The Schrödinger Cat. profile picture

The Schrödinger Cat.

The Confounded Cat [in a Paper Bag].

About Me

I feel a warm western breeze sifting through the trees,
dressing old wounds in distant dust and whispered wisdom,
lightly holding fresh wounds in with a mother's soft kiss from an ocean away,
tempering bitter cold words with new world knowledge,
awakening apple blossom hindsight lost under the withering winter snow,
giving life to dull roots stuck in forgetful soil.

My Interests

Modern Literature / Poetry prose and rants / rollerblading / thrift shopping / photography / high contrast photos / Black and white photography / gardening / cooking / science journals / Psychology / Sci-fi / tea time / Scones / UK Culture / antique keys / 1920s-40s apparel / Foreign films / Symantics / makeup / Soft lighting / playing dress up / fedoras / The Future / curves / art deco buildings / femininity / interior design / steampunk

I'd like to meet:

Plant a garden in which strange plants grow and mystery blooms - ken kesey.


A plethora of things you'll have to guess at.


Metropolis / license to live / Faust / A snake of June / Cure / Charisma / Casablanca / Jakob the liar / Last life in the Universe / Das Experiment / Sympathy for Mr Vengeance / the machinist / The Night Porter / The Saint / In the Mood for Love / High noon / the hard way (1947) / Lost in translation / Singin' in the Rain / Red Shoes / The Testimate of Dr. Mabuse / Blanc / Rouge


Futurama / Black Adder / Daria / Father Ted / Trigun / Cowboy Bebop / The Lost Room / Doctor Who / Pushing Daisies / Nova / BBC


Hopeful Monsters / Rosencrantz and Guildenstern are Dead / The Trial / Women in Love / Brave New World / ETA Hoffman's The Sandman / The Outsider / Midnight's Children / The Trial / Lies my teacher told me / Death in Venice / Ovid's Metamorphoses / On the nature of human romantic interactions / Einstein's Dreams


The Doctor.

My Blog

Poverty and the Computer.

Read the first article, then the second. p-PCs-can-help-the-poor/0,130061702,339286443,00.htm
Posted by The Schrödinger Cat. on Mon, 03 Mar 2008 09:15:00 PST

Wishlist for the new year (or photographic cry for help)

Hello hello kiddos.On the eve of a western new years (last Sept for all you hebrews and this February for the orient) I would first like to say it has been a perplexing, vehement, difficult, long year...
Posted by The Schrödinger Cat. on Sat, 29 Dec 2007 06:56:00 PST

Charcoal. (Prose)

I need a better title for this bit of prose. Anyone have any suggestions? It's much too early for me to think of one yet I was able to write? Go figure. I'm rather cold at the moment. Sigh. Damn ...
Posted by The Schrödinger Cat. on Mon, 17 Dec 2007 09:08:00 PST

Portrait (Poem)

Window silhouette lit by dimly forgotten candlelight,Burning coffee stain holes through 35mm frames,Saturating sense in an overwhelming chemical bath gulp,Layer after layer packing in silver sedimenta...
Posted by The Schrödinger Cat. on Wed, 28 Nov 2007 06:13:00 PST

Here Goes Nothing. (Prose)

I suppose I should premise this with a short explaination. Or something like that. I've been writing this over the course of a week or so, just in bursts. Turns out creativity has left me like the wa...
Posted by The Schrödinger Cat. on Mon, 26 Nov 2007 10:46:00 PST

Birthday A Bust. Help make up for that!

Okay, so I worked on my birthday. This was not my fineset hour. Bah. Sure I had fun cashiering, and I left the museum early. Came home, made lunch, had some wine, napped. But that does not a birt...
Posted by The Schrödinger Cat. on Wed, 27 Jun 2007 12:59:00 PST

The Leaf.

A crisp green leaf whispers over my ear, pausing my mercury feet from delivering myself into the hands of the mid afternoon goddess. It murmurred a muted message echoed between the dimensions of space...
Posted by The Schrödinger Cat. on Thu, 03 May 2007 10:11:00 PST

anyone have a spare external hard drive enclosure? (or ipod mini?)

i'm looking to tinker with a few hard drives I have laying around and find out if they are worth salvaging. Preferrably I'm looking for something with firewire but beggers can't be choosers. I'd at le...
Posted by The Schrödinger Cat. on Sat, 14 Apr 2007 10:30:00 PST

It's decided then.

I should premise that this poem was written a month and some ago. I had forgotten having written it and thought oh what the hell, post it, it's been a while since I have contributed anything to my bl...
Posted by The Schrödinger Cat. on Fri, 20 Oct 2006 08:16:00 PST

in the hands of fate. [tenative title of poem]

I should mention that myspace editor sucks and it won't let me keep some of the line breaks I have...the first parathesised line should be centered. "I put myself" line should begin where so bit it e...
Posted by The Schrödinger Cat. on Thu, 10 Aug 2006 02:23:00 PST