The Blessed Virgin Mary & The Whore of Babylon
Late last year Skanky Jane received the ultimate reward; one that any drooling rooter would fall over themselves to receive from the object of their desire. Yes, late last year, blogging superstar and hapless recipient of Skanky Jane's selfless devotion, The Artswipe , took Skanky Jane's dishwasher hand in a wedlock. As if that weren't enough of a gift, The Artswipe has once again honoured Skanky's schmaltzy attentions with this inspired artwork:
When Angus wrote " The Artswipe and Skanky Jane make a killer combination" Skanky got this mental image - an expression of her's and Arty's marital bliss:
Skanky's been lookin' everywhere for Nick Gilder's Hot Child In The City (because it's about her!) but, unable to find it, has instead added this ol' 70's clip o' the Nickster doin' his thing!
Nick Gilder - Hot Child In The City via
Wanna know more about Nick Gilder's song Hot Child in the City from the 1978 City Nights album? See SongfactsThe POPularity of Skanky JaneWondering why Skanky Jane is so damn popular? Wish you had as many Myspace friends as she? Well here's the answer - a neat trick that will make you just as popular as Skanky Jane! You get your three friends to make up other profiles and then add them! Too easy! Pretty soon you'll be top of the pops Myspace style! And if you don't have any Myspace friends (besides Tom) then you can make the extra profiles and add yourself!
Press play or select a song with the to hear music that's important to Skanky Jane. You too can get one of these MySpace Music Players at MyFlashFetish .com.
The Holy Bible & Skanky Jane's Bargain Box & The Artswipe & The Amazing Realms of Prof. Kurt S. Jacobi
Wanting to better herself and inspired by The Artswipe's eloquence to do so, SJ went to the local thrift store to buy a book. What do you know but she found three that appealed so much she thought they might have been written just for her: