[Timeline Version]
1974/ Grew up in Oakland, CA ... like to make beats n'shit... wanted to play drums, but got into samplers instead...
1991/ Started working on an 8-bit, 4-channel Commodore Amiga tracker prog called MED (Music EDitor) from Norway or somewhere... made some tapes to give to friends for feedback... added MIDI box around 1996... worked with a few folks between these years (Amadi/A.K., Toy , Turntable-Tee , Kasimu the Irritated Genie, Billy Jam , Product Pushers , Jayare? and Manphu )... mostly sub-100 BPM kinda weird hippy-hoppy shit or something...
1998/ Moved on to Mac + Cubase + E-mu sampler and experimented with Jungle/D'n'B for a while (with DJ Sifu and Flemme Fatale/Balanceman as H.$.O. (Hot $tewed Opposums, etc.))... learned a ton of useful technical shit and met some cool folks, but it wasn't for me... so, back to square one and a half...
2000/ In the middle of smashing head into bricks over D'n'B , start to record old Amiga tracks for my own pleasure and to "put them to rest"... compiled output onto CDs and started giving them out to more people again (always whoring for feedback)... CD's are titled "8.bitz.o.luv://dump.or.die.vol.01-05" ...
2002/ Making experimentally hippy-hoppy shit again, but with less samples and more variety... still not sure of direction, but having fun again at least...
2004/ Starting to collaborate with more folks again ( Billy Jam , DJ Pone , Shing02 , DJ A-1 , Zachariah Veley , Piseas , DJ Stoic , DJ DnZ )... getting some stuff released here and there (see Discography in blogs section above)... pieced together a more "portable" Amiga 1200 set-up from eBay and starting to play the beats live at a few shows and on radio (with Freelancers Un1ted , DJs of Mass Destruction , and whoever else was around)...
2005/ Time to get more focused... putting small runs of all five Dump or Die CDs out thanks to Hip Hop Slam ... a sixth in the works(?)... and also figure out what to do with this newer shit, which is a bit cleaner, mellower (sometimes), more sparse, and something-ish... also trying to add to the studio again and step it all up a notch... yup.
2008/ Continuing to tighten my shit and work with more folks (including remixes for P.E.A.C.E. , KK / Shing02 , Live Human , and production for DJs of Mass Destruction , DJ Quest , BRB (JayAre & Bomani) , Fashion Police and more)... started up BeatZen Recordz imprint to release limited runs of beat CDs (including the long-awaited Dump or Die series and the brand new N00b EATz series)... also been stepping up the live beats stuff (now incorporating Ableton Live and an M-Audio Axiom 61 keyboard into the Amiga set-up for a truly non-stop mix of original beats)... more to come...
[... also, please lookit those self-promotionary blog entries up there for more info... thank you, drive thru]