AwesomeZara profile picture


Antithesis of Barbie. Trust me, it's a compliment.

About Me

Looking for an old blog of mine? Click on the image above to find it.Where to start?
* I am Awesome. Don't question my Awesome-ness. If you impress me, I might very well dub you Awesome one day. But don't hold your breath.
* My sense of sarcasm is my life-blood, but my sincerity will be the death of me.
* I am the quintessential ENFP. Don't know what that means? Read about it here. Want to figure out what your personality type is? Take it here. If you're an INTJ with a developed F, call me.
* I am anal about grammar. If you don't know the difference between your/you're, there/their/they're, or can't string together an intelligible sentence, be forewarned; I will make fun of you.
* I am lying about my age. Chronologically, I'm not 27, but I feel 27, and if a scene kid can be "69", then I can be forever 27.
* I am addicted to Myspace. I don't classify myself as a MyWhore, but I do spend a shit-load of time on here. Don't bother mocking me about it, if you didn't get a kick out of this place, you wouldn't have an account, so take your assumptions and fuck yourself up the ass with them.
* Random e-mails are welcome if they are creative, unique or any variation on the bizarre barometer. I don't take compliments well 95% of the time, so I suggest you don't tread in that water.
* I am not on here to find a boyfriend/soul mate/one-night stand. DO NOT bother me if this is your sole intention for wanting to be "myfriends."
* Should you befriend me, chances are I will say something to you down the road that will piss you off. It is inevitable. I tend to be the harshest to the people that I like the most. I assume you can handle an honest opinion. If you don't handle know-it-all-ness well, don't ask for my opinion. Ever. But be forewarned that you most likely will get it even when you don't ask for it.
* I agree with R3V. I don't think it's possible to go an entire day without quoting either Mitch Hedberg or Kevin Smith.
* I do not join groups. Don't bother sending me an invite to one. If you think I might be interested, send me an e-mail. Talk me up. Otherwise, move along little doggy.
* I delete blog invite e-mails without ever opening them. Sure, it might sound hypocritical, since I have been known to send out ones of my own, but I can't keep up with all of you and I'm not going to be one of those lying jackasses who will subscribe and tell you they read and they don't. You want me to read something? Send me a direct link. Then maybe we'll see.
* I am the most loyal mother fucker that you will ever meet. That's great if I like you. That's not so great if you cross one of my friends. Tread lightly and play nice. Or else.
* I will more than likely disappoint you if you hold any expectations of me. That doesn't make me special. That doesn't make me unique. That makes me human. Deal with it.
Hate me yet? Good. You may now return to your lame ass life, already in progress.
Oh, and when I say Midget, it's not meant to be an insult to anyone. I'm referring to my beautiful daughter. Don't like that I use that term? Fuck off. It's my choice.


My Interests

My interests? Being annoying. I have others, but that's my favorite. Ask any of my friends and they' wait, come to think of it, I have no friends. But that just proves my point, now doesn't it?

If you want to prove that I'm wrong and that you actually love me you can always buy me something off of my wish list.

I'd like to meet:



* The sound of a Canadian man's voice gets me hot and bothered. I blame it on watching too much Degrassi Jr High when I was younger.

* I am a die-hard Coke fan. If you think Pepsi is better than Coke, I will torment you mercilessly over your idiocy all while enjoying the bubbly refreshment that is Coke.

* I know more than you do about movies but I'm not anal-retentive about it. I really could care less if I fuck up a quote as long as I've conveyed the gist of what I was getting at.

* I think large breed dogs are cooler than small breed dogs. However, the largest dog that I've ever owned was medium in size. And Chihuahuas kick ass in a league of their own.

* The code in my friend list is broken on purpose due to the fact that there were too many people harrassing them. Just because it's a networking site doesn't mean that I have to tolerate people giving my friends shit. Stop being nosy and find your own friends.

* I fidget constantly. I'm one of those annoying motherfuckers who will click a ball point pen relentlessly and not even be aware that she's doing it.

* I believe that the most valuable tool that a person can carry on them is a Sharpie permanent marker. I carry one with me wherever I go. My favorite thing to use it for is defacing conservative bumper stickers. I delight in wondering how long it takes the driver to figure out their little "(man figure) + (woman figure) = marriage" sticker now reads "brother + sister."

