Luna Morado profile picture

Luna Morado

reggae-ska-latin underground dj

About Me

"if liberty means always being hungry, makes me think we d be better with the flag still red" - The Scum of Toytown

DJ Luna Morado – Latin underground
(latin reggae rude ska fiesta)

I was born in 1981 in Slavonski Brod (Croatia). One period of my life I lived in Ljubljana (Slovenia) where I was introduced to subcultural scene of Metelkova, which permanently directed me towards the underground.
In 1999 I moved to Rijeka/Fiume (Croatia), where I was one of resident DJs in MMC Palach from 2002 to 2005 (Sunday - sunny day for reggae & ska party, which I later changed into In a rumba dub style).
My musical expression is multicultural ska and reggae (with punky roots), consisting mainly of spanish/latin and french bands. Depending on the situation, my DJ set can include variety of dub, flamenco, cumbia, salsa, rumba, gypsy music... - and also oi! punk and G.G. Allin, who is very special to me.
In the begining, my biggest influence were The Scum of Toytown and also The Specials, Bad Manners, Skinnerbox, Dr Ring Ding and Fermin Muguruza (basque freedom fighter - ex-Negu Gorriak, ex-Kortatu). After I heard compilation Fuerza!, my musical preference number one became latin underground. I called it Hispano underground and wrote about it in the first five numbers of Val, youth culture paper in Rijeka/Fiume, which was published in 2004/2005. This musical style is also called musica mestiza and could also be called Manu Chao and compañeros, although this latter term seems uncomplete.
From May, 2007 I m a member of the punky reggae band Aggressive Snail Attack (back vocals and effects).
Besides above mentioned dj-ing in MMC Palach from 2002 to 2005, I dj-ed:
# 29. 03. 2003 at Open Rijeka Youth Festival in Rijeka/Fiume.
# 04. 10. 2003 at Tribalizer trance party in Attack - Zagreb.
# 15. 07. 2004 at Podzemlje/Underground (Karlo Rojc) - Pula.
# 16. 07. 2004 at Future Nature 04, Mars Room trance festival - Pula.
# 20. 05. 2006 at Kocka, Molara s tour (ex-Zion Train) - Split.
# 28. 05. 2006 at Op.Art festival, my hispano selection - Opatija.
# 16. 06. 2006 at Mochvara, 4th Seasplash promotional party - Zagreb.
# 18. 11. 2006 at Big Rock Mamma for Food not bombs in Rijeka/Fiume.
# 13. 01. 2007 at MMC Palach, punk selection for the concert of Tito s bojs, Drek u pest and Graðanski neposluh - Rijeka/Fiume.
# 26. 01. 2007 at Alter ego, punk selection for Gitarijada in Rijeka/Fiume.
# 2003, 2004, 2006 at Seasplash Reggae Festival - Pula.
# 05. 07. 2007 at Socha Reggae Riversplash in Tolmin (Slovenia).
# 25. 08. 2007. at Burn Down Babylon III - open air festival in Zarecje, Ilirska Bistrica (Slovenia).
# 26. 10. 2007. at Channel 0 (Metelkova city)- Ljubljana (Slovenia).
# 19. 12. 2007. at Gromka (Metelkova city)- Ljubljana (Slovenia).
# 07. 02. 2008. at Gromka (Metelkova city)- Ljubljana (Slovenia).
# 08. 02. 2008. at Grajski park - Logatec (Slovenia).
# 28. 03. 2008. at Mini teatar - Osijek.
# 29. 03. 2008. at Kino Bosna - Sarajevo (BiH).
# 20. 05. 2008. at Zlati zob - Ljubljana (Slovenia).
# 30. 05. 2008. at Zlati zob - Ljubljana (Slovenia).
# 17. 06. 2008. at ethno club Zlati zob, Ljubljana (Slovenia).
# 19. 06. 2008. at Jalla Jalla, Metelkova mesto, Ljubljana (Slovenia).
# 20. 06. 2008. at ethno club Zlati zob, Ljubljana (Slovenia).
# 11. 07. 2008. at ethno club Zlati zob, Ljubljana (Slovenia).
# 25. 07. 2008. at Una Riversplash, Bihać (BiH).
# 23. 08. 2008. at "Nepokoreni grad" festival, Karlovac (Croatia).
# 10. 09. 2008. at ethno club Zlati zob, Ljubljana (Slovenia)!
# 08. 10. 2008. at Zlati zob, Ljubljana (Slovenia)!
# 10. 10. 2008. at Zlati zob, Ljubljana (Slovenia)!
########## # NEXT:
######## 22. 10. 2008. at Menza pri koritu, Metelkova, Ljubljana!
######## 24. 10. 2008. at AKD Izbruh, Kranj (Slovenia)!
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My Interests

aggressive snail attack - cover of los fabulosos cadillacs cover of clash - guns of brixton

I'd like to meet:

I d like to meet people whose music changed my life and inspired me to become a better person day by day! (I d also like to get drunk with amy winehouse :))


latin underground, reggae, "rude" ska, musica mestiza (flamenco, cumbia, rumba, salsa...), latin hip-hop, reggaeton latino, some punk (but NOT american ska punk, NOT emo or other new age, melodic bullshit! - and NO METAL please!)...





my rat g.g. RIP was named after g.g. allin because he was antisocial, had small dick and smelled like piss ;)

My Blog


TONINO CAROTONE Tonino Carotone rodio se u Pamploni prije trideset i cetiri godine, pod imenom Antonio de la Cuesta. Kao mali, Tonin je upijao melodije sa radija i televizije sa ~eljom da umjesto...
Posted by Luna Morado on Thu, 03 Apr 2008 01:54:00 PST


AMPARANOIA & HISPANO UNDERGROUNDPrvo, red je da objasnim naslov Hispano Underground. Scena koja pripada u ovu kategoriju toliko je muzicki i kulturno raznolika da nisam uspjela pronaci bolji zajed...
Posted by Luna Morado on Tue, 17 Jul 2007 04:27:00 PST


MaCaCo                                   &n...
Posted by Luna Morado on Sun, 16 Dec 2007 10:00:00 PST


U POTRAZI ZA AUTENTICNIM JAI.MORONSKA TV Ne mogu, a da se ne osvrnem na masovnu MTV-jevu produkciju moronskih «emisija za mlade» koje vrijedjaju osobnost i dostojanstvo tih istih mladih ljudi, ko...
Posted by Luna Morado on Fri, 27 Jul 2007 06:31:00 PST


ZNATE LI STO JE RAGGASALSA? ILI MOZDA SALSAMUFFIN? Kada je 1999. godine izasao album Un poquito quema´o, Sergenta Garcie, kriticari su se kao  nikada prije slozili u jednoj stvari  da je sa...
Posted by Luna Morado on Sun, 16 Dec 2007 10:30:00 PST

SOCHA REGGAE RIVERSPLASH 2007 (kratki osvrt)

SOCHA REGGAE RIVERSPLASH 2007cetvrtak (5. 7.)gentleman & far east band (njemacka)gentleman je primjer izvodjaca cija muzika evoluira i to ga cini autenticnim. njegov nastup uzivo tr...
Posted by Luna Morado on Mon, 09 Jul 2007 08:14:00 PST