"Whoever would overthrow the liberty of a nation must begin by subduing the freeness of speech." — Ben Franklin
General Links, AM, FM, SW...
FCC enforcements
Official Pirate Radio Kit Site
NRG Kits
North Country Radio
For the shortwave bands...
Free Radio network
Radio Pirates Forum
Ragnar's Pirate's Week
Glenn Hauser's World Of Radio
Hard Core DX
"During times of universal deceit, telling the truth becomes a revolutionary act." — George Orwell
How to become a community radio station
World Assoc. of Community Radio Broadcasters
"As long as people will accept crap, it will be financially profitable to dispense it." — Dick Cavett
Free Radio Santa Cruz Busted including pictures, audio, and video. Lots of good shots of smug fascist assholes.
History of Pirate Radio in Ireland
U.K. Hall Of Fame
Free Press
National Coalition Against Censorship
Fire The FCC
First Amendment Center
Alfa Lima International
Radio 4 All
Official Time in UTC from NIST
WBCQ free speech radio
Lying Media Bastards
Freak Radio Santa Cruz
Media Geek
One of the Penalties for Refusing to Participate in Politics is that You End Up being Governed By your Inferiors - Plato
You can't Solve a Problem with the Thinking that Created the Problem - Albert Einstein
Lost FCC Report, Whoops
Pirate Radio Profile test results:
Social Liberalism
(80% permissive - 20% liberal)
Economic Conservative (81% permissive - 19% conservative)
You are best described as a Libertarian
Link: The Politics Test
September 19 is International Talk Like a Pirate Day.
Real pirate radio stations...I understand that most of these stations are low profile and I don't expect to find many on MySpace. Advocates of free radio are also invited. Not you Internet twits. Internet streams are great, your cause might be noble, and you may champion free speech, but we need more REAL free radio. This is about broadcasting. There's thousands of Internet streams available. And in some countries that too is illegal. And then there's commercial stations calling themselves "Pirate Radio" as their indentifier. (KKXX for example) You have a license...so you're not a pirate station.
"We're Going to Take Things Away from You on Behalf of the Common Good" - Hillary Clinton
SET YOUR RADIO FREE performed by Carol Denney
Eric Idle - FCC Song
FCC FU song
Pirate Radio USA
Pump Up The Volume
Back in 1987 in Chicago someone hijacked the PBS station WTTW. They overpowered the studio to transmitter link.
40 Watts From Nowhere
Pirate Radio Stations
Joe Carr RF Design
Edwin H. Armstrong