Playing and reading.
I'm not fussy. Old or young, educated or basic, beautiful or plain, male or female, foreign or local.
I'd be happy to send you a list of the 2,900 songs by the 240 artists on my iPod. Alright, it would be a pain the arse, but you see my point though? Current favourites are Manding singer Oumou Sangare and Orchestre National de Barbès. I like some mainstream acts, but they're a small minority.
How about a live show instead?
There are plenty of live shows to see in your city. Come on, you know you want to.
The Black Jacobins, C. L. R. James
Anything by Dionne Brand
Texaco, Patrick Chamoiseau
1491: New Revelations of the Americas Before Columbus, Charles C. Mann
Effortless Mastery, Kenny Werner
J. R. R. Tolkien
Revelation, John the Apostle (trad.)
Proverbs (trad.)
And on and on ... so kill me for being an English major.
I'm raising my children to be my heroes. I'll keep you posted.