I like listening to www.kexp.org , who broadcast music from the northwest and a mix of other music from around the states and around the world.
Some of my favorites bands are Block Party, Franz Ferdinand, Clap Your Hands and Say Yeah, Artic Monkey, Animal Collective, The Long Winters, The Decemberists, Sherwood, The Shins, Gorillaz, Nada Surf, Maroon 5, Cake, Marcy Playground, Eminem, Sonic Youth, Better Than Ezra, Jurassic 5,Band of Horses, Arcade Fire, Axe River Boy, XTC, Modest Mouse, Muse, Tokyo Police Club, Radiohead, Spocks Beard, The Blakes, Deep Blue Something, the White Strips.
I also really love Techno, House, Break Beat and any thing spin.
I've also been into classical music since a young age and have seen many great concerts by the New Orleans and Pittsburgh symphony and performers including, Arturo Sandoval, Yo Yo Ma, Gypsy Kings,Yoko Hiraoka and Nora Jones as of recent history. Went to see many musicals as a young adult.
Some new bands I have started listening to lately are Pineapple Thief, Keane and Snow Patrol.
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I love to sail, birdwatch, hike, camp, fish, inline skate, snorkel, bike, canoe, & cook.
I like to travel to new places and meet new people. 3rd world adventures.
Music and art of all kinds.
Learning about different cultures and cyberspace.
I’m not much on tourist destinations.
I love to eat local cuisine not national chains.
Anything water, flora and fauna
Looking for people who like and know how to sail and who enjoying, fishing, bird watching, hiking, camping, kayaking, inline skating, snorkeling and bike riding. Want to meet new people around the world and learn more about their life styles and culture. I’m open to any new adventures and love to try new things. Music is the way to my heart.
You Are a Rainbow
Breathtaking and rare.
You are totally enchanting and intriguing.
But you usually don't stick around long!
You are best known for: your beauty.
Your dominant state: seducing.
You Are An ENFJ
The Giver
You strive to maintain harmony in relationships, and usually succeed.
Articulate and enthusiastic, you are good at making personal connections.
Sometimes you idealize relationships too much - and end up being let down.
You find the most energy and comfort in social situations ... where you shine.
In love, you are very protective and supporting.
At work, you are a natural leader. You can help people discover their greatest potential.
You would make a good writer, human resources director, or psychologist.
How you see yourself: Trusting, idealistic, and expressive
Your Inner Color is Orange
Your Personality: A total daredevil, you'll try any thrill. You're easily bored and you prefer to be on the go.
You in Love: You see love as an adventure, and you find most men dull. You need someone who challenges you!
Your Career: Your ideal job is flexible, fun, and maybe a little dangerous. You have the makings of a private investigator or extreme athlete.
You are Totally Realistic
"Romance" means you're about to roll your eyes.
Seriously, you can do without the sap or drama.
Save it for someone who has nothing really going on in their relationship.
For you, love is real - and easily integrated into your life.
You don't need candles, flowers, or chocolates to know he's the one.
Just some stimulating conversation... and maybe a great smile.
Air You are the Air that maintains life, and what keeps everything grounded. The most intellectual of all elemental signs, you could hold a conversation all night with out ever losing your parties interest. You are highly versatile, and extremely adaptable to new situations. Highly opinionated, you often try to get others to follow your views. You love the arts, and are probably very artistically inclined yourself. You love everything that beholds beauty, and you seek out harmony with every aspect of your life. You are the life of any party, you could talk for hours about any subject! Being the element of Air you are: assertive, independent, progressive, analytical, original, inventive, strong dislikes, and firm opinions. Things to be cautious of: you are prone to accidents while traveling, especially while in the Air, fickle nature at times that arouses anger in others, which you often misjudge, you have problems with love due to the fact that you are too indecisive and at other times are too easy to fall in love, which causes anger and disappointment, you are often under attack by narrow-minded people because of innovation, unconventional ways of life, and eccentricities, and you also have a tendency to get into unusual situations and make friends with some "oddball individuals.
Your Dominant Intelligence is Spatial Intelligence
You've got a good sense of space and how the world around you looks.
You can close your eyes and "see" images. You have innate artistic talent.
An eye for color and shapes, you're also a natural designer.
Since you think in pictures, visual aids and demonstartions help you learn best.
You would make a good navigator, sculptor, visual artist, inventor, architect, interior designer, or engineer.
