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I'm overpowered

About Me

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This is a work in progress.. well i have made up my mind to put the past behind me and make the move.. here i come anchorage. look out, lol.. just tired of wasting my time and money on something i dont really even want. What do i want? i guess im like any body else. i want to be happy and feel like im not alone in life, that there's a reason i go on. that someone somewhere is thinking about me, missing me and wishing i was there to be with them. life is so short, i have wasted to much of mine already. Other than that i want to be happy. A nice house and a nice car, Someone to love and grow old with. is that so bad?( Oh my, now it sounds all mushy. like i said "a work in progress"

My Interests

I enjoy, socializing, eating out, cooking and watch a good porno film. I like to entertain and have a good laugh with friends inside and out of the home.

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Hmm, Bono and Al Pacino...& people with common interest and goals with a positive outlook on life!MOVE ALL HTML CODES (IMAGES/WIDGETS/SLIDESHOWS/VIDEOS) BELOW THIS CODE


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Scarface (1983) The Devil's Advocate (1997) Wicker Park (2004) The Island (2005) 300 (2006) Into the Wild (2007)


Discovery Channel Animal Planet National Geographic Channel Travel Channel Extreme Sports Channel


Janez Drnovšek - Thoughts on Life and Consciousness Janez Drnovšek - Golden Thoughts on Life and Consciousness Janez Drnovšek - The Essence of the World Janez Drnovšek - Dialogues Sidney Sheldon - Bloodline Sidney Sheldon - Rage of Angels


Dr. Janez Drnovšek Bono

My Blog

Med ljudmi delite nasmeh

Ljudje nagonsko te--ijo za tem , da bi se izognili vsakdanjim dol--nostim in obveznostim, ki jih imajo ne samo do dela, do slu--be in splo--nih nravnih predpisov, temvec zlasti tudi do dru--be, do lju...
Posted by Tibor on Tue, 19 Jun 2007 08:26:00 PST

Diamond Life

She sits alone in a smoke filled cafe, watching the world go by. She's all of 18. She's got looks that tell the truth when she lies. She says she's all your dreams are made of, and everything you'll n...
Posted by Tibor on Sat, 24 Mar 2007 08:37:00 PST

Ali manifestiranje deluje?

Vsi, ki nam je ~e uspelo kaj manifestirati, lahko to potrdimo. Deluje. Priceli smo z manjaimi ~eljami.Ali vedno deluje? Praviloma da. Kadar pa ne, obstajajo za to razlogi v nas samih, v naaem razvoju ...
Posted by Tibor on Mon, 22 Jan 2007 05:43:00 PST


Ljubezen do nekoga, ki ti je vaec. Nekdo se ti zgodi v ~ivljenju in zaradi njega lebdia. Svet postane naenkrat lep. Vse okoli tebe je zdaj v barvah. Ljubezni daa prosto pot. Ona narekuje in nikoli ne ...
Posted by Tibor on Mon, 22 Jan 2007 05:57:00 PST