Currently ranked as the number one band in Detroit on, RLBX has picked up sponsorship by a couple other bar scene favorites, Jagermeister and Bud Light. While RLBX’s commitment to music and live shows has not budged, their primary focus has turned to all-original showcase shows. They've recently recorded a limited edition EP which flew from the shelves at every venue they have played. In between playing gigs, they’ve found time to work on their sophomore album, which is projected for release by Late 2007. Be sure to check their calendar to find the next place you can catch this can’t miss show.
For directions to the Perfect Pitcher CLICK HERE
For directions to MacGregors CLICK HERE
For directions to the All Around Bar CLICK HERE
All of the Videos in our player were created by Wisely Management
PS. Don't forget...We currently play every Thursday night @ MacGregors in Brownstown for the RLBX Faithful, so make sure to come out and enjoy our PARTY NIGHT!
(Click on the Sponsor's Banner to access their page)
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