piruido aka Karl Behr visited was no choir so he had to look for another way to sing. At the first moment it appeared to be great having no choir or music lessons but today he thinks he had to be stopped doing nonsense during the lessons. After his change of voice piruido aka Karl Behr was in a baptist church choir where he stayed about 3 years. It was a happy time singing not only Christian music than also others from Rock to Pop. But he left this choir due to private problems.
The nineties were the origin for very much groups and a new style of boy and girl bands. Most of them are almost gone but some appear back on stage.
While piruido aka Karl Behr was at his first apprenticeship he took part at a singer contest but failed at the first round. It was because he has chosen the wrong song to perform. 'Pray the lord with all voices' was not the sound some of the managers wanted to hear.
Time went by and piruido aka Karl Behr began to write short stories for children and grown-ups.
He writes lyrics (for music) since he was 11 and this feature is getting bigger through the years. First he took Christian themes but nowadays he takes his ideas from the surroundings, life and also from observations he makes when he is walking around. Only few lyrics are born in the imagination.
piruido aka Karl Behr is not only creating lyrics for music.
In April 2006 Karl Behr began to create websites for the Unknown of the World. And still he is working on it. The first website piruido.net became slowly an institution where you'll find interesting and informative stuff around Canada. It's about companies, Schools and many more. And there has been one page especially for everything around music.
The second website is only made for everything around music, the musicians, producers, helpers, crews and so on which already appeared on the first website The Original. In The Latest there are all information uploaded about and for musicians and everything concerning it.
The Former Futures' website of piruido is the look back from the Future where the singers or bands piruido aka Karl Behr supports are already big stars.
Perhaps you like piruido aka Karl Behr's websites.
More about The World of piruido from Former Future
piruido.com - The Unknown Music
piruido.net - The Unknown of Canada
piruido.eu - The Unknown lyrics (coming soon)
Look out!
They want it.
They are of value.
TOP JOHNNY! You are my Number One.

My Interests

TOP JOHNNY! Surrender ..

I'd like to meet:


Glam Tam


Disclaimer: I'm not at myspace to hunt for friends. I'm here to find interesting people that I can share my lyrics, thoughts and ideas. Maybe one or more I'll meet one day.


Unsigned Band Web
FL Studio
Korg - Masters of Music
The Sasquatch Band

Johnny Rodes
This is for Johnny Rodes Outlaw Band
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Nashville's Outlaw Country Rocker

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Johnny Rodes

Johnny Rodes at Wilson County Cancer benefit


Advice: At the moment I am still in Germany and waiting for the call from Canada. Please pray for me that my dreams come true and my new life can start in Canada.

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My mother.
My father.
My sisters and brothers

The survivors of 9/11

Kick It! (LOW RES) Music Video by TOP JOHNNY!
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My Blog


I created some new tunes and loaded them up on my website if some are interested in my tunes just have a listen and give any comments here.Thank you
Posted by piruido - faithful until death on Mon, 25 Jun 2007 12:38:00 PST

Feel like swimming

Some days ago without a warning my World seemed to break down.I saw all my hopes and wishes running away like water leaves the bath tub through the plughole. For some moments my brain was off. There w...
Posted by piruido - faithful until death on Sat, 24 Mar 2007 01:42:00 PST

Immigrants song for Canada

The sun shines on my beloved landCanada take me by the handYou stand for stabilityI'll try to show my abilityto make you my new homelandCanada take me by the handCanada let me be a part of youtell me ...
Posted by piruido - faithful until death on Sat, 24 Mar 2007 01:06:00 PST

Days like these

At days like these an angel appeared in a dream. She told me about things that happened in the past. And she told me about things that will happen in the future. I know dreams are the reflection of wi...
Posted by piruido - faithful until death on Wed, 21 Mar 2007 12:26:00 PST

An emigrants' wish

The sun shines on my beloved landCanada take me by the handYou stand for stabilityI'll try to show my abilityto make you my new homelandCanada take me by the handCanada let me be a part of youtell me ...
Posted by piruido - faithful until death on Wed, 14 Feb 2007 05:17:00 PST

Need a prayer

Hello my friendsA very long time I struggled if I ask you for this but I came to conclusion to ask for your help.I need a prayer.On Feb 26th I'll have a new application for further steps of my life.Af...
Posted by piruido - faithful until death on Tue, 13 Feb 2007 08:58:00 PST

For Isabella - born without chances

This I wrote for Becky, Melissa and Bobby.Isabellachild of our dreamschild of our heartschild of our wishesIsabellathe beautifulthe central pointthe inimitableBorn in a world you'd never get to knowyo...
Posted by piruido - faithful until death on Sat, 30 Dec 2006 10:41:00 PST

Not always

When I was a little boy I always asked myself who was the one that created all this wonderful stuff. All the other human beings and all animals. All plants and flowers. All insects and all reptiles. A...
Posted by piruido - faithful until death on Tue, 12 Dec 2006 10:38:00 PST


Todays heroes - we need themBut we must not forget old heroesWe can learn lots of thembut how much do we give backFiremen are heroes of todaythey give their life to save other lifethey fight against f...
Posted by piruido - faithful until death on Fri, 24 Nov 2006 09:20:00 PST

A comment

An angel passed my way and gave me three wishes. I did not know what to wish so the angel showed me some examples: forever living, forever young, forever healthy.But that wasn't what I was looking for...
Posted by piruido - faithful until death on Mon, 13 Nov 2006 11:59:00 PST