Welcome to our myspace page for UNSUNG, Head Heritage's repository for lost and unchampioned rock'n'roll at www.headheritage.co.uk/unsung . Since launching in 2000ce, UNSUNG contributors have notched up over a thousand reviews covering a wide range of rock'n'roll, and UNSUNG has been instrumental in kickstarting interest in groups such as Sir Lord Baltimore, Les Rallizes Denudes, Blue Cheer, Flower Travellin' Band, The Groundhogs and other bands who were barely on the musical map when we started but who are now regularly name-dropped the world over.
Every month Julian Cope selects a record to review for ALBUM OF THE MONTH (though often as not these end up being extensive biographies of the artists and the scenes in which they operate), and offers visitors a chance to hear the the whole thing, too. Meanwhile, The Seth Man - FUZ magazine publisher & ARTHUR magazine contributor - curates his mighty THE BOOK OF SETH . Seth began as a regular UNSUNG contributor, but through sheer will and force his writer's personality gave us no other choice but to shine a light on his remarkable take on THE ROCK. Hopefully, the power of Seth will allow others out there to emerge into the Cyber Sunlight and drizzle some of their perceptive viewpoints over our busy lives.
UNSUNG is a remarkable community effort that welcomes and benefits from contributions from participants who write with responsibility and awareness.
Here on myspace, we'll be featuring Julian Cope's current ALBUM OF THE MONTH on the 1st day of each month.