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Homeless and state Official report UNI collection in Czeck republic from year 1998, ( Actual situation is worste, but since wasn't so well circumscribed.)

Confront if interest of the state about solving homelessness problems compared to other phenomenon, as are drugs and youth crime, is markedly lesser. This access is comprehensible, because society feels the danger in these seemingly actual problems.

It is indeed necessary to point out the need forcefully and matter - of - factly to be engaged in problems homelessness in their precocious phases, because doomed necessary solving complicate theirs possible controllership and regulation.

But that doesn't mean, as though would homelessness in our country was in beginning, contrariwise, already walks about chronical state hereof phenomenon.

Largely on such problems - seemingly marginal – the state shows its ability to develop social policy. But as yet was solving problems connected with homelessness unsatisfactory and no conceptual. It is necessary to the state, that the in last time begin slowly do some way positive steps. In terms of "participations continual programme prevention criminality" was provided resources on performance conditions for entrance to the employment persons living in the street, also however on resocialization and socio-therapy programs that the assist in reducing negatives changes life style.

Displaced persons and municipality

Upon this level solving looks for cooperation with charity organizations. It is possible to observe mild growth helping arrangement also outside main centers, which are Prague and Brno. For answered questions, why are also nevertheless homeless hagridden above all this cities, is necessary get in two weightiest aspects.

First, it is seemingly abigger possibility to solving problems just in large municipal agglomerations,

Second is anonymousness offering space to new start of.

Of course, job opportunities in Prague also in Brno are to the explicit measurement bigger, and that's just it polarize not only displaced person, but also other competitors for employment from elsewhere in CZ and from abroad. By indeed availability offers working seats diminishes, and competition rises, in which the displaced persons small chance holds out.

It also bears with price growth near in already insufficient volume capacities for cheapen accommodation. Much smaller municipality (district character) gives out, that this problems flows over them, because no embody big body count living on the streets, and by move responsibility on bigger cities.

Such access however increases problems: when a man in crisis will do not find in his place of residence or near scene arrangement that the would to him could help solve his situation, I cannot choose but him nothing else, than search help else.

Rises so uneven concentration homelessness that the then large cities cannot manage itself. I think, that minimally, on every district town would had originate one house established by the state that the would was option for charitable dormitory. It therefore, to client had possibility selection, and won feel of, that the he belongs also to the state.

there is no need to found an expensive sanctuary arrangement, because such arrangements are in this sphere share ceded in reinsurance charitable organizations. dormitory would had offer not too comfortable, but yet serviceable space for stay overnight behind symbolical price at observance basic rules (sobriety, no conflicts and so on) man hard-set should so and was able to understand, that he has right to choose, whether him suits rather state or charitable arrangement, that the has always possibility scanty accommodation that the though from far isn't ideal, but very same is able to motivate him to change.

This is a crucial issue, which is a frequent cause in the rise of homelessness. The possibility of employment forms in man a sense of about personal abilities. If a man loses - often at no fault of his own - employment, and for a longer time hasn't chance obtain new employment, his feeling of frustration rises and that not infrequently ends in break up his hitherto life style. Not only that, but the benefit of employment gains resources on living, but in the event of too many clients’ accommodation bounds right on the employment.

Regarding new trends after -revolutionary time hot retrenched number working seats with accommodation. It results in an opening apparent problem, that is of anything consequence practice last regime and his endeavors shelter socially uncomfortable and unfit men so, that the will under pressure placing to the business dormitories, in worse cases close for sponging.

Unfortunately no wanes only working occasion with possibility accommodation, but also working offers accessible for people without netted criminal index, passable appearance, productive age, attainable education and so on unemployment begins be crash problem in companies entire and consequently interest in unemploymened displaced person moves on margin attention. That derives benefit from divers employers (above all retired firms) A sweat cheap manpower that our constituency happens. for image - for example:

- no close employment contract, and if is close, disobedience to orders lawful appurtenances (be in a abeyance health and social insurance, neglect of official duties working hours, service conditions, fundamentals safeness work, etc ...):

no pay out in due form wages; so ever transmit; subscribe identity papers and so on

Feasible solution that the would in part help reduce discrimination to homeless persons and persons punishable by, offers a system snug working seats, namely either in organizations that the would directly exercise this way deprived people, or favored employers that the would for them create this working station.

