God's Property profile picture

God's Property

I am here for Friends

About Me

................... HELLO TO EVERYONE: I am the first of five children born to a wonderful mother and father and I am the mother of five children and seven grandchildren. They are my pride and joy and if I had it to do all over and again, I would have the same [5] and experience the same joys, woes, pain, troubles, heartache that I have experienced, because this is what life is about. Going thru the perils of life and learning to live and depend on the God Almighty because truly He is worthy of all the praise. I was reared in a spiritual environment and this is because of my mother and her background and her inspirations. She involved us in every aspect of the "church" that she possibly could and not just the type of mother that would send you....NO, she took us!!! We went to Sunday school, bible study, choir practice, youth meetings, vacation bible school, prayer meetings, revivals, 5th Sunday District meetings and association conferences [hated that!!---lasted too long], and any thing else that came up. Fund raisers, selling dinners; etc. WE WERE INVOLVED!!! At that time, I didn't realize what she was instilling into our lives, but I do now and I truly thank her for it, because through those times she was giving us a "FOUNDATION" for the Lord. I think that she really centered a lot of her time and attention specifically on me because I was the one who had to take piano lessoins, who had to attend her to the extra church services, to the extra conferences and anything extra that she went to (even though sometimes I would stay in the car and sleep). I would be so mad because I didn't want to go. She made me and for this I thank her. Now, I am the mother that followed in her footsteps and I too tried to instill all of this into my children. I did all of those things and for some, it stuck and for some,well,...."let's say I claim them for the kingdom and nothing shall hinder God's work in their lives." In the precious name of Jesus,... they are saved and santicified and living for the kingdom! ......
Cool Slideshows ...... I am married to a wonderful man. He is my "ROCK" and my strength. He and I have had our share of trials and tribulations and if it had not been for the love of Jesus Christ, we wouldn't have survived. He's wonderful and I thank God for Him and I would not want to be without Him in my life. I am so proud to be "HIS" wife and the mother of His children. .....pict. able ....
Cool Slideshows..... gl. cros.... ......pictrs.
Cool Slideshows ......pictrs
.......gl. cros.... .........

My Interests

THIS PAGE IS DEDICATED TO FAMILY UNITY AND LOYALTY: ________________________________________________ ----------......pictr.

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Cool Slideshows ...... The union of Husband and wife in heart, body, and mind is intended by God for their mutual joy; for the help and comfort given one another in [prosperity and adversity; and, when it is God's will, for the procreation of children and their nuture in the knowledge and love of the Lord. Therefore marriage is not to be entered into unadvisedly or lightly, but revernetly, deliberately, and in accordance with the purpose for which it was instituted by God. Into this Holy union, I, and my husband together to be joined. If any of you can show just cause why they may not be lawfully married, speak now; or else for ever hold your peace...... ...... ........ ........ ........ ......... ...........pict.
Cool Slideshows .......... ............. . ..
Cool Slideshows ...... ...... ....... I've learned that it is great to pray, but we have to learn to be still and listen. It is great and necessary to do our part by praying, but we have to learn to be still and listen to that still small voiice of Jesus!! Be still while you are waiting for an answer!! When you are feeling pressured, be still! When you are hearing too many voices of instruction...Be Still!! When you are overwhelmed, be still. Wait and listen for God's voice. You will know it. Wait---let God go before you!!!........ ...... ...... .......... ......... mY "spiritual" HERO is the Lord God....who has sustained my whole life and made it possible to exist in this sinful environment that inhabitation has polluted. In God I trust and without Him in my life, I don't know where I would be. If it had not been for the Lord on my side, "Tell me where would I be?"...... .....

I'd like to meet:

....... ........ ....... .................... ........ It is my quest to spend everlasting life with our Lord and Saviour Jesus Christ. I've laboured hard in the fields and I want my "JUST" rewards. God does lie and if "He" promises something----"He Does It!!!!" "Praise the Lord for the Blessings and the Annointing of the Holy Spirit in my life!!!" Where would I [we all be?] be without the Lord? He promised "Everlasting Life" and I choose that path AND NOTHING LESS!!!! In the secular world, I think that if I would ever like to meet anyone, it would be Maya Angelou--the beautiful lady poet; Oprah Winfrey--talk show host and entrepreneur; Tyler Perry--movie writer, director, producer & entrepreneur; Denzel Washington--actor and director; and Nelson Mandela--ex-President and activist for the cause of Aparti--the fight for equality and equal rights in areas of Africa. ...... .......SLIDE .......... ..a href=" / ................ ...... ..... ...... ............... ..... DEARLY BELOVED: We have come together in the presence of God to witness and bless the joining together of this man and this woman in Holy Matrimony. The bond and convenant of marriage was established by God in creation, and our Lord Jesus Christ adorned this manner of life by his presence at a wedding in Cana of Galiee. It signifies to us the mystery of the union between Christ and his Church, and the Holy Scripture comments it to be honored among all people. ..... .....
Cool Slideshows.........backgroI edited my profile at Freeweblayouts.net , check out these Myspace Layouts!


...... I am gifted with God's grace the talent of being a proficient pianist--I play both the organ and the piano, and a music director for two [2] local church choirs. This has been a constant in my life since I was 12 yrs. old. I sing because of the power of the annointing of the Holy Spirit in my life and will always allow the power of the "Lord" above to operate and to rule in my life in a spiritual manner that I know of and have experienced and never want to be without. I am a member of a Full Gospel Church in Coushatta, La. (although I live in another town---35 miles away), and under the leadership of an Honorable Bishop of Red River Parish and his Co-Pastor Sibley. We have a wonderful, spiritual, dynamic, on fire for God, growing congregation. I am blessed to have worked and studied under the leadership of our wonderful Minister of Music there and other great musicians. The Lord has truly blessed in this "House."My music interests are varied: I love gospel and any type of christian music. R & B is another favorite and any smooth love songs or ballads. I love the ole' boy Teddy Pendergrass, Luthor Vandross, Gerald Levert, Lennie Williams, and others. In the GOSPEL field............"JUST LOVE IT ALL!!!!!!!"






