ScottRocks profile picture


Seize The Day and Rock On!

About Me

My name is Scott Hamilton.
(This is my name in Mandarin, thanks to Yu-Qun Wu.)
I consider myself a philosophical scientist.
Young at heart yet logical, positive and passionate.
Since I have to work to stay in paradise, I am the Programming and Operations Manager for 7 radio stations in the Florida Keys: WFKZ/WAIL SUN Classic Rock for the Keys on 99.5 & 103.1 , WCTH Thunder Country 100.3 and WKEZ/WKEY Key-Z FM on 93.5 & 96.9 , WEOW 92.7 and WKWF Sports Radio 1600 .
Click HERE to listen live to Sun 103.1
Listen to me on this stream Monday - Friday 10am-3pm and seven nights a week, 10pm-11pm. All times Eastern.
Click HERE to listen live to Thunder Country 100.3
Click HERE to listen live to WEOW 92.7
Click HERE to listen live to Key-Z FM
Listen Monday evenings to the "In The Water" Radio Show, 6p-7p Live from The Pilot House in Key Largo.
Visit their MySpace pages:
The rest of the time I am driving with the top down, playing in the water, watching movies, listening to tunes, cooking, building websites, playing games, going to concerts, eating out, exploring anime, reading and traveling.
(Sometimes I perform combinations of those at the same time!)
I also have a "professional" page on MySpace: .
Please visit and let me know what you think.
I am currently building my own website full of CD and DVD reviews at . I have not had much opportunity to update it lately due to upgrading my main pc. Expect some major updates very soon.
While living on Grand Cayman Island, I fell in love with scuba diving. I have logged over 200 dives!
These days, the weather is nice, the top is is good!
Click on the flag for more about where I live:
Various "Rock Star" Pictures... yes, I had long hair in the 90's.
Various pictures of my "kids":

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I dare anyone to post ANYTHING more embarrassing than this!
Welcome to my college years, 1984-1988:
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click here

My Interests

My page is graphically intense! Please let it fully load for the best browsing experience. If a picture, band name or link is clickable, it will take you somewhere fun.

Music, Movies, Scuba Diving, Computers, Cooking, Games, Martial Arts, Philosophy, Science, Art, Nature, Travel, Astronomy, Books, Current Events, Pop Culture, Anime, Cyberspace, Digital Video Editing, DVD Creation, Sudoku and lately I have been investigating String Theory in Quantum Physics.

Here are links to some of my favorite things:
my frazy : music , movies and books !

~Click Here for the Astronomy Pic of the Day~

HTML Hit Counter

I'd like to meet:

The people who designed: the BMW Z3 Roadster, 5.1 surround sound (preferably DTS), Icees/Slurpees, Maui Jim sunglasses, Hershey's Chocolate Syrup, Nestle's Quick, Haagen Daas Chocolate-Chocolate Chip ice cream, Senseo coffee, Rain X, self-warming lotion and stadium-seating movie theaters.

There are a few others I would like to meet (or wish I could have met):

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I would like to meet YOU:

You have been marked on my profile map!

I would like to meet the team behind the New Horizons mission to study Pluto, Charon and objects in the Kyper Belt! Launched on 19 January 2006, it's closeup fly-by will be 14 July 2015. Click Here for the official site.

Planning a dive trip on the West Coast?
Check out my buddy Scuba Sue

My Top Friends below are in alphabetical order, based on the first letters in their screen name. FYI [;-)


From the classics to the cutting edge. Classical, Jazz (most styles), Rock (all kinds), Pop (all kinds), etc. (Some but very little Opera, Rap or Country.)

Currently in heavy "shuffle" rotation on my iPod:
(By no means a complete list, there isn't room for that!)