The effects would be multiple: client could at once on increase the employment; client would got pension, that the already testify like able to work; client would twigged, that the isn't two-time loser (it means. before forfeiture freedom, next time discrimination in company); decrease criminality sequent upon impossibility legal obtaining agents: client would got sense of purpose, that the society about he has focus.
That manner solving requires interested not only appropriate state organs, but also gradual conviction companies about come into operation such solving.

Displaced persons and police

Next argumentation is based largely on statement clients. Nevertheless is experience from resulting solving some problems these statement bear to. Concerning people living in the street is necessary discriminate between Police CR and town police. The experience is such, that the is that a above all police CR that the concerning displaced person - rather, than municipal police - exceeds his lawful authority.

It will often see around with it, that the constituency are persecute in connection with absent documentation that in major most cases was dispossessed at everyday movement in the street. The police gives citizens without documents out, that the we found ourselves in light of law in inadmissible state. with it is possible in part agree, but it is not possible, to it was reason for physical repression. question sounds, whether cases, when policemen cruelly thrash displaced person at reckless personal documents are only expression particular quite inadmissible "qualities" policeman, or whether acts about manifestation hidden and sneaking focus police entire.

Displaced persons and law

I would like stress serious problem, when happens to tamper human rights in consequence bad law about citizenship. acts about several cases (on file social trustee MCSSP 6 persons), when citizen CZ behind time CSFR apply for to lasting domicile on territory SR after break up federation, when arbitrated get back to CZ, lose all advantages and rights citizen those republic.

Practically it looks so, that the until at, than this man regaining inhabitancy in our territory, is in weighty situations:

citizen cannot give identity card; only document that the is able to obtain, is passport CZ (in many situations are wanting);

citizen cannot apply for state flat;

citizen cannot apply for to the accounting office work;

citizen can not obtaib close working contracts;

citizen cannot bottle next conditions to obtaining basic social necessities sequent upon proprietorship civil certificate.

Already several times we're (along with Czech Helsinki collection) dealt deputies ministry inside CZ and appropriate authorities on novel law about put on and be on the wane citizenship and about mentioned problems series people. The result was only answer, that such citizen may apply for to lasting stay also on what ever dormitory. nevertheless, that the to us it seem impossible, try to we're address several.

dormitories with largely sociable character application about mentioned service. meet we're with negative response.

For this way disabled citizen is inactivity of the state at solving his hard situation on the verge of human existence extra inhumane. at the same time possibility really of principle solving only be the responsibility of qualified state institution. ought to him come up on one's behalf observance democratic basics, principles human rights also on one's behalf prevention criminality and restraint of other negative phenomenon.

The possibility really of principle solving only be the responsibility of qualified state institution. ought to he approach in focus possibility really of principle solving only be the responsibility of qualified state institution. ought to he approach in focus keeping democratically basics, principles human rights also in focus prevention criminality and restraint of other negative phenomenon.

Homeless and society

Problem negative bearings companies in face of displaced person is analogous as is problem bearings to all border groups. Companies was for a period of 40 years construed untruth about real form her social constitution. anyhow am will never weren't all straight in all of others social needs, we could not be straight nor in socially skills and abilities to apply. sociable pathology was applaud like defect on eye - appeal (in spite of social inadaptable and eructation people occur in every system, also at that that proclaims your best - nobler ideas). Z on that day urameni surprising inquest, that the are "here all of a sudden displaced persons that the that a year ago 1989 weren't" .

