Stopping mountaintop removal and global warming; promoting truly clean renewable energy, conservation and energy efficiency; exposing the myth of "clean" coal and braking the push for "coal-to-liquid; exploring need to power down.
Establishing Clean Money / Clean Elections in West Virginia.
Progressive people and groups seeking to improve the environment and society.Air breathers and water drinkers who want to continue having clean air to breathe, clean water to drink. Or obtain clean water and clean air.
Learn about mountaintop removal through music:
Falling Mountain Website
Features music by OVEC members and supporters; proceeds from sales go to OVEC and other groups working to end mountaintop removal.
"Kilowatt Ours"features OVEC members and staff.
Kilowatt Ours Website
"Black Diamonds" features OVEC members and staff.
Black Diamonds Website
"Mountain Mourning" features OVEC members and staff.
Mountain Mourning Website
OVEC members and staff have appeared on news segments about mountaintop removal including:
Sixty Minutes (twice)
CNN (live)
BBC World News
Australian, Danish, German TV news
Big Coal: The Dirty Secret Behind America's Energy Future by Jeff Goodell --features information about OVEC members and staff and an OVEC photo.
Last Child in the Woods: Saving Our Children From Nature-Deficit Disorder by Richard Louv, includes an interview with OVEC staff.
When Miners March--what a history coal miners have!
When Miners March Website
also as audio-book:
Bookshop for Audiobook
Making Democracy Work Better: Mediating Structures, Social Capital, and the Democratic Prospect by Richard A. Couto, includes an interview with OVEC staff.
Mother Jones; Granny D; Angela Davis; Dorothy Day; Gandhi; Aldo Leopold; Dedan Kimathi; Donetta Blankenship; Nelson Mandela; Saul Alinsky; Emma Goldman; Daniel Quinn; Dianne Bady; Maria Gunnoe; Julia (Judy) Bonds; David Orr; Bob Marley; Ken Saro-Wiwa; Ceasar Chavez