You are The Empress
Beauty, happiness, pleasure, success, luxury, dissipation.
The Empress is associated with Venus, the feminine planet, so it represents, beauty, charm, pleasure, luxury, and delight. You may be good at home decorating, art or anything to do with making things beautiful.
The Empress is a creator, be it creation of life, of romance, of art or business.
Your Passion is Yellow
You're a total sexual shape shifter.
You possess a complex sex drive and are very adaptable.
Of all the colors, you are the most likely to be bisexual.
While you're the most passionate, you are very open minded.
What Your Handwriting Says About You
You are highly energetic. You are a passionate, intense, vigorous person.
You range from very outgoing to very shy. You are a shapeshifter who is very versatile. You adapt well, and you look at things from many angles.
You don't need a lot of space, and you prefer to spend time with others. You are a little nosy and intrusive.
You are somewhat traditional, but you are also open to change. You listen to your head and your heart.
You Act Like You Are 20 Years Old
You are a twentysomething at heart. You feel like an adult, and you're optimistic about life.
You feel excited about what's to come... love, work, and new experiences.
You're still figuring out your place in the world and how you want your life to shape up.
The world is full of possibilities, and you can't wait to explore many of them.
What Age Do You Act?
The Recipe For Wanderlust
3 parts Drive
2 parts Understanding
1 part Tease
Splash of Attractiveness
Limit yourself to one serving. This cocktail is strong!
What's the Recipe for Your Personality?
Your Life Path Number is 4
Your purpose in life is to build your vision.
You are practical and responsible. You work hard, knowing that there are no shortcuts in life.
You work for a better life for yourself and those you love, but you are not an idealist.
Trustworthy and honest, you also demonstrate great courage. People can count on you.
In love, you are a loyal and committed partner. You are the ideal spouse.
You don't give up easily, and sometimes you can be too stubborn and unwilling to change.
You also can be too conservative at times. You sometime miss out on good opportunities.
Also remember that not everyone can work as hard as you, as disappointing as that is!
What Is Your Life Path Number?
Your EQ is 153
Two possibilities - you've either out "Dr. Phil-ed" Dr. Phil... or you're a dirty liar.
Seriously though, your whole "Don't Worry, Be Happy" philosophy is really what defines emotional intelligence.
You're warm, open, and very optimistic. You know how to act appropriately, even if you don't feel like it.
You are a good communicator, and you have little difficulty with personal relationships - even when you're dealing with difficult people.
In general, you are successful, capable, together person. You get what you want out of life.
What's Your EQ (Emotional Intelligence Quotient)?
Your Brain is 33% Female, 67% Male
You have a total boy brain
Logical and detailed, you tend to look at the facts
And while your emotions do sway you sometimes...
You never like to get feelings too involved
What Gender Is Your Brain?
Your Dominant Thinking Style: Modifying
Super logical and rational, you consider every fact available to you.
You don't make rash decisions and are rarely moved by emotion.
You prefer what's known and proven - to the new and untested.
You tend to ground those around you and add stability.
What's Your Thinking Style?
This is why I love sailing
I dont do TV. Too much real life to experience!!
I love to sail, birdwatch, hike, camp, fish, inline skate, snorkel, bike, canoe, & cook.
I like to travel to new places and meet new people. 3rd world adventures.
Music and art of all kinds.
Learning about different cultures and cyberspace.
I’m not much on tourist destinations.
I love to eat local cuisine not national chains.
Anything water, flora and fauna
I am reading many at this time including A New Earth by Eckhart Tolle and Change Your Thoughts Change Your Life and The Power of Intention by Wayne Dwyer.
1. Be Impeccable With Your Word
Speak with integrity. Say only what you mean. Avoid using the word to speak against yourself or to gossip about others. Use the power of your word in the direction of truth and love.
2. Don't Take Anything Personally
Nothing others do is because of you. What others say and do is a projection of their own reality, their own dream. When you are immune to the opinions and actions of others, you won't be the victim of needless suffering.
3. Don't Make Assumptions
Find the courage to ask questions and to express what you really want. Communicate with others as clearly as you can to avoid misunderstandings, sadness and drama. With just this one agreement, you can completely transform your life.
4. Always Do Your Best
Your best is going to change from moment to moment; it will be different when you are healthy as opposed to sick. Under any circumstance, simply do your best, and you will avoid self-judgment, self-abuse and regret.
People who can love themselves.