Porcupine Tree , Rush , Pink Floyd, Dreams So Real , Tool , Led Zeppelin, Queen, Steely Dan , The Cure , U2 , R.E.M. , A Perfect Circle , Linkin Park , Evanescence , Sevendust , Godsmack , Widespread Panic , Harry Nilsson , drivin' n' cryin' , Yes, Peter Gabriel , Damon Johnson , Brother Cane , Foo Fighters , Marillion , Fish , The Why Store , Queensryche , The Smiths , Morrissey , Nine Inch Nails , Andrea Bocelli, Enya, Clannad , Loreena McKinnett , Stevie Ray Vaughan, Los Lonely Boys , Incubus , Bob Marley, Lyle Lovett, Spinal Tap , Tenacious D , Seether , The Black Crowes , The Cult , Disturbed , Korn , Staind , Cool For August , Boy Hits Car , Snow Patrol , Dark New Day , Opeth , Blind Guardian , Stone Sour , Dragonforce , Lacuna Coil , Riverside , Blackfield , Aghora , Thought Chamber , The Third Ending

My buddy Bryn
turned me on to a music site you should check out: . By downloading a small file, the site tracks all the of music you listen to on your PC and/or iPod. It creates charts that track your top artists, songs and more. If you click on a chart it will take you to my page on the site, with more detailed info.

It is free! But, if you pay $3 a month it does even more. Check it out by clicking on a chart.

The site began recording all of my "plays" June 1, 2006.

Now Playing:

My Top Artists played last week:

My Top Artists played since June 1, 2006:

Check out some local artists who rock:


Stereo Underground


I love movies! Working in a video store in the mid-80's, I got the idea to collect...then I would always have something to watch. I had over 500 VHS when I started making the move to DVD. My DVD collection has grown to obscene proportions since 1997.
Some Favorites:
The Lord Of The Rings Trilogy, the Star Wars series, the Blade Trilogy, Serenity, Donnie Darko, The Big Chill, Requiem For A Dream, Pi, The Fountain, Breakfast Club, Citizen Kane, This is Spinal Tap, American Werewolf In London, The Sure Thing, The Big Blue, Blade Runner, Eternal Sunshine For The Spotless Mind, The Matrix, Best In Show, Dark City, The Princess Bride, Crouching Tiger Hidden Dragon, Fight Club, The Abyss, The Day The Earth Stood Still, Being John Malkovich, Young Frankenstein, The Usual Suspects, The Crow, Altered States, 12 Monkeys, Body Heat, Close Encounters Of The Third Kind, The One, The Fisher King, Big Trouble In Little China, Unleashed, Harold & Kumar Go To White Castle, Leon/The Professional, Pulp Fiction, Chocolat, Good Morning Vietnam, The Seventh Seal, Braveheart, Dune, Sin City, Alien, Aliens, To Live and Die in LA, Beetlejuice, Sixteen Candles, Kill Bill 1&2, Say Anything, Chasing Amy, Equilibrium, Amelie, The Big Hit, Angel Heart, Raising Arizona, Monty Python and the Holy Grail, Hellboy, Galaxy Quest, Monty Python's The Meaning Of Life, Desperado, Highlander, Bullitt, Logan's Run, Event Horizon, Tank Girl, Shaun Of The Dead, The Lost Boys, Identity, Ghostbusters, Pleasantville, Seven, Hero, The Tao Of Steve, Clerks (1 & 2), Little Shop Of Horrors, The Seven Samauri, High Fidelity, Dogma, La Femme Nikita, 28 Days Later, Three Kings, The Incredibles, Underworld, Jacob's Ladder, The Rocky Horror Picture Show, Slam Dance, Creator, L.A. Story, Syriana, Munich, Jet Li's Fearless, The Prestige, Pan's Labyrinth, Children Of Men, 300, Blood Diamond, the Toy Story movies, the Shrek movies, the X-Men movies, the Die Hard trilogy, the Bourne movies, the Harry Potter movies, the Lethal Weapon movies, all James Bond movies...
and/or just about any movie by: Darren Aronofsky, Akira Kurosawa, David Fincher, Terry Gilliam, David Lynch, Ridley Scott, Peter Jackson, Steven Spielberg, Sam Raimi, John Woo, John Landis, Spike Jonze, Cameron Crowe, Masamune Shirow, Kevin Smith, Hayao Miyazaki, Tim Burton, Christopher Guest, Robert Rodriguez, Kurt Wimmer, Richard Kelly, Wes Anderson, Danny Boyle, James Cameron, Guillermo Del Toro, Alex Proyas, Harold Ramis, Bryan Singer, George Miller, Takashi Shimizu, Yimou Zhang, David Mamet, Michel Gondry, Tony Scott, Paul W.S. Anderson, Mel Brooks, Edgar Wright and Takashi Miike.
Click here to see my growing
Scott-buster Collection of DVDs
My Favorite Anime titles:

