Frankie, Bluescruiser profile picture

Frankie, Bluescruiser

Yo, welcome to the follow up on the Bluescruiserssite. Never planned to come down here, but I did. W

About Me

Naaldwijk local time.

********** November 9 - DVD launch Rob Orlemans & Half Past Midnight. Your Host for this evening: Frankie Bluescruiser. Yeah, from time to time I do some stage announcements too. Tis good fun this hosting and introducing stuff. ******************************************************** I like Bluesmusic a lot, but I'm not really crazy about 6-ties and 7-ties music. The worst are all these tribute bands. I do however like to drink an occasional beer too many, one habit I kept from those days. I quit smoking in the summer of 2005, and I donot feel like restarting. Ha, I even opened a savingsaccount and drop the money I used to let go up in smoke every month. Numbers are rising fast, haha! And one other good thing: I got the very best job in the world. ************ In the photocollages there's pictures of musicians, bands, Holland, friends, art, partytime, and a few of the many gardens I made during the years. If you wanna see some more of my gardenwork - with text in Dutch but also a number of photographs - have a look at

My Interests

mainly music, but I am also interested in people in general. Most of 'm, this people that is, are good fun having a conversation with.

I'd like to meet:

Most people here on MySpace seem friendly enough. Would be fun to have a party with all of them, ha! ******************************** I'd like you all to meet my friend Buddy. Find him between my top friends. He wears a green sweater. Visit his site, have fun with his adventures and read all his cartoons. ************************************ I delete friends from time to time. I see accounts that have 10's of thousands of friends. Tis impossible to stay in contact with so many people. I therefor delete friends that I never have any contact with. The ones that are on my friendslist now are all people I regularly write with, or I'm a fan of their music (haha, yes such strange things happen too.....) So, now you know why I keep dropping from 400 friends to 200&some all the time.
****************************************** And here another Jethro Tull video. Not too old but still reasonably early work. I love it.


Blues in general. Right now I listen to the Headbanging Trance Music produced by Linda and her Count, also known as Slippery When Wet. So dear listener, Hit the button of my profile song, turn your volumebutton to the far right, sit back, and drift away on the......, oh what the...., tis just great sounds, love it!! Approved by Frankie. And if you want to hear some more, visit their myspace to find some songs and also links to some musicsites where their music can be bought. Then there's the likes of Flogging Molly, 5 Shots O'Whiskey, and that's only 2 of a number of bands in my friendslist that play music that is not directly related to downhome blues but still very much worth listening to.


I donot think there are any heroes.So I will use this space to introduce some, to me, important Dutch sites. International News *** Dutch and Belgian agenda *** International Blueslinks *** and last but not least: The very best Internet Blues Radio. Check these sites out and have fun, they're Bluesproof and fully approved by Bluescruisers - Holland! m/

adopt your own virtual pet!Use your mousepointer to tickle Stekeltjes fancy, lol. Make him jump high and play ball, ha, tis fun! (No worries, you cannot hurt him, the pinned bastard is only virtual. What you can do is feed him a strawberry. Pick it up with your mousepointer en give it to him. He loves strawberries. No strawberry in sight? Click "More", and there you go!)

My Blog

Marcel Bakker terug achter de drums bij 12BBB! Jippi-jee

Persbericht 5-02-08 WONDEREN BESTAAN NOG !! Marcel Bakker, drummer van het eerste uur bij de Twelve Bar Blues Band, is terug bij de band. Nadat hij een aantal keer was ingevallen voor Eric, die met sp...
Posted by Frankie, Bluescruiser on Tue, 05 Feb 2008 11:12:00 PST

Smile! Tis good fa yo!

Took this one from "the Times of Malta" - newspaper. Couldn't help myself, had to share it. Read and remember: Smile, it's good for you Smiling is a great way to make yourself stand out whil...
Posted by Frankie, Bluescruiser on Tue, 29 Jan 2008 09:28:00 PST


27 december - 30th wedding anniversary. And still in love, ha!  ...
Posted by Frankie, Bluescruiser on Thu, 27 Dec 2007 04:52:00 PST

The legendary HOAX at The Moulin BLues Festival 2008

Last night we went to ospel for the Moulin Blues Christmas 2007 edition. Twas a grand feast wtih young and definately coming Big Blind from Holland, a band that plays in the Lester Butler traditi...
Posted by Frankie, Bluescruiser on Mon, 24 Dec 2007 02:19:00 PST

In Dutch - 3/11//2007 Verslag Festival - Blues aan Zee - Monster

"Uitverkocht" was er te lezen op de website van de stichting Blues aan Zee, al geruime tijd voor 3 november. Mede dankzij de consequente inzet van deze stichting leeft de blues in de regio en zo'...
Posted by Frankie, Bluescruiser on Thu, 29 Nov 2007 11:55:00 PST

Frank Zappa Straat in Berlijn

Uit Berlijn eert Frank Zappa met straat Uitgegeven: 30 juli 2007 19:27 Laatst gewijzigd: 30 juli 2007 19:28 AMSTERDAM - In Berlijn is een straat vernoemd naar de legendarische rockster Fran...
Posted by Frankie, Bluescruiser on Mon, 30 Jul 2007 01:10:00 PST

Esta Musica, and from top shelf too!

Culture?? Culture!! Hit link, sit back and enjoy. Oh, you might as well turn up the volume a little.    ...
Posted by Frankie, Bluescruiser on Sun, 24 Jun 2007 07:36:00 PST

12 Bar Blues Band Live at NixBBB club Enschede Holland.

"  12 Bar Blues Band My personal favourite Dutch Bluesband. Pity there's not more moving pictures to find on these guys so far.  ...
Posted by Frankie, Bluescruiser on Sun, 27 May 2007 12:48:00 PST

Doug MacLeod bij Jan Pet op 29 maart

Sponsored by Frankie Bluescruiser's Nature Gardens Hit:  for more on Doug.    ...
Posted by Frankie, Bluescruiser on Tue, 20 Mar 2007 08:50:00 PST


drumsolo? Click link, sit back and enjoy. I love it! May well be a good idea to open the volume just a little bit more, ha, ha! Found this while surfing the MySpace but I lost track of the site where...
Posted by Frankie, Bluescruiser on Sun, 11 Mar 2007 09:41:00 PST