Animals,animal rescue and animal rehabilitation, movies, reading, yardwork, gardening, my grandchildren and family(husband included :-D ) Nature and conservation of our wildlife and reserves. House sales and remodeling. I also transport companion animals going to rescue or approved foster /forever homes when I have time.
People that make me laugh. People into helping animals and animal rescue. Other than that no one except maybe Cesar Millan, aka Dog Whisperer. I would also like to meet Randy Grim and Quenton, the dog who survived the gas chamber and was adopted by Randy. He rescued street dogs and started one of the largest rehab and adoption centers known, Stray Rescue of St. Louis, MO.
Wolfdogs A-Z and Living With Wolfdogs by Nicole Wilde. Animal rescue stories. Nicole Wilde's books are very informational for anyone who is thinking about adopting a wolfdog and are inexperienced at wolfdog companionship. Miracle Dog by Randy Grim. A wonderful true story. Also 44 Days Out of Kandahar by Christine Sullivan about a rescue from overseas.
People with self-control. People who have the courage to make a difference.All those who give unselfishly of their time to help those creatures who have no voice. Working around the clock to save as many as possible, knowing they can't save them all. With anguish in their hearts for those they lose, spirits lift with each soul saved.
***Your Psyche is Red***You are bright, bold, energetic, and intense.
Your upbeat, zany energy inspires those who are down.
Spontaneous and playful, you also have a courageous and fearless side.When you are too red: you are angry, overprotective, and truly scary.When you don't have enough red: you are depleted and lifeless.What Color Is Your Psyche?
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