Golgothan profile picture


I am here for Dating, Serious Relationships, Friends and Networking

About Me

Hello, I am the Golgothan. That's "Poop-Demon" to you, bub!....

My Interests

.. width="425" height="350" ..There's nothing more I like than meeting people, like yourself, and taking a few action photos of them as I drive... -why does no one ever get this quote?recently people have added me as a friend because they thing that I have some crazy demon powers....let me clarify, yes...I am a demon, but other than covering you with poop, and being imperverous to normal weapons, I got nada....

I'd like to meet:

Other fecalphiliacs.....img src="http://phpbb.powerweb.nl/files/mrhankey_335.jpg" border="0"


Death Metal, Bluegrass and Justin Timberlake, man do I l0ve boybands...(did someone just ask "For breakfast?".....?) img src="http://www.myspacepranks.com/myspace-layouts/myspace-gr aphics-bumperstickers/myspace-graphics-bumpersticker22.gif" border="0"


Terror Firmer - only movie worth it's weight in blood and guts....IMHO...prove me wrong, post links/vids img src="http://i45.photobucket.com/albums/f62/dezazul/thcartoon manpooping.gif" border="0"


I know - weird - but I really miss "Cooking With Julia Childs"


Guess I'll jump on the "DaVinci Code" bandwagon - Weeeeeeeeeeeee!!!!


T2 - he could change forms so quickly and beautifully in that maleable metal...poop is not as transcendant :( --------------------------------------------------------Oh - and Jeff, img src="http://myspace-470.vo.llnwd.net/00422/07/43/422383470_l .jpg" border="0"