neighbors cat and snow |
Okay so the neighbors leave their mangy scruffy cat outside all the time. He/she even gets left out in this single-digit cold that we have. So the cat has taken to nesting down in my ivy jungle by the... Posted by Rebel Dog on Fri, 22 Dec 2006 06:39:00 PST |
mom makes herself sad |
She looks at and sees all the babies out there without homes and suddenly feels sad and wants to get one. I know i'm not ready for another of me in the house, so she says we'll wait ... Posted by Rebel Dog on Wed, 20 Dec 2006 09:35:00 PST |
door-to-door salesmen |
Mom says when she was a kid it was common to have people knock on your door to sell you things. It was also common to be OK to buy homebaked or receive hommade goods from strangers. But not so much no... Posted by Rebel Dog on Tue, 19 Dec 2006 05:24:00 PST |
The kitchen is most wonderful! |
Oh my dog!!! The kitchen is the most wonderful of places to be in the house when it is active! Mom was cooking dinner after getting groceries. SHe made some pasta stuff with a red sauce full of sasuag... Posted by Rebel Dog on Mon, 18 Dec 2006 04:51:00 PST |
Today we walked in the park! |
Today mom put my collar on me and grabbed the leash. We are supposed to do daily walks as part of my P.T. but haven't been doing it in the cold cold weather we've had. The sun was out and she was feel... Posted by Rebel Dog on Sun, 17 Dec 2006 02:58:00 PST |
My mom says I'm the best dog ever, Charlie Brown! |
?I stole er, um, copied this from my mom's blog. She posted it about me so I figured it was safe to copy and share with my pup pals. She really loves me a lot and I love her even more! Keep it real! ~... Posted by Rebel Dog on Fri, 15 Dec 2006 06:17:00 PST |
my santa photos |
Mom still doesn't have her scanner hooked up so she tried to take a photo of the photos of Foto (me)........say that 3 times really fast!!! BOL!!!
Again, I must remind you that santa was being impost... Posted by Rebel Dog on Sun, 10 Dec 2006 08:42:00 PST |
I feel cheated!!! |
SO mom took me on a trip today. We headed north so I knew we weren't going to the Dr.'s office (which is south over the freeway and besides its saturday). Apparently Petsmart was our destination. I wa... Posted by Rebel Dog on Sun, 10 Dec 2006 04:34:00 PST |
dogs welcome here! |
"Dogs Welcome" A man wrote a letter to a small hotel in a Midwest town he planned to visit on his vacation. He wrote: I would very much like to bring my dog wi... Posted by Rebel Dog on Sun, 26 Nov 2006 07:44:00 PST |
I'm officially addicted |
I call to order a gathering for Myspaceaholics! Posted by Rebel Dog on Sun, 19 Nov 2006 10:11:00 PST |