.......... I am a motivated reader. Just love to read!!! I love the computer and spend a lot of time on it. Everything I know about it was self taught. I spend a lot of quiet time with my husband and my family. I've begun to dabble a bit in poetry and I really enjoy finding just how easily the words just seem to fall out of my head so easily and just how beautiful the words are on a piece of paper and how abstract the words can be and still have so much meaning.


Cool Slideshows ......... My earthly hero was/is my Daddy. He died about 7 years ago and it was the most fateful and "MOST horrible day of my life. It was so unexpected and I miss him so much. He was the "ROCK" of our family and could never be replaced. He had a massive coronary {heart attack} with no warning and went home to live with Jesus and did not suffer. He never wanted to be an invalid on no one's hand and God granted him his wish...."He died instantly." My Daddy...Fate Hooper, Jr.{better known as "Bub-ba"}, was a "Man-Above-Men" in my life and will never be forgotten. Daddy was a "Jack-of-all-Trades" and a Master of Many. He was well known and loved by everybody and is missed greatly. He a was lineman for one of the local electrical companies in our town and left a lot of his knowledge to "his" sons and most of his wit to me. He was very "gifted" in various areas---one of which was "woodwork." He loved jewelry. We used to tell him that if he was ever in jeopardy of drowning, make sure that he held his hands up and let them go down last......"HE WORE TWO GOLD RINGS ON EACH FINGER.."WELL WEIGHTED DOWN." SLEEP ON DADDY...WE LOVE YOU, BUT GOD LOVED YOU BEST AND CAME AND TOOK HIS FLOWER HOME WITH HIM....... ......
Myspace Quotes .. ........ ...... ...... ...... ..... ...... ...... ..... My subsequent hero is a "FRIEND" that I have known most of my junior high and high school years and has been my best friend, my confidante, and if things had been different in each of our lives---could have been my "Husband" "Our" children grew up as close friends and we have remained "BEST FRIENDS" even though there have been some really "tyring" episodes in our lifetime. If one would ever have a "soul-mate," this is my soul mate. Many times our friendship has been tested and misunderstood because people just cannot understand and accept that a man and a woman can be "JUST FRIENDS!?!?!?" ...... .........

Get Your Sexy Name

My Blog


To Glorify God:In view of God's mercy, I offer my body as a living sacrifice, holy and pleasing to God  this is my spiritual act of worship. It is [not in my own strength]; for it is You, Lord, Who a...
Posted by God's Property on Sat, 10 Nov 2007 09:53:00 PST


Accept Nothing Less -- Author Unknownanything less than the best would be un-civilized,take pride that you are worth more than what rests,between your thighs,make them fall in love with your eyes,the ...
Posted by God's Property on Tue, 23 Oct 2007 01:53:00 PST

Velvet Vision

..>..> ..> ..>..>..> ..> ..>..> ..> Greetings Everybody   re: A Dear Friend Of Mine     You see, more money did not bring greater happiness, although the prosperity was a welco...
Posted by God's Property on Sun, 11 Feb 2007 04:35:00 PST

God's Word in Scriptures/Bishop Crawford

Bishop Gregory Crawford, Fellowship of Believers MinistriesChurch Web-site: www.ourchurch.com/member/f/FOBCCDeuteronomy 28:12, The LORD will open the heavens, the storehouse of his bounty, to send rai...
Posted by God's Property on Wed, 30 May 2007 09:42:00 PST

Let It Go

  LET IT GO FOR 2006.. BY T.D. JAKES There are people who can walk away from you. And hear me when I tell you this! When people can walk away from you: let them walk. I don't want you to try to t...
Posted by God's Property on Wed, 09 May 2007 10:31:00 PST

The Real Meaning of Easter

..>   From:  BISHOP CRAWFORD Date: Apr 6, 2007 9:36 PM Subject A Word from the Pulpit...The Real Meaning of Easter Body: Bishop Gregory Crawford, Fellowship of Believers Ministries...
Posted by God's Property on Sat, 07 Apr 2007 10:20:00 PST

From: Princess/One of myspace friends:

DIRECTIONS HOME I really like this one. Someone spent a lot of time on this... I THOUGHT THIS WAS NEAT ,//// ........, ___________*'o oo`* /__/ _/.._ ____/.. ```)"(''' | | | | | | | || |l+-+-+-+-|,,.-...
Posted by God's Property on Thu, 05 Apr 2007 05:15:00 PST

Phenomenal Woman

..> This brings to mind how I am feeling right now.  Sometimes you have to encourage yourselves. ..> ..> PHENOMENAL WOMAN by Maya Angelou Pretty women wonder where my secret lies I'm not...
Posted by God's Property on Thu, 08 Mar 2007 02:45:00 PST

Survey About Me

..> ..> ..>..> ..>..> ..> ..>..>..> ..>..> ..> ..START BZOINK.COM SURVEY CODE> ..> ..>..> ..> A-B-C's and more! 1. How Many People have Viewed your Profile??: 192 or more A- AREA CODE ...
Posted by God's Property on Thu, 25 Jan 2007 01:06:00 PST

None Needed

..> ..> ..> ..> ..> Learning to encourage myself.  God didn't bring me this far to leave me, and He has never forsaken me. I had a many discouraging moments in these 52 years and i...
Posted by God's Property on Tue, 23 Jan 2007 01:43:00 PST