I've been called these words:
us. magikal.quixotic.lunatic.impetuous.capricious.splendid.utter
ly mad.wild.obnoxious.true.ardent.ernest.intense.unfuckin'belie
vable. wierd.eccentric.odd.smart.brash.mecurial.astonishing.silly.s
trange.but fun!.w00t.exhausting.incandecant
I don't like talking about myself, but I'll do it at great length, unless stopped. I like taking pictures and djing at clubs and sun and wind and bare feet and safety pins. There are a lot of things I like and more I love, but I complain too much. I don't know why.
I can't stand a quiet room. I need music (tunejunkie). I'm a snob, I"m elitist, I think too much. I adore just walking about a city (fläneur) and talking to folks (oh my she just said folks! Who does that?) and I often propose marraige to people I think are really really brill. I may do it to you, and if you turn me down it *will* hurt my feelings.
I have a story for everything, and I have a head full of learning but very little else. I always bullshit but I never lie. I am prone to singing at random times and places, and if you try to speak to me before the verse is finished it's likely I won't hear you. She means well, she really does. She tries her best, she just doens't know any better. I take big bites (of food and life), because I have fire in my body instead of blood. This gets me odd looks at bus stops, I collect them ad use them to stuff my pillows. The odd looks, I mean, not the bus stops. I am, possibly, completly unacceptable in more than one way.
I know how to be serious but you might never see it. Don't hold the gypsy thing against her, but don't be surprised if she plays the part. If you need a muse you should ask nicely. We don't like being bossed around. Then again. Creatures of passion are never predictable, but they are manageable. You just have to know how. Don't dare call me pikey unless you're practically family. Ecstacy will always be my first and my deepest love, and all I want is to know more words. Erm. I very seldom run out of words.