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Don't dream your life....live your dreams!!!!

About Me

Gadjo dilo (means:crazy stranger)and thats how i feel most of the time....(too crazy for the normal,too normal for the crazy....somewhere in between) i'm a 40-year old woman,born in vienna(austria),but living in holland for more then 20 years. i'm working for a small local television-station and in my free time i also do a lot of filming&fotographing,make music,sing,dance,read,make clothes or other creative stuff,work on festivals,touring with bands,organize partys&events,meet with my friends,have fun&good conversations,surch for new things&challanges,meet new people,go to concerts and partys and do a lot of other stuff,but i also need my time alone to rest,think,relax and be with myself. i have a 14-year old daughter who i love very much (and who let me feel very old sometimes,cause she is getting big so quick)but i think that i'm a good example,that u don't have to be old and boring just because u're a mother,sit home&don't join the nice things of live anymore!!!(it's all just a question of organisation and a young spirit) i try to get everything out of live,even if it means that i fall down once in a while and feel shit,and have to start allover again,but that's the risk of live....and i want to be able to say at the end of my live,that i've really lived!!! i'm not religious,but i believe that everything that u going trough has a reason somehow....and most of the time i follow my intuition,which mostly works for me. sometimes i think that i'm a little too open,too honnest,too spontanius,too trustfull(even if i allreaddy had a lot of dissapointments in my life)and sometimes i wish that i would be more carefull and dont let myself lead by my feelings so much to protect myself......but i guess that me!!!!!

My Interests

music,singing,dance,traveling,filming,fotographing,ljubljana (feels like my second home)good conversations,festivals,concerts,sport,making montages(films),new challanges,crazy actions,reading,eating(one of my biggest hobbys,i'm afraid;-)hughing nice people,sharing feelings,making clothes and other stuff,being creativ,meeting new people,having a good time with my daughter,my friends,family or other interesting people....

I'd like to meet:

real,honnest,nice,sensitive,warm,creative,openminded,funny,u niek,crazy people who have the guds to choose their own way of being(style,dressing,behaving,...whatever)and dare to have their own meaning&opinion about life,people,feelings,truth....no matter what the rest of the world is telling them.(i don't like people that just follow the rest and live a life they don't want to live,or be somebody they don't want to be,just because it's easyer and feels saver to follow a big group of people than to come up for yourself,be uniek and make your own rules&choices,even if it means that not everybody is able to understand you,like you or love you) i also would like to meet people who join the same kind of interests like me,which is: music,art,dance,traveling,festivals,party's,filming,fotograp hing,good conversations....but it's not a "must"....it could be also interesting to meet people who are totally different then me!!! ps:the video down-below i made in september 2007 on the robodock-festival in amsterdam,where i am allreaddy working for years!!!! enjoy watching!!!!


a lot of different stuff from classic to tekno (eccept free-jazz....that's to chaotic for me)by example: gypsy,balkan,world,arabic,indian,turkish,spanish,(fusions of diffentent styles),80-ties,tekno,dub,ethno,raga,drum&bass,rock,hard core,sing a song,punk,tribe,alternative,psychodelic,electro,classic,ambi ant,goa-trance,pianomusic,salsa,flamenco,african,a lot of drums.....


gadjo dilo from tony gatlif,latcho drom(tony gatlif)other gypsy-films,crossing the bridge/the sound of instanbul,b-movie's like the rocky horror picture show....silence of the lambs,nell(both with jodie foster),lola rennt,wir kinder vom bahnhof zoo.....


different stuff,sometimes i like to watch documenteries about natur&animals(like national geographics) or watch movies,but i also like to watch comedy-stuff or stupid soaps,cause it's easy to relax while watching it,cause most of the time they are so stupid that u don't have to think too much about it...


shabono/florinda donner,(can''t think about anything else now)i also like to read psychological books to find out more about live,myself and people in general...


my daughter and people who try to be themselves and follow their own way(which is not easy in a world like this)and people who went trough a lot of shit or are really sick or have a handycap and still mannage to enjoy life,stay positiv and look forward!!!