Mission Statement: Many government agencies, police departments, and citizens in general do not know that Medical Marijuana laws exist in the state of Washington. A very important goal of the 420 Foundation is to educate the community on medical marijuana laws which allow persons with certain diseases and injuries to obtain a permit to use marijuana as an alternative to highly addictive prescription drugs such as oxycodone, oxycontin, methadone, valuum, vicodin, etc...We are always seeking persons who support our cause and who can help us spread the word about medical marijuana. We want for ANYONE with a qualifying condition to be able to obtain a permit to use marijuana legally. Without spreading the word, how will anyone know what their options are?If you agree with our cause, please be our "friend" and help us in spreading the word and supporting the continuance of medical marijuana laws in the state of Washington. If you disagree, thank you for taking the time to read our page.
We'd like to meet any and all medical patients in the state of Washington. We would also like to meet any persons currently suffering from diseases or illness who think they could benefit from the medical usage of marijuana.If you'd like to talk with us, please send us an email here on myspace, otherwise, shoot us an instant message on MSN: [email protected] We look forward to hearing from you!GARDEN OF THE WEEK:Ever wondered what a medical closet looks like?Whether you grow soil, hydro, or aero, we want to see your gardens! Send any pictures to [email protected] for review. All applicants will be kept strictly confidential. We look forward to your response!Dependence: How difficult it is for the user to quit, the relapse rate, the percentage of people who eventually become dependent, the rating users give their own need for the substance and the degree to which the substance will be used in the face of evidence that it causes harm.Withdrawal: Presence and severity of characteristic withdrawal symptoms.Tolerance: How much of the substance is needed to satisfy increasing cravings for it, and the level of stable need that is eventually reached.Reinforcement: A measure of the substance's ability, in human and animal tests, to get users to take it again and again, and in preference to other substances.Intoxication: Though not usually counted as a measure of addiction in itself, the level of intoxication is associated with addiction and increases the personal and social damage a substance may do.Source: Jack E. Henningfield, PhD for NIDA, Reported by Philip J. Hilts, New York Times, Aug. 2, 1994
The Institute of Medicine's 1999 report on medical marijuana summarized the medical value of marijuana saying:"The accumulated data suggest a variety of indications, particularly for pain relief, antiemesis, and appetite stimulation. For patients, such as those with AIDS or undergoing chemotherapy, who suffer simultaneously from severe pain, nausea, and appetite loss, cannabinoid drugs might thus offer broad spectrum relief not found in any other single medication. The data are weaker for muscle spasticity, but moderately promising. The least promising categories are movement disorders, epilepsy, and glaucoma. Animal data are moderately supportive of a potential for cannabinoids in the treatment of movement disorders and might eventually yield stronger encouragement."
A Medical Marijuana LaboratoryEach plant has either it's own aeroponic system or shares a system with two other plants in this garden. The room has approximately 70 watts per square foot utilizing both the blue metal halide and red hps spectrums of light at 1000W each. The fuzzy logic controlled CO2 enriches the atmosphere in the room allowing the plants to grow faster, larger, and have more resistance to heat, stress, and sickness. The A/C unit not only keeps the temperatures at a constant 85-95 degrees during the day (gradually rising over 12 hour period), but also keeps the room 60-64 degrees at night and removes unnecessary humidity from inside. Utilizing fans and ducting, the room is vented from an outside source, through the vented hoods, and then back out of the room. Inside the room is a 6" fan filtering out any unwanted scents with a large carbon filter. Reservoir temperature remains at a constant 72 degrees or less.