Tommy Lee, Johnny Colt,Lukas Rossi,Vin Diesal, Brooks and Dunn, Tim Mcgraw, Sully from Godsmack, Jay Gordan from Orgy..OMG he's hot,mmmm David Beckham!!!
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I am pretty diverse I like almost anything I can dance too.... My favorites have to be techno/ dance stuff though...Love Alter Bridge, Rockstar SuperNova,Tommy Lee's new one Tommyland great cd, Pussycat Dolls,Ciarra, Green Day, 3 Days Grace, Seether, Evanescence,even like some country Brooks and Dunn, Gretchen Wilson, Tim McGraw, Rascal Flatts, local stuff gotta love Ray Street Park, Social Fever, Rusty Lunchbox, Velkro,Underland,Mango Pie,Zug Island, Mindcandy,Paper Street Saints, Critical Bill,If you haven't seen the locals you so need to check them out they rock...
I like almost all movies favorites of course are chick flicks like Ever After and A Walk In The Clouds, but like the Action ones to like XXX (mmmm Vin Diesel),Underworld,Underworld Evolution, Van Helsing and Blade....
The O.C. , Prision Break,, ER, Las Vegas, Medium,TOMMY LEE GOES TO COLLEGE, lol who am I kidding I just love him....Law and Order all of them,
John Grisham anything he is the best writter....
My Mom, My hubby