Akira, Battle Angel, Blue Gender, Blue Submarine No.6, Cowboy Bebop, Escaflowne, Full Metal Alchemist, Gasaraki, Ghost In The Shell, Grave Of The Fireflies, Gungrave, The Guyver, Jin-Roh, Key: The Metal Idol, Macross Plus, Mobile Suit Gundam Wing, Neon Genesis Evangelion, Ninja Scroll, Peacemaker, Phantom Quest Corp, Samurai Champloo, Serial Experiments Lain, Sol Bianca, Spirited Away, Texhnolyze. They Were Eleven, Trigun, Vampire Hunter D, Voices Of A Distant Star


I never watch TV in real time, I "timeshift" with my DVR (Tivo). 90% of what I record is on HDTV channels. (It would be 100% if SciFi, BBC America and FX were in HD!)

Currently Recording:

24 , Dexter, Boston Legal, House, Grey's Anatomy, Nip/Tuck, Battlestar Galactica , Penn & Teller's Bullshit, Real Time with Bill Mahr, The Colbert Report, Eureka, Weeds, Family Guy, American Dad, Supernatural, Doctor Who, Bones, Criminal Minds, Mythbusters, Lost, Heroes, The Dresden Files.

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All-Time Favorites:

Firefly, Life On Mars (BBC) , M*A*S*H, Star Trek (Original, Next Gen, Enterprise), X-Files, WKRP In Cincinnati, Hill Street Blues, NYPD Blue, The Prisoner, Babylon 5, Buffy/Angel, Highlander, Farscape, Northern Exposure, Lexx, News Radio, Space 1999, UFO, Lost In Space, The Office (BBC), Kung Fu, Carl Sagan's Cosmos.


Lately I have been reading Chuck Palahnuik , Jeff Lindsay, Lau Tzu, Philip K. Dick, Jean-Paul Sartre, Benjamin Hoff, Clive Barker, Neil Gaiman, Stephen Baxter, Arthur C. Clarke, J.R.R. Tolkien, Kevin J. Anderson , Kurt Vonnegut, Richard Preston, J.K. Rowling, H.P. Lovecraft, Hunter S. Thompson, William S. Burroughs, Jeff Long, Dean Koontz , Jack McDevitt, Dan Brown, F. Paul Wilson and Gary Williams .
Magazines: Wired, PC Gamer & OXM
2 PCs and an iMac for my various hobbies...not to mention the Xbox. But, all work and no play makes Scott a dull boy!
Now Playing:
UFO-Extraterrestrials (pc)
Command & Conquer 3 (pc)
Night Watch (pc)
Rebelstar Tactical Command (gba)
Final Fantasy III (ds)
Far Cry Instincts (xbox)
Painkiller: Hell Wars (xbox)
Black (xbox)
Command & Conquer: The First Decade (pc)
Civilization 4 (pc)
Age Of Empires (ds)
Brain Age (ds)
Sudoku Gridmaster (ds)
Gladius (xbox)
Stubbs The Zombie (xbox)
My Most Played Videogmes of All Time:
X-Com (1-2) (pc)
Civilization (1-4) (pc)
Diablo (1-2) (pc)
Halo (1-2) (xbox)
Command & Conquer Generals (pc)
Doom (1-3) (pc/xbox)
Duke Nukem (pc)
Age Of Empires (1-3) (pc)
Gladius (xbox)
Wing Commander (1-4) (pc)
Star Wars: X-Wing/Tie Fighter (pc)
Final Fantasy (1-9) (pc/ps)
Half-Life (1-2) (pc)


Mom, Dad (You will always be missed!), Charlie & Shirley (at least you and Dad are together now).