In connection with negative posture nation to problem homelessness means also media. create mostly warped picture hereof phenomenon that the has rather touch sensation, than character reliable description or analysis. so for example preponderance public opinion is satisfied, that the beggary it is one o'clock from slackest perhaps, how obtain financial instruments, and as though alms - folk are displaced persons that the by the instrumentality of on feelings extract from honest working resources on life. and so they as a matter of fact everything on right and isn't reason anything solves. Truth is however long way splitting and for skimmer uninteresting. if want to do what most objective opinion at it how judge question homelessness, should we - at least like laity - obtain at full blast information, which would have had interlock panel that the by this one problematic deal with. above all is necessary predestrit before public, what waives and bends fate people in similar situations we found ourselves (waste family rear, employment and living etc.) and as though often isn't there their force get out of they and arrange better life.

problems people in the street more and more also promote viable corresponding solving. Man living undignified in a way life is subject dema basic pressures. 1) owing to lurking traumatized situation happens to suppression natural self - importance, appear begin been despond, skepticism to possibilities new begin, loses trust in personal possibility and belief in natural basic human and social values. 2) partial negative look companies that the people got partly lurking prejudices, partly lack of interest solve foreign problems, in primary row is concerned deprecation expressive different groups.

Put would suppose, that the individuals demarcating similar characteristic characters will try about erection common rear, thanks to which will face inner also outer problems. reality is however such, that the displaced persons be bashful behind its social status and refuse be cursive bad instance no colic by other individuals. as a result is destruction sensation belonging that the could administer to collective solving occurs situation. ad1) solving offers in erection space, where could man living in the street reclaims fellow feeling society, sense of Eigen value and learned perforate bleachers with one another and "healthy society" (ours workplace implements re - - socialization program with psychosocial- arteterapeutickymi elements, takes care about these people also repentance is concerned their cultural and social self - realization and spiritual development.)

ad2) abroad we can meet with it, that the displaced persons associate, to have given intelligible out, about what them walks. lay together by colleague behind aim fillip and create conditions for rise association displaced person in CZ. the would had bottle these function: advocate rights people that the quoted homeless and family rear, also of those that the were jack - out - of - offices from achievement punishment and from achievement bindings and open up exercise: advocate rights of those that the - mostly no personal owing to - were given to the difficulty solvable situation and cannot find ourselves way: be medial partner in cases, when acts about homelessness without them at which time, when displaced persons ourselves want to enforce his views and requirements; become rear for everyone, who wants its situation solve; dignified - like association displaced person - apply for to the civil companies; fall in with plans civil organization, municipality and next subjects; promote projects in support of accommodation and from - injection.

Close For qualified image about development and contemporary state "homelessness", about waives possible solving and necessary attendance of all interested components would was need detailed analyses. am conscious, that the this message is only coarse and very brief opinion on given to problems. Paul finch

probation officer

chairman operator’s sanctuary home (which has 57 members and 2331 beds) are gist homelessness these 1) disrupted families 2) waste home from different causes 3) Teenager sacking from arrangement juvenile that the do not find fit possibility existence 4) release from prison (to the second insider belongs to also women and motherhood with child, women scrapped man, for example drinker, drinker’s ejection female etc.)

Struck from pages Ministry work and social thing CZ in the year 2004/2005

Displaced persons

Displaced persons constitute most conspicuous marginationized group. their precise count in CZ isn't I know a, estimates move among 35000 as far as 75000, whereas only - puts mostly about men lower age category. recently was register growth youthful displaced person, dependent on needle and women that the suffered native by force. women labor with homelessness only rarely, in absolute most are women distressful homelessness only rarely, in absolute most is women distressful homelessness also dependent on alcohol. exact terms data about of the number of women distressful homelessness however isn’t available. biggest concentration displaced person is recorded in Prague from reasons availability sanctuary home, high - level menace and anonymity city. homelessness is usually result combination two and more handicaps. among factors that the they may make for homelessness, belongs to family problems, exclusion from the school, waste employment, low qualification, dope dependence, illness, prison, walk away from child's home, native force etc. according to statistician Czech non - profit - making organization trust 90% her clients was disabled some illness, 50 % dependent on needle or alcohol, 25% displaced person skirt child's homes, 15% psychiatric medical institution, 35% prison. almost half displaced person attained lower, than secondary or basic education. mostly displaced persons no manage no resources and occasions have hazardous road access to social help, are in company stigmatize and have low confidence. homelessness along also bears also next socially unfavorable aftermath, for example prostitution, increasing criminality, mental et al. disorder, usage alcohol and needle etc.

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