My name is Astro. The Mighty Atom!
I was created by Dr. Boyton, the Minister of Science. He made me to look like his son Toby, who was left unsupervised and died in a car crash. Poor Toby. He must have been a pretty great kid. Dr Boynton went through a lot of trouble to make me, but I guess I wasn’t enough. He said some pretty mean things to me and disowned me. Then I kind of accidentally joined a robot circus, where they weren’t very nice to me either. But luckily I was rescued by Dr. Elefun. He is the greatest! He took me in and showed me how I could use my powers to fight evil, and he even made me my own robot family so I wouldn’t be lonely! My sister Uran is a real handful though.
I have SEVEN powers, but I shouldn’t tell you what they are in case you are a bad guy. I will say that I have 100,000 horsepower, jet arms and legs, laser fingers, some pretty deluxe eyes. When I eat I go outside and open my chest and all the food just falls right out on the ground and then I laser it with my finger. Invite me over for dinner- there won’t be any clean-up!
I was also built with a huge heart and even though I am a robot, I do have some human emotions. I’m glad I can help humans and protect them from evil forces, but sometimes I wish I would grow up and become AstroMAN, if you know what I mean. Being this young forever has its drawbacks, even with all my seven powers. At least I can just delete some of my overwhelming feelings. But why do they have to make all girl robots physically perfect? Wa wa wee wa! Let’s rocket!
Should I have a moustache installed?