Vesna Zornik profile picture

Vesna Zornik

La li la la

About Me

Myspace Layouts at / Red Flowers

Pastirce mlado // Katalena & Karizmatix / Kranj, 16.6.2007
/// Filmed by Marko Brdar, edited by Svetlana DramlicThe video was made at the live show with the ballet dancers from Maribor. The coreographies were made by Valentina Turcu and Edward Clug, who are also dancing. We have been colaborating in different ways for 4 years now. ____________________________________________________________ _
Da gora ta Skarbinina /Katalena /(Z)godbe 2002
/// Our first video, stil in my favorites... Directed by Tosa Slak __________________________________________________________
Lucija /Katalena /Kmecka ohcet 2006
/// This is one of the concert favorites. I love puppets. This was directed by Metod Pevec.
I also have a very small role and a debut in his last movie Estrellita (takeaway song), where i play a waitress;)__________________________________________________ ________(Rad imel bi) Jabuko /Katalena /Kmecka ohcet 2006
/// Duet with Bostjan Gombac. The dancers are Dejan Srhoj and Hye-Min. Directed by Svetlana Dramlic. ______________________________________________________
Katalena-Siroko more i Dunaj

Add to My Profile | More VideosSiroko more /Katalena / Babje leto 2004
/// This song is about a giant, oh the deep world of fairytales...:) Directed by Miha Knific

My Interests


Member Since: 2/23/2007
Band Website:
Influences: The songs I sing with band Katalena are mostly very old Slovene traditional songs. They say that Katalena is a phenomenon in Slovenija (This is how we spell the name of the country anyway). The traditional music here has always had a very deep stigma of being extremly uninteresting and boring for a young human creature, and even worse, for many people even mistaken for an "OberKreiner" tune. The music of the Alpine Frajtonerca is the background of every sunday lunch in the country. It realy goes well with a beef soup (You should try it out sometime:) ____________________________________________________________ _____
//"The band gave birth to three brainchildren – (Z)godbe/Stories (2002), Babje leto/Indian summer (2004) and Kmecka ohcet/Country wedding (2006). Albums received great attention among people as well as the musicologists that are up to this day still unable to categorize them, turned the existing folkloristic theories upside down and converted a great number of doubting Thomases into folk music fans." Katarina Juvancic// ____________________________________________________________ ______
We made people listen, and like it;) ____________________________________________________________ ______ ____________________________________________________________ ______ ____________________________________________________________ ______ ____________________________________________________________ ______ ____________________________________________________________ ______ Katalena is slowly working on the material for our 4th record.

It will be out on 28th of May,
The concert will be in Križanke, at the festival Drugagodba on that same day. Next morning we fly to New York, New York;)) Yeee!

Katalena // Ljubljana, Krizanke 25.9.2007
Photos by Antonio (Vragec)
The gorgeus dress was a present from a young designer Urska Bolcina*

____________________________________________________________ ______

I also discovered a great passion for argentinian music and I have recorded two tango songs with a young quintet called Astorpia. The video we made of Piazzolas piece "Maria de Buenos Aires" was the No1 at the national TV chart!!!
Check it out;)
Maria de Buenos Aires
with Astorpia* 2007
///I just love to sing Argentine tango... This video was directed by Vinci Vogue Anzlovar

____________________________________________________________ ______ There is an ongoing theatre play Don Quihote in Koper theatre in which I have had a debut playing a role of Dulcinea. ____________________________________________________________ ______

Record Label: Dallas records
Type of Label: Major

My Blog

Intervju pred izidom ploace

Tukajle si lahko preberete vse o novi ploaci, prihajajocih koncertih, mojih planih in ~eljah. Intervju, ki ga je za z mano naredil Andrej Predin.Hvala Andrej;)...
Posted by Vesna Zornik on Thu, 15 May 2008 02:51:00 PST

Tiskovka Druge godbe

Direktor zavoda Druga godba Bogdan Benigar o zakljucnem dnevu festivalaPosnela Katja Lenart...
Posted by Vesna Zornik on Tue, 13 May 2008 05:59:00 PST

Vienna, here we come!

Four fine bands from Sloveniaare joining Slovenian writers football team at the european championship for writersMay 19th 08********************************* ******************...
Posted by Vesna Zornik on Wed, 07 May 2008 04:55:00 PST

Katalena - Cvik cvak! /english

In these days we are proud to announce that we are finishing our fourth album with the title Cvik cvak!The new album is entirely dedicated to the musical heritage of the Resia valley. The big presenta...
Posted by Vesna Zornik on Tue, 06 May 2008 01:22:00 PST

Katalena - Cvik cvak!

V petek gre v tisk!!! Prvi singel bo nared ~e ta teden!!!*******************************Novi album bo v celoti posvecen Reziji,predstavili ga bomo na festivalu Druga godba, 28.maja v ljubljanskih Kri...
Posted by Vesna Zornik on Tue, 06 May 2008 04:21:00 PST

5. in 6. april - Sonce za otroke

Posluaaj Sonce in SonciceFW: ZAVOD SPLOH SONCE IN SONCICE PO VSEM SVETUKoncert za otroke 5.4.2008 ob ob 11.00Stara mestna elektrarna  Elektro Ljubljana (Slomakova 18) Koncert za otroke ...
Posted by Vesna Zornik on Tue, 01 Apr 2008 12:07:00 PST

Sneak peek:)

We were guests in a "musical duel"on NLP sunday show . Robert took the turn in answering questions and compeeting with Zlatko. We won;))And we decided to play one of the new songs. Don’t be too ...
Posted by Vesna Zornik on Mon, 24 Mar 2008 04:53:00 PST

Telephone pictures

I found this folder on my comp a few days ago. Last year I was asked to keep a photo journal for a blog of a mobile phone company. I did it, had fun and some good photos came out of it. The phone had ...
Posted by Vesna Zornik on Thu, 20 Mar 2008 06:49:00 PST

Katalena v studiu, prispevek iz

Rezijanska Katalena17. marec 2008 ob 14:02 | Katja Lenart |www.vest.siV petek zvecer sem pozvonila na vrata glasbenega studia, kamor so se ob koncu minulega tedna zaprli fantje (Boatjan Gombac, Tibor ...
Posted by Vesna Zornik on Mon, 17 Mar 2008 07:18:00 PST

The first recordings went well

On thursday morning we had a very nice little concert at the high school of Zelimlje. I have never seen such a big group of children being so perfectly concentrated and behaving so adultly civilized. ...
Posted by Vesna Zornik on Sat, 15 Mar 2008 06:13:00 PST