In my eyes, today's heroes are those who strive for truth in a world of blurred reality, media overkill and revisionist history. Lately that list has included Bill Mahr and Penn & Teller, just to name a few.

My sensei, Yuki Koda

His spirit lives on!

Click here for info on Brandon and Bruce

My Blog

The Whole Bloody Affair in November?

Announcement By Roger Yip FIRST PUBLISHED Jun 22, 2007 Ever since 2005, writer/director Quentin Tarantino has been promising that "Kill Bill: The Whole Bloody Affair" w...
Posted by Scott Rocks" on Sat, 23 Jun 2007 08:42:00 PST

News about The Cure: 22 June 2007

The Cure maps out summer tour ahead of new album By Tjames Madison LiveDaily Contributor With the arrival of a new studio album once again looking likely, iconic goth-rockers The Cure will launch a ...
Posted by Scott Rocks" on Sat, 23 Jun 2007 04:57:00 PST

Segueway of the day: 22 June 2007

SEGUEWAY:1. To make a transition directly from one section or theme to another.2. To move smoothly and unhesitatingly from one state, condition, situation, or element to anotherIn radio, we call it a ...
Posted by Scott Rocks" on Fri, 22 Jun 2007 05:29:00 PST

Rock News: 20 June 2007

Velvet Revolver assembles trek with Alice in ChainsBy Kym KilgoreLiveDaily ContributorRockers Velvet Revolver have announced dates for the first leg of their upcoming tour with Alice in Chains.The out...
Posted by Scott Rocks" on Wed, 20 Jun 2007 03:49:00 PST

What 5 albums changed my life?

This was a surprisingly huge question to ask on a Sunday morning. In my quest to find five albums that changed my life, I found many more. Below you will find the who, what and why:1. "The Point" - ...
Posted by Scott Rocks" on Mon, 18 Jun 2007 04:20:00 PST

RUSH 15 June 2007 West Palm Beach

Rush has been a big part of my life since the mid-70's. I saw my first live show in 1981 and I have not missed a tour since.It has been 3 years since their 30th Anniversary Tour and their new CD rank...
Posted by Scott Rocks" on Sat, 16 Jun 2007 07:38:00 PST

Sad News

KEY LARGO -- The calf of a stranded deaf Atlantic bottlenose dolphin died Friday morning at a marine mammal rehabilitation center. The male infant died at 11:12 a.m., according to Robert Lingenfels...
Posted by Scott Rocks" on Fri, 15 Jun 2007 10:43:00 PST

Rush Update

See you at the West Palm show on Friday night!!Rush dives into world tour by Kym Kilgore LiveDaily Contributor Rush will hit the stage tonight (6/13) in Atlanta, GA, to kick off its Snakes & ...
Posted by Scott Rocks" on Wed, 13 Jun 2007 01:20:00 PST

Castaway gives birth

KEY LARGO, Florida Keys - A stranded deaf Atlantic bottlenose dolphin delivered her calf Monday afternoon at a marine mammal rehabilitation center in the Florida Keys. The calf is approximately 42...
Posted by Scott Rocks" on Tue, 12 Jun 2007 07:19:00 PST

Thank You for your patience

I have not been around as much lately due to a major undertaking in my professional career. Now, it is time to see how good I really am.I took over the operation of our four Key West stations this we...
Posted by Scott Rocks" on Sat, 09 Jun 2007 04:07:00 PST