Tennis, Baseball, Basketball, Bowling. I also enjoy white-water rafting, and camping. I also am interested in politics, student activities (Just elected to Student Government), and community service.
I'd like to meet:
So many people. Mainly Kanye West and Kevin Spacey. I believe these two men are geniuses in their fields. I would also like to meet Eva Longoria, Jessica Alba, Beyonce, and Scarlett Johanson, for obvious reasons. I would also like to meet Barack Obama. I believe this man will do great things for our country as long as we give him the opportunity. If you are not sure, listen to him speak. He puts other politicians to shame. A politician with a brain? Yeah, I know. Who would have thought?
Kanye, Rob Thomas, Daughtry, Nickelback, Beyonce, Fall Out Boy,Panic at the Disco, Jay-Z, Eminem, and we cannot forget Mr. Tupac Shakur.
Anything with Kevin Spacey: American Beauty, Usual Supsects, Life of David Gale, and Seven. Also like cheesy movies like Sorority Boys, Mean Girls, Bring It On, and White Chicks.
The best three shows on television: Desperate Housewives, Nip/Tuck, and Grey's Anatomy. I cannot miss them. I also love Law and Order:SVU, CSI Miami, and the Real World/Road Rules Challenges.
I cannot stand reading. I'd rather see things or experience things on my own.
My father. He has been a single parent for 7 years now and amazes me more and more each day. It is not easy raising my ass, but I think he has done a great job. I am just surprised he has not kicked me out yet. Also, my mother. I wish I could have had more time with her. However, she is a large part of the reason I am the person who I am today. Through her I learned compassion, devotion, and determination.