Boone County's OVEC Organizing Team profile picture

Boone County's OVEC Organizing Team


About Me

We work in the mountain communities to preserve our homes, heritage and culture. My name is Maria Gunnoe I work as a mountain community organizer with the Ohio Valley Envronmental Coalition organizing affected people in affected communities. Act Locally think Globally.Thanks to Viv Stockman at and Antrim Caskey for sharing their photos and to Southwings for getting them in the air...FRONT PORCH !

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My Interests

Abolishing mountaintop removal Coal mining NOW before it's to late. Bringing social justice to the mountain communities that have given all to our country. There is 4 million pounds of explosives a day used in West Virginia alone to blast apart our mountains to get to the coal seams. The mountains are being blasted into rubble and pushed over into adjacent valleys to create valley fills. This destroys our streams and poisons our water table. There are many Sludge dams in our mountains this is where the coal companies store the coal waste water. This is full of heavy metals and chemicals and there is lakes of it being stored behind earthen dams throughout Appalachia. These sludge dams have been known to break. We work to bring emergency evacuation plans into the communities that are affected by these sludge dams. Warning systems have been put into place in Mingo County due to the diligent work of local OVEC volunteers. Boone Co is now working on putting into place the code red system which is operated by satelite. We fight the destruction of our way of life. Simple down home living in the mountains of southern WV is what all want. Maybe a show of respect for our God given human rights. Renewable resources of energy is the only way that our children will have a planet to live on. Coal Kills! It's not clean or green no matter what you do to it, YOU CAN NOT MAKE COAL CLEAN!

I'd like to meet:

Like minded folks who want to help us stop the attack on our Appalachian Mountains and culture.If you Ever loved a mountain you should see what they are doing to the Appalachians!Oh yeah I'd also like to meet Al Gore and Hillary Clinton. Maybe they can help us stop this MADNESS.


Movies:,, "Mountain Mourning" "Look what they've done" "Mountain Keeper,,,,,,,,


Unquiet Earth by Denise Giardina,Storming Heaven by Denise Giardina,Fallam's Secret by Denise Giardina,Breakfast of Champions by Kurt Vonnegut,Night comes to the Cumberlands by Harry Caudill,Lost Mountain: Radical strip mining, and the devastation of Appalachia by Erik Reese, To save the land and people: A history of opposition to surface coal mining in Appalachia by Chad Montrie,Missing mountains: We went to the mountaintop but it wasn't there edited by Kristin Johannsen, Bobbie Ann Mason, Mary Ann Taylor-Hall,Southern Sampler: Women of courage by Peggy Barrow Culbertson,A Better Place, a loving tribute to West Virginia by David Selby,The Appalachians: America's first and last frontier edited by Mari-Lyn Evans,Appalachia: A History by John Alexander William,Crimes Against Nature by Robert F. Kennedy, Jr.,Coal: A Human History by Barbara Freese,For Common Things: Irony, Trust and Commitment in America Today by Jedediah Purdy,An Appalachian Tragedy --Air Pollution and Tree Death edited by Harvard Ayers, et al,Geology and the Environment, fourth edition by Pipkin, Trent, Hazlett,The Great Divide-Retro vs. Metro America edted By John Sperling,Last Child in the Woods: Saving Our Children from Nature-deficit Disorder by Richard Louv,Coal in Appalachia: an economic analysis by Curtis E. Harvey,Encyclopedia of Appalachia edited by Rudy Abramson and Jean Haskell,Bloodletting in Appalachia by Howard B. Lee,Fighting back in Appalachia: traditions of resistance and change edited by Stephen L. Fisher, Ecotourism in Appalachia: marketing the mountains by Al Fritsch and Kristin Johannsen,A handbook to Appalachia edited by Grace Toney Edwards, JoAnn Aust Asbury, Ricky L. Cox,What's a coal miner to do?: the mechanization of coal mining by Keith Dix,A citizens’ study program for evaluating the environmental and cultural impact of coal mining in Appalachian by Kent B Fuller, The Trade-Off Myth: Fact and Fiction About Jobs and the Environment by Eban Goodstein,Extreme Mining Machines: Stripping Shovels and Walking Draglines by Keith Haddock,Living in the Appalachian Forest: True Tales of Sustainable Forestry by Chris Bolgiano,Culture, Environment, and Conservation in the Appalachian South edited by Benita J. Howell,Censored 2006 : The Top 25 Censored Stories by Peter Phillips, Project Censored,Mountain Memories: An Appalachian Sense of Place by Jim Clark ,Environment, Third Edition by Peter H. Raven, Linda R. Berg ,The Book on Bush: How George W. (Mis)leads America by Eric Alterman, Mark J. Green ,Lies and the Lying Liars Who Tell Them: A Fair and Balanced Look at the Right by Al Franken ,The Bush-Haters Handbook: A Guide to the Most Appalling Presidency of the Past 100 Years by Jack Huberman,State of the World 2004 by Brian Halweil, et al,The Restoration Economy: The Greatest New Growth Frontier: Immediate & Emerging Opportunities for Businesses, Communities & Investors by Storm Cunningham,The I Hate Dick Cheney, John Ashcroft, Donald Rumsfeld, Condi Rice. . . Reader: Behind the Bush Cabal's War on America by Clint Willis ,The Old, Weird America: The World of Bob Dylan's Basement Tapes by Greil Marcus ,Environmental Science: Earth as a Living Planet by Daniel B. Botkin, Edward A. Keller,Don't Know Much About History: Everything You Need To Know About American History but Never Learned by Kenneth C. Davis,Hollywood, Interrupted: Insanity Chic in Babylon -- The Case Against Celebrity by Andrew Breitbart, Mark Ebner ,Far Appalachia : Following the New River North by Noah Adams,Introductory Mining Engineering by Howard L. Hartman, Jan M. Mutmansky,Books on the Buffalo Creek Disaster Everything in its Path by Kai Ericson,Buffalo Creek - Valley of Death by Carlene Mowerey,

Heroes: Everyone one willing to jump on board and help to save our mountains! Everyone willing to wake up and realize that you are downstream of MTR. This is your childrens future too!