TWELVE BAR BLUES BAND profile picture



About Me

The TWELVE BAR BLUES BAND was the surprise of the Dutch blues scene in 2006. Within this first year of existence, the band already was precent on most of all the important stages in the Netherlands and commanded respect with impressive "down to earth blues". The first CD of the band: "The Blues Has Got Me" released in april 2006 immediatley become "CD of the month" at many blues radio stations and recently the CD was chosen as "Blues-CD of the year 2006" by one of the most importent blues sites in the Netherlands. Franky Bluescruiser (NL): "They're terrific!! 12BBB definitely is the best bluesband of the Netherlands". Currently 12BBB is discovered by the American market and the band is hounoured to receive overwhelming reactions from the land where the blues was invented. DWM Music: "This is the best electric blues we've heard in a while." The band is leaded by supertandem Jan J. Scherpenzeel also known as J.J. Sharp (lead vocals & harmonica) and Kees Dusink (lead & slide guitar) both blues veterans who already play the blues their whole life. It is seen as the perfect combination on stage but also as composers. They together wrote 7 of 8 numbers for the CD: "The Blues Has Got Me". People waited for years to see both musicians in one band. Kees Dusink is a great blues guitar player with an unequalled sound. He is able to express the deepest, almost touchable bluesfeelings straight from his heart, moving the audience deeply. He also is a marvellous slide guitarist. This adds thrilling variations to the sound of the band. Jan J. Scherpenzeel (JJ Sharp) is considered as one of the best blues singers in the Netherlands and he is a born entertainer on stage. He has a whiskey soaked warm voice, dealing in great emotions and in addition he is a excellent harmonica player. The great sound of the band is also created by the fantastic rhythm section, existing of Jörgen Schuurman (rhythm guitar), Patrick "Sideburn" Obrist (bass) and Marcel Bakker (drums). They transform each groove to a real work of art. The formula is based on simplicity and openess, but it is solid as a rock.

My Interests


Member Since: 1/26/2007
Band Website:
Band Members: Jan J. Scherpenzeel (JJ Sharp) - Lead Vocals & Harmonica / Kees Dusink - Lead & Slide Guitar / Jörgen Schuurman - Rhythm Guitar / Patrick "Sideburn" Obrist - Bass / "Wild" Marcel Bakker - Drums -myspace
layouts: Free MySpace layouts
Since "The Blues Has Got Me" has been discovered by US Blues Radiostations we frequently are asked for instructions how to order the CD for US residents.Of course we are very honoured, people in US (but also in many other parts of the world) are interested in our music. We are happy to announce the US Company DWM Music sells our CD to the American market. DWM offers an easy way to buy the CD via the Internet.The CD also can be ordered via our own distribution channel (, but in that case an extra amount for intercontinental forwarding-charges has to be invoiced.
Influences: Chicago Blues
Sounds Like:
Record Label: TRAMP RECORDS TRCD9935 (Amsterdam The Netherlands)
Type of Label: Major

My Blog

CD Recensie (B)

Twelve Bar Blues Band - E-mail From Heaven   Hoe kan een traditionele bluesband zich anders noemen dan 'Twelve Bar Bluesband'. Logischer kan het bijna haast niet en dat moeten ook Jan J. Scherpe...
Posted by TWELVE BAR BLUES BAND on Thu, 29 May 2008 02:50:00 PST

New CD Twelve Bar Blues Band !!

NEW CD of THE TWELVE BAR BLUES BAND "E-mail From Heaven"  Since the Twelve Bar Blues Band made their amazing start in 2005, the band commanded respect with impressive down to earth blues on many...
Posted by TWELVE BAR BLUES BAND on Fri, 25 Apr 2008 06:05:00 PST