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About Me

Den Grundstein seiner Schlagzeuger-Laufbahn, so Michael Zagon, legte sein Vater Charly Wiltshire (gestorben 2005), der als großer Swing- und Buddy-Rich-Fan seinen Sohn schon im Kindesalter für diese Art der Musik zu begeistern wusste. So zeichnete sich für Michael bereits sehr früh ab, dass wohl auch er die Trommeln schlagen würde.Eine Kindersnare, die ihm sein Vater zum Geburtstag schenkte, markierte dann den tatsächlichen Beginn der Bestrebungen des jungen Michael, es irgendwann zum Profi-Schlagzeuger zu bringen. In welche musikalische Richtung dieses Streben hauptsächlich gehen würde bestimmte dann eine LP, die Michael’s Schwester Christel ihm eines Tages zu hören gab, und die sein gesamtes musikalisches Weltbild mit einem Mal völlig auf den Kopf stellte: „Made in Japan“ von Deep Purple, mit dem grandiosen Drumsolo von Ian Paice „The Mule“.
In der Schule konnte Michael später, statt am Religionsunterricht teilzunehmen, einen Musiklehrer aufsuchen, der ihm seinen ersten Schlagzeugunterricht erteilte.
Es folgten erste Liveerfahrungen und bald dann auch der nächste Meilenstein in der Karriere des engagierten Drummers: seine erste Studioaufnahme.
Diese brachte Michael dann auch an eine Hürde: Clickfestes Drumming! Seit dieser Erfahrung spielt Michael sowohl bei seinen Übungen als auch im Studio ausschließlich mit einem Clicktrack oder einem Loop.
Durch enthusiastisches und hartes Training gelang es Michael innerhalb kurzer Zeit, durch seinen clicktight jederzeit und überall einsetzbar zu sein, auch ohne lange Proben mit ihm unbekannten Musikern.
Mehrere Jahre lebte Michael in Berlin. Während dieser Zeit widmete er sich den unterschiedlichsten Musikstilen, von Avantgarde (gespielt auf einem Schlagzeug aus Metall) bis Rock/Pop (Liedermacher). Auch nahm er, parallel zu seinen eigenen Engagements und seinem Training, weiterhin Unterricht bei diversen Lehrern.
In den letzten Jahren widmete sich Michael unter anderem verschiedenen Bandprojekten, verzichtete jedoch nie darauf, auch weiterhin bei den unterschiedlichsten Lehrern Unterricht zu nehmen, stets bestrebt, neue Techniken kennenzulernen, bereits bekannte Techniken zu verbessern und seinen persönlichen Stil weiterzuentwickeln. Dies gipfelt momentan im Besuch der Ecole de Batterie, welche die D’Ante Agostini Schule lehrt.
Seit über einem Jahrzehnt ist Michael auch als Schlagzeuglehrer tätig.

Name: Michael Zagon

Beruf: Studio- und Livedrummer, Schlagzeuglehrer, Band-Coach

Spielerfahrung: 25 Jahre

Studioerfahrung: mehr als 20 Studioaufnahmen

Liveerfahrung:Mehr als 250 Gigs

Styles: alle Facetten moderner Musik (Rock, Funk, Alternative, Jazz, Reggae, Blues, Country...)

Double-Bass: Ja


Tourerfahrung: Ja

Equipment: Sonor Drums,Pearl Drums, Paiste Cymbals, Pellwood Sticks, Evans Drum-Heads, DDrum Trigger, etc.

Ausbildung: Musikschule Berlin-Kreuzberg, Workshop..s mit Steve Smith, Chester Thompson, Dom Famularo, Einzelunterricht bei Buddy Hoffmann, Uwe Petersen, Ecole de Batterie


Einflüsse: Buddy Rich, Ian Paice, John Bonham, Steve Smith, Billy Cobham, Simon Phillips, Steve Gadd, Steward Copeland, Manu Katche, Omar Hakim, Virgil Donati, Dom Famularo, Jim Chapin, Thomas Lang, Danny Carey, Dennis Chambers, Vinnie Colaiuta, Dave Weckl, Terry Bozzio u.v.a.