* I could win on Jeopardy if I knew more about operas, international history and foreign languages. I would have CLEANED UP on Rock n Roll Jeopardy and maintain that if I could find 2 other good players to join me that I would rock that competition that VH1 has going on.

* I think Seinfeld was one of the worst "comedies" ever made, catering to stereotypes and getting away with it. I'd love to have seen a black, hispanic or asian lead character get away with some of the shit that that show was heralded for.

* If you really want to win my heart, bake me some killer lasagna, whip up a sidedish involving zucchini and drench everything in garlic. I'm an Italian girl who loves cheese and good produce.

* I can be overly complimentary if I like you. I'm not an ass kisser, but I do believe that it's important to take the time and tell people exactly what they mean to you. Life is too short to keep your thoughts bottled up. I don't want someone I've known to die and think to myself: "I wish I would have told them more often that..." I say what I mean and I mean what I say.

* I have a bad habit of sticking things up my nose just to see if they'll fit.

* Zara is my real name. It means "dawn" or "morning star" or a bunch of other things depending on what culture you trace it back through. The "Awesome" part was not something I assigned myself but an honour that was bestowed upon me by AwesomeTim, back in April of 2005.

* I'm flawed. I'm not really trying to improve on that. Just reflecting, accepting and adapting. Take it or leave it. It's your choice.

Add Tornado Bait!

Add The Formaldebrides!!

Add the Most Awesome Tattoo Shoppe in Ventura County!

My friends are MORE AWESOME than your friends.

My Gipster Twin

My (Free of Charge) Shirts

My Slave Driver

My Favorite Natural Disasters

My Favorite Zombie

My Favorite Eye Candy

My Favorite Quitter

My Favorite Thing About Wednesdays

My Favorite Dimples

My Favorite Smile

My Favorite Ninja

My Favorite Bewbs

My Favorite UFC Man

My Favorite BADASS!

My Favorite Tattooed Jew

My Favorite Feathered Father

My Favorite Beautifier

My Favorite Ray of Sunshine

My Favorite Reason to Stare

My Favorite Teeny-Boppin' Reviewer

My Favorite Back-up Brotha

My Favorite Wordsmith

My Favorite Non-Myspacer

My Favorite Shy Guy

My Favorite Bit of Everything

My Favorite Mama Bear

My Favorite Staunch Defender

My Favorite Durka Girl

My Favorite Former Hater

My Favorite Goof-Nut

My Favorite Crazed Stalker

My Favorite Redneck Dad

My Favorite New Website

My Favorite Scottish Englishman

My Favorite Crazy Aussie

My Favorite Canadian English Bird

Look at my people!
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Whatever makes me happy at any given moment......and I will kick you if you get snobbish on me about it.

Here are some songs that mean different things to me. Do they define who I am? Can any song really define a person?:

Song that makes me feel like I'm in high school, all over again:
Nirvana's "Smells Like Teen Spirit"

Song that makes me laugh over that argument Dawn and Eddie had:
Snow's "Informer"

Song that puts visions in my head of grinding the steps in front of the Pt Mugu Theater:
Suicidal Tendencies' "Send Me Your Money"

Song that makes me miss Alison:
Lisa Loeb's "Stay"

Song that reminds me of driving aimlessly around town on a Friday night in my old car:
Violent Femmes' "American Music"

Song that I still play over and over when someone hurts me:
Tori Amos' "Silent All These Years"

Song that makes me wonder what the fuck I saw in David:
Tool's "Sober"

Song that makes me yearn for my first Brandon:
Faith No More's "Epic"

Song that makes me wanna drink and beat up on boys:
Pink's "You & Your Hand"

Song that people think was written about me:
Fiona Apple's "Fast as You Can"

Song that makes me want to kill men:
A Perfect Circle's "Passive"

Song that reminds me of being a 5 year old:
The Beatles' "Blackbird"

Song that I should be ashamed to be caught singing, but sing loudly anyway:
Christina Aguilera's "Fighter"

Song(s) that make me feel in love, even when I'm single:
Anything by Citizen Cope

Song that will inspire me to stab you in the eye with a fork if I hear you singing it:
Hoobastank's "The Reason"

Song that makes me want to do very naughty things:
NIN's "Closer"

Song that I think everyone who reads this should own:
Rod Stewart's "Maggie May"

A little about the song currently playing on my profile:

Miyavi, also credited as MYV. J-Pop is what some people call the genre. Fucking awesome is what I call his style.


