Neisha profile picture


Nor je ta svet

About Me

Neisha is the biggest female star in Slovenia. In her 20's she's a singer-songwriter, whose first album was released in September 2005 and became an overnight success.

Neisha became the bestselling singer in 2005 and 2006 and her album was the best selling album of 2006 in Slovenia. It was on the top of combined album sales chart for 10 weeks and spent a whole year in Top 10.

Upon release the album received rave reviews ("Discovery of the Year", "Album of the Year", etc.). Neisha was on the cover of all major magazines, her first single Straight to the Moon proved to be the biggest Slovenian radio hit of the year and it won her the best pop song of 2005 award. In 2006 she also received the most important award in Slovenia (Viktor) as the most popular artist.

Neisha is also a concert favourite, performing well over a 100 concerts per year which is no small feat in a country of only two million people. In a short period of time, she managed to sell out the biggest Slovenian concert venues like Križanke and Cankarjev dom. She also performed on several European festivals such as Popkomm, Exit and Midem. Her soulful songs are a fusion of the easy listening pop jazz mood and blues and soul elements. Her distinctive writing style and vocal delivery make her unique.

Neisha is currently promoting her new album "Nor je ta svet" which has been released in Sept. 2007 and has already gone to the top of the charts with her first single called "Zaradi upanja". January will see the release of her second single "Ogenj pod nogami".

Neisha in Brussels

Neisha performed on Slovenian evening, organized by slovenian members of EESC(European economic and social committe). What was first at first a very quiet banquet, turned out to be a nice party, whith people dancing while Neisha performed.

My Interests


Member Since: 4/3/2006
Band Website:
Band Members:

Tedej Košir / grts
Jošt Drašler / bass
Boštjan Gradišek / drums

Sounds Like:

Record Label: Nika Records
Type of Label: Major

My Blog


Nov spot za pesem "Ogenj pod nogami"Spot je bil posnet v ~ivo, na Neishinem koncertu v Cankarjevem domu. Na odru so se ji poleg glasbenikov, pridru~ili tudi plesalci skupine Sweet swing. S svojim dina...
Posted by Neisha on Sun, 04 May 2008 02:47:00 PST


Neisha je javnosti bolj znana kot »mainstream« izvajalka, ki posega po lahkotnem popu in rada zahaja na podrocje soula, malokdo pa ve, da akademsko izobra~ena glasbenica (kompozicija in klavir) svoje ...
Posted by Neisha on Tue, 15 Apr 2008 03:26:00 PST


Our primary goal in product design is the highest possible FIDELITY - the ability of a speaker to faithfully reproduce any music or speech information. We soon realized that the best way to...
Posted by Neisha on Tue, 15 Apr 2008 05:12:00 PST


Dejan Radicevice-mail: [email protected]: +38641938024
Posted by Neisha on Thu, 06 Dec 2007 03:33:00 PST