Black hair, Blue eyes, or So dark they look black, Lower lip piercings, Tattoos, Rock Stars, Actors, Adams Apples, Cleft chins, Mustache Rides, Jeans with bare feet or flip flops.
Theme Hospital PS, Command and Conquer PS, SIMS & SIMS 2 PS2, Monkey Island PS2, Guitar Hero 1,2 & 3 PS2.
Cillian Murphy
Jared Leto
Beautiful Guys
Placebo-"Running Up That Hill"Mew-"Zoo Keeper's Boy"Justice-"D.A.N.C.E."Stars-"Reunion"Submarines-"Peace & Hate"Fall Out Boy-"A Little Less 16 Candles A Little More Touch Me"Gym Class Heros-"Cupid's Chokehold"Motion City Soundtrack-"The Future Freaks Me Out"Pink Spiders-"Little Razorblade"My Chemical Romance-"I'm Not Ok"The Academy is...-"The Phrase That Pays"Cute Is What We Aim For-"Curse Of Curves"U2-"Original of the speices"The Used-"All That I've Got"Pink-"Who Knew"Taking Back Sunday-"MakeDamnSure"Plain White T's-"Hey There Delilah"Ok Go-"A Million Ways"Three Days Grace-"Animal That I've Become"Dropkick Murphy's-"State of Massachusetts"30 Seconds To Mars-"Attack"Death Cab For Cutie-"I Will Follow You Into The Dark"Aiden-"Die Romantic"Love Arcade-"Keep It Comin'"Duran Duran-"Falling Down"The Killers-"Shadowplay"Armor For Sleep-"The Truth about Heaven"All American Rejects-"Move Along"Blue October-"Into The Ocean"Evanescence-"My Immortal"Coldplay-"The Scientist"Jamie Cullum-"Get Your Way"From First To Last-"The Lastest Plague"The Fray-"In Over My Head"Hard-Fi-"Cash Machine"Kill Hannah-"Lips Like Morphine"The Matches-"Papercut Skin"Keane-"Is It Any Wonder"People On Planes-"If you talk to Much"The Kooks-"Naive"Band Of Horses-"Is There a Ghost"Editors-"Smokers Outside of the Hospital Doors"Artic Monkeys-"Fluorescent Adolescent"The Shins-"Phantom Limb"Thrice-"Image of the Invisible"The Strokes-"You Only Live Once"Lizzie West-"Prayer"White Stripes-"Conquest"Five For Fighting-"100 Years"Something Corporate-"If You C Jordan"Unwritten Law-"Save Me"Butthole Surfers-"Pepper"Pepper-"No Control"HelloGoodbye-"Shimmy Shimmy Quarterturn"Cold War Kids-"Hospital Beds"Klaxons-"Magick"The Chemical Bros.-"Salmon Dance"
Top 10 Movies: IN NO ORDER: Boondock Saints, 28 days Later, 10 Things I hate about You, Star Wars (all), Harry Potter(all), Lord Of The Rings Trilogy, Alexander, Indiana Jones(all),Intermission, Zerophilliac, Cold Mountain, Juno, Sugar and Spice, Four Brothers, Breakfast on Pluto.
Dane Cook, The Whitest Kids you know, The Lonely Island, Broken lizard, The Soup, Best Week Ever, SNL.
Currently On TV Shows:
Blood Ties, Robin Hood, Life On Mars, G. S. Family Jewels, Ugly Betty, Greek, Criminal Minds, Lost, Supernatural, Law & Orders(all), CSI (All), Battlestar Galactica (New), Dexter, Big Love, Weeds, The War At Home, Kyle XY, Run's house, SURS, Bones, Greys Ant., Dr. Who, Degrassi the Next Generation, Amazing Race, Surviour, 4400, Monk, Pysch, Flight of the Concords, Chuck, Robot Chicken, Reaper, Nip/Tuck, About A Girl, Moonlight, Life, K-Ville, Gossip Girl, One Tree Hill, The Hills, Real world, Notes From The Underbelly, October Road, MTV, VH1 and Lots of FUSE.
Shows On DVD NOT ON TV: Roswell, My So Called Life, Quantum Leap, Dark Angel, Jake 2.0, Young Indiana Jones Cron., 3rd Rock for the Sun, Viva La Bam, Soap, Deadwood, Rome, 70's Show, Freaks and Geeks.
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