Member Since: 1/15/2005
Band Website:
Band Members: Donate to the Johnny Rodes Outlaw Band, show your support for Indie artists!
For business related questions, Companies and radio stations can reach Johnny Rodes at "[email protected]"
Please sign my new guest book below. I appreciate all of my fans here on Myspace and love to see all of your comments. It is so awesome!
Johnny Rodes
Johnny Rodes and Amanda Wyatt in Tiny Red Thong video clip. TINY RED THONG CLIP 2A
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Johnny Rodes music video titled 28 Miles to Go.. CLICK below to watch this classic Civil war video...COPYRIGHT JOHNNY RODES 2003
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Johnny Rodes of the Johnny Rodes Outlaw Band.
Official Johnny Rodes Outlaw Band flag
I m a d i f f e r e n t b r e e d o f C o u n t r y a r t i s t . . . . I m a n O u t l a w a n d a G e n t l e m a n . . . A w i s e m a n t o l d m e o n c e , a t r u e l e a d e r n e v e r h u r t s t h o s e w e a k e r t h a n h i m s e l f . . . a n d a r e a l b a d a s s i s o n e w h o n e v e r s e l l s h i s s o u l . . . I l i v e b y t h e 3 C ' s . . . . C o u r a g e , C h a r a c t e r a n d C o m p a s s i o n . . Y o u m a y c a l l m e a O u t l a w R e n e g a d e , I s a y " I ' m j u s t m e " . . . . . . . . J o h n n y R o d e s
Sounds Like: Kaye, Johnny Rodes Outlaw Girl
My Rebel buddies from the Kentucky Cav!
Amanda Wyatt and Johnny Rodes making the film crew laugh during a break at the Tiny Red Thong video shoot
Johnny Rodes with some of the Johnny Rodes Outlaw Girls during the filming of Tiny Red Thong music video
My Puppy Lil Bit in a tree. Lil Bit is the founder of the JROPs, The Johnny Rodes Outlaw Puppies.
My new puppy named Lil Bit.. he was being shot with a pellet gun by a jerk who thought it was funny to hurt animals... I rescued the lil guy and he is the first of the official Johnny Rodes Outlaw Puppies.. the JROPs!
Outlaw country rock artist Johnny Rodes, has moved back to California and will be preparing for his West Coast invasion of of a town near you. The high energy, intense country rocker from Nashville will be performing all over the western USA in 2008. Don't miss the chance to see the hottest act in country music, The Johnny Rodes Outlaw Band. As always Johnny Rodes will appear in concert with his world famous Johnny Rodes Outlaw Girls, "The bad girls of country music"! See more at
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Type of Label: Indie