Patrick at the 2006 Steps to Recovery..I can't wait for the 2007 Steps this October .. width="425" height="350" ..
So far we've been so lucky and gotten the chance to meet so many cool people. Having a spinal cord injury or having a family member suffer a spinal cord injury is obviously a life changing experience but we've had the opportunity to meet so many people that have taken tragedy and absolutely turned it into a triumph. It blows me away the strength of the human spirit. Here is a video of the most awesome day EVER!! It was July 29, 2007 and Patrick surfed at the US Open of Surfing in Huntington Beach.
We love to channel surf. Of course we love all the guys at Channel 93.3 especially AJ's Playhouse! Check out Patrick SURFING in this video with Life Rolls On!
They Will Surf Again
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Patrick's orginal video at Project Walk..he's 10 in this how time flys.. width="425" height="350" ..
Life Rolls On Photo Shoot April 2007 If you don't know about LRO check out
My kids (i'm definitely a better person because of them), The trainers at Project Walk, ALL of the clients at Project Walk, Life Rolls On and Jesse Billauer, Christopher & Dana Reeve, all the volunteers that have donated time and money to raise money for Patrick