FAR too many to name......if you HAVE to know, then ask. And yes, I will get snobbish on you about yours........

I go completely weak in the knees for the following people (just a select few of the many):

Quentin Tarantino
Kevin Smith
Christopher Nolan
Gregg Araki
P.T. Anderson
Christopher Walken
Cillian Murphy
Jake Gyllenhaal
Jason Schwartzman
Peter Sarsgaard
Chloe Sevigny
Marissa Ribisi
Maggie Gyllenhaal
Clea DuVall
Parker Posey

(Only a few of) The movies that I insist my friends have, at the very least, heard of:

Finally: Name the movie for extra credit:

"God. How does a woman get so bitter?"


Click on the picture below to check out my column at


If you own any of the following DVD sets, let me know:

Twin Peaks, seasons 1 & 2
Freaks & Geeks, the complete series
Wonderfalls, the complete series
Firefly, the complete series

Other than that, I don't watch very much TV anymore. Doesn't mean I don't know anything about it, just means I while away all of my time on the computer.


I like stuff with words. Lots of words. Words in a coherent order. I'll read more or less anything, aside from romance novels. My mom, the English teacher, made me do book reports for her during spring and summer how anal is that for ya? But thanks to her, I surpassed a level of literacy that most can never even dream to achieve. So neener, neener!

Currently reading: Jack Ketchum's Offspring


Mom and Dad.....they could kick your parents' asses anyday. Trust me, they could. OK, don't trust me then. But you'll be sorry.

And Shannon. She's braver and more selfless than I could ever hope to be.

My Blog

One week later

It was great to have a chance to work with everyone who came out today, especially when it was announced that over $622 had been raised in one shot!!Of which, a $105.50 check was donated by Live 105.5...
Posted by AwesomeZara on Sun, 30 Mar 2008 05:21:00 PST

Lets Include Some Cancer With Our Easter.

Hey there, it’s me again. (And for those who get all pissy about the forward-time-stamping, actually bother to read the thing before you make that judgment leap, OK?)This time I’m stumping...
Posted by AwesomeZara on Sun, 23 Mar 2008 01:35:00 PST

More Information on the Lawrence King Case

For those of you who are still following the Lawrence King case, here’s some "insider" information that you may not have read about yet.Through the teacher grapevine that I have privilege to fro...
Posted by AwesomeZara on Sun, 16 Mar 2008 09:13:00 PST

Is "Fag" All Youve Got?

(I seriously considered writing about this for quite some time before deciding that I wanted to throw my opinion (and limited first-hand knowledge) in. I am actually pretty disgusted that I will have ...
Posted by AwesomeZara on Thu, 21 Feb 2008 07:17:00 PST

Just For Shits & Giggles

Hey.I've just got a wild hair up my ass and felt like posting a blog about nothing. Why?Because I can. See, life has a way of evolving. The image that went along with the old blogging has died. I am n...
Posted by AwesomeZara on Thu, 07 Feb 2008 09:44:00 PST

Write a Blog? Beware of the New CTD (Comment Transmitted Disease)

This isn't going to be a patented AwesomeZara rant. No blowjobs will get mentioned. No rambling about how much I hate people and the depths of stupidity that they've lowered themselves to.No, I'm just...
Posted by AwesomeZara on Fri, 27 Apr 2007 06:51:00 PST

One Time Only Limited Engagement

Loopholes.Hell, let's just talk about holes. Holes in our minds, holes in our hearts, holes in the fabric of our souls and all the other froufrou poetic bullshit like that.The last time that I posted ...
Posted by AwesomeZara on Tue, 03 Apr 2007 07:07:00 PST


I quit.I've debated how to write this out for some time now. I could launch into an explanation of how I started doing this massive blogging thing a year ago, sending out my first random blog invites ...
Posted by AwesomeZara on Fri, 12 Jan 2007 07:07:00 PST

How to Access Myspazz When It's Blocked

They're called proxies.There are several websites dedicated to helping you get through the blocks put up at work and school. Essentially what they do is feed the website that you want to go to through...
Posted by AwesomeZara on Mon, 08 Jan 2007 04:14:00 PST

Building Friction Index

For those of you who are new to my writing, you're probably more familiar with my social commentary rants. Not too long ago, I wrote a piece of fiction entitled "Building Friction" which was a fantasy...
Posted by AwesomeZara on Sun, 22 Oct 2006 11:30:00 PST