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By Faith Alone....

About Me

Drink water and soak sun
Art slave.
So I am a Talent Representative at Kaki Entertainment. I manage actors, designers, singers, models, directors, producers, directors, etc. You can check out my company profile to learn more about what I do, but I only add people there that I have worked with or are currently working with. Feel free to add me here though. I do not turn anyone away.
I'm an artist too (although not professionally anymore), so I am very pro artist.The bottom line is all artists need management!
Now, a word about music.
Once you've obtained a record deal, you will certainly need a manager, so holla at ya boi! My company will assist your record label in their efforts to distribute and promote your music.
A lot of people seem to think they are ready for a manager, but very few truly are. Are you ready to have a music manager? Do you practice until you are sick ( I mean, if you play the keyboard, the keys should be blood stained)? Been booking a bunch of shows? Have you sold a few thousand CD's? These are the sort of qualifying points I look for when making a decision on whether or not to enter into a contractual agreement with an artist. I give 200%. I will have no less from you, so keep this in mind when approaching me about music management.
A Music Managers role is very sophisticated these days so it would not be a bad idea to make sure that they have taken a course in Music Management, especially if you are using one of your friends, family member, or anything outside of an experienced professional manager. Music Managers have a lot of responsibility including development, getting a booking agent for tours, developing a great promotional package, creating the artists image including wardrobe & stage presence, getting the artist a web site, songs, producers, studio time, publishing, publicity, etc.
Many music managers can and will sometimes act as an investor if he/she really believes in you. So will I… If your package is not up to par I will do the things necessary to bring your package to a certain level of professionalism. This includes, but of course is not limited to photography, recording, mastering & biography. Kaki Entertainment also handles anything administrative and financial including publishing deals, royalties, recording, public relations, publicity and promotion. A real manager does not just have connections, but knows the intricacies of the business.
Put me in coach!

My Interests

KMTProbate.com Momz, the Hood, Martial Arts, Anime, water, Heavenly Bodies, Scuba, Horsies, Great White Sharks, Art (drawing & painting), Networking, Wei Qi, Bionic Rocketry, Architecture, Finance, Classical Music, Quantum Physics, Solar Energy, Psychology, War, Exercise, Film, Phi, Environmental Issues, Art, Philosophy, International Politics, Rock Climbing, Egyptology, Hiking, Polaric Shifts, String Theory, Wine, The Federal Funding Accountability and Transparency Act, Peace, Opera, Marksmanship, Surfing, Meteorite Sickness, Venturi Eclectic, Sensuality, Passion, Lust for Life, Power, Investments, Animals, Medicine and Health, Conflict, Cold Cash, Meeting cool fun vivacious people, warm summer nights and long deep kisses. 01000011 01111001 01101110 01110100 01101000 011001Fades, I aint turning none down.

I'd like to meet:

People with enough insight not mind my sporadicness at times. This saving the world business is much more work than I initially expected. People who are patient, which is a prerequisite to deal with me anyway. People who will not become insecure or turned off by my dynamism. People who understand that to just allow yourself to be is to become. I welcome all friends and comments but please note that derogatory or obscene content/comments will be promptly deleted. Now I realize that seeing me here on MySpace makes you feel a certain way but please control yourselves ladies... Thanks for your cooperation. LMAO!


THE ORIGINGALYes, music is nice. I like anything that can inspire me to sing while in the shower... -- --


I'm not going to cramp my fingers up doing all of that typing! Are you kidding me?!




Authentication:From Passwords to Public Keys, The Awakening of Intelligence, , The Celestine Prophecy, The Principles of Energy, Elric of Melnibone, Brave New World, Dr. Randolph Stone's Polarity Therapy, Organic Chemistry, The Silmarillion, Stolen Legacy, African Origin of Biological Psychiatry, Global Dimensions of the African Diaspora, Melanin: A Key To Freedom, The Secret Teachings of All Ages, The Alchemist's Handbook, In The Spirit of Crazy Horse, Indian Country, Psychological Operations In Guerrilla Warfare: The CIA's Nicaragua Manual, Turning Points In World History, The Culture of Terrorism, Armed and Dangerous, Cheikh Anta Diop, The United Independent Compensatory Code/System/Concept, Wade Nobles and many more!



My Blog

What is Art?

For senior, abortion a medium for art, political discourseMartine PowersStaff ReporterPublished Thursday, April 17, 2008Art major Aliza Shvarts '08 wants to make a statement.Beginning next Tuesday, Sh...
Posted by RC on Thu, 17 Apr 2008 02:19:00 PST

Nova Rate

So a few years back, probably about twelve, several scholars modeled the statistics and properties of Galactic cataclysmic variables (CVs) by means of a population synthesis.In particular, that genius...
Posted by RC on Mon, 07 Apr 2008 09:21:00 PST

Long, boring and lack luster blog for human consumption

So I had to deliver a script to a big time actress last week, but it was in a secret location in Beverly Hills. When I finally arrive at the destination (only a couple of minutes early?), I have to p...
Posted by RC on Mon, 17 Mar 2008 12:30:00 PST

So what if they are correct??

Personally, I do not believe that any of the organizations or even the collective individual efforts of the race can help us at this point. Not on this level anyway. I truly appreciate Gore and especi...
Posted by RC on Tue, 30 Oct 2007 10:14:00 PST