------------------------------------------------------------ ----------------------- ------------------------------------------------------------ -----------------------Father Charly Wiltshire (died 2005) put the foundation-stone of his impact things the career, so to Michael Zagon, to be which knew to inspire its son as large swing and buddy rich fan in the infancy for this kind of music. Thus it appeared for Michael already very early that he would probaly strike the drums. A kindersnare which its father gave him to the birthday, marked then the actual beginning of the efforts of the young Michael to bring it sometime to the professional drummer. Into which musical direction this striving would go mainly determined then a LP which gave to hear Michael's sister Christel it a daily, and which its entire musical conception of the world with a mark placed completly on the head: Made in Japan of Deep Purple - polarized, with the great drumsolo of Ian Paice The MULE. At school Michael could later, instead of participating on the religous education, to visit a music teacher, who gave him its first impact things instruction. First live experiences and soon then also the next milestone in the career of the engaged Drummers followed: The first studio recording. This brought Michael then also to a hurdle: Click-tightness in Drumming!! Since this experiences Michael plays both with its exercises and in the studio exclusive with a clicktrack or a loop. By enthusiastic and hard training it succeeded to Michael within short time to be applicable by its clicktight at any time and everywhere also without long samples with it unknown musicians. Michael lived several years in Berlin. During this time he dedicated himself to the most different music styles, from avant-garde (easily on a drumkit made of metal) to skirt / pop (singer- songwriter) Also it parallel to its own commitments and his training, took further instruction with various teachers.In the last years Michael dedicated itself to among other things different volume projekts, did however never to take also further with the most different teachers instruction always anxious, to become acquainted with new techniques already well known techniques to improve and its personal style further develop. This culminates momentarily in the attendance of the Ecole de batterie, who teaches the D' Dante Agostini school.For over one decade Michael is active also as impact things teachers.
Name: Michael Zagon-
Occupation: Studio & Live drummer (impact things teacher,volume coach player)-
Live experience: Over 250 gigs-
Double bass: yes-
Styles: All facets of modern music-
Click-tightness: Distinguished
Route experience: Yes
Equiqment: Pellwood sticks ( be endorsed) Sonor drums Pearl drums, Paiste Cymbals, Evans, Drum heads, DDrum trigger-
You can hire me for studio sessions live appearence and touring.. Bands::Drone 24-7- Romeo-Discharge- Shizuko-Overdrive- Rozencrantz- Sternstaub- The Vibe Thang- KVU- Mother"s Little Nightmare- Hard To Handle- HTFAC- P.B. Project (Avantgarde)- Various Session Bands- CAM.Industries.......................CURRENT Bands / Projekts::MYSTIGMA, and SIKKBOY ENTERTAINMENT...

My Interests

Drums,and percussion,music, reading, movies, travel for a weekend to Amsterdam. Drum-Clinics, musicfairs etc... I play, PAISTE cymbals, i have an endorsement-deal with Pellwood Sticks ( I play Sonor and Pearl Drums,i use Evans Drum-heads,and Tama, Pedals only: beyerdynamic microphones, and the Gibraltar Racksystem,Hardcase-Cases and the ddrum Accustic Trigger...Neil Peart-Finale

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I'd like to meet:

Drummer, from all over the globe, musicians, God, aliens...!!!!


Goth Rock, psychedelic and alternative music like 69 Eyes, Sisters of Mercy, Fields of the Nephilim, Rammstein, Paradise Lost, Gary Numan, NIN, Tool, Ministry, Bauhaus, Queens of the Stone Age, Wolfmother,Motorhead, Iggy Pop, Lou Reed, Johnny Cash, Monster-Magnet.Another favorite of my is Jazz,and Jazzrock like Miles Davis,Frank Zappa, Pat Matheny,Mahavishnu Orchestra,of Course, Buddy Rich,Joe Morello and the great Art Blakey, Billy Cobham,(the guy,who invented the openhanded playing)and Tony Williams.... Led Zeppelin- Moby Dick

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Devils Rejects, Texas Chainsaw Massacre ,The Crow ,Kill Bill, From Dusk till Dawn,The Silence of the Lambs, Hannibal, Hannibal Rising, Pulp Fiction, Mars Attacks, Razorblade Smile, Star Wars, Repo Man ,Van Helsing, Underworld, Saw, Hostel, Matrix, Alien, Tokyo Decadence all movies from Jim Jarmush, and Quentin Tarantino, Drumlesson DVDs, Movies from Rob Zombie....
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Simpsons, American Dad, Futurama, Rockpalast, Concert DVDs... I still like movies more than TV....
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Ted Reed,Progressive steps to Syncopation, Dante Agostini Vol 1 & 2, and Solfege Syncope No1, Dom Famularo, It's your Move, George Lawrence Stone Stick Control, Gary Chester The New Breed, Nicky Gebhard Groove Box 1 & 2,Udo Dahmen Am Anfang steht der Groove, Andreas Berg, Double Bassdrum, Dirk Brand, 1000 faces of Drumstyles, Drum mags, like Sticks, Drums & Percussion, Modern Drummer etc.
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My Daddy, Charlie Wiltshire died in 2005, Iggy Pop, Lou Reed,Lemmy Kilmister John Bonham, Johnny Cash, Dave Wyndorf, Peter Murphy, Buddy Rich, Neil Peart, Steve Gadd, Dom Famularo, Jim Chapin, Danny Carey, Ian Paice and a lot more...myspace layouts & contact tables

My Blog

New Mystigma track on mypace

Mystigma upload a new track on mypace... Listen to, I don"t need you...
Posted by Zagondrums on Thu, 15 Feb 2007 07:04:00 PST

Pellwood- Sticks -Germany....

Pellwood sticks are now available in germany. Many drummers aking me very often where to buy pellwood sticks. Pellwood sticks are made in the czech republic and until now  they had no german dist...
Posted by Zagondrums on Mon, 05 Feb 2007 05:55:00 PST


Very soon you can hear new Stuff of Mystigma on myspace...
Posted by Zagondrums on Tue, 16 Jan 2007 04:18:00 PST

Pellwood- Sticks

The first time i realize the Pellwood sticks was on a Drummer festival in Holland, 3 years ago. The dutch pellwood distributor had  various types of pellwood sticks to sell. So i bought me 2 pair...
Posted by Zagondrums on Tue, 16 Jan 2007 04:17:00 PST


We finished this weekend the recordings of the new Mystigma teaser 3 track demo..The mixdown and mastering process will continued in january 2007...
Posted by Zagondrums on Wed, 20 Dec 2006 12:32:00 PST