Wladd_Muta profile picture



About Me



Welcome in the storm, enjoy the storm...
and never forget : you're a part of it.



No Borders !.

there is no border between animals and humans,

there is no border between women and men,

there is no border between black and white,

there is no border between mineral and vegetal,

there is no border between north and south,

there is no border between the good and the bad,

there is no border between you and me,

there is no border between the beautyful and the ugly,

there is no border between the yin and the yang,

there is no border between the natural and the artificial,

there is no border between the body and the mind,

there is no border between the living and the non-living,

there is no border between the inside and the outside...


... and all of this is highly political...



: :

"mutagene is my blog"

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for Anya

The night from October 17th to 18th 2004

I arrive by train in this little mountainous village of "Siberia"
which, in spite of its name "Siberia," is perched on the Himalayan slopes.
You're waiting for me at the village square.
For some time, you have been living in this region in a little house
perched on a high mountain quite far from the village. We must walk a lot.
I feel great pleasure to be here in the middle of this magnificent landscape,
but at the same time, I'm a little discouraged and tired to keep walking.
On the way the vegetation becomes sparser.
Painfully, I move my body along the trail climbing upwards
which zizgags in the middle of an obscure, almost lunar, landscape
which still has some sparse frail bushes.
To regain some courage, I come up with a little melody.
Melody without words which carries you upwards,
Dream-like double of the strange choirs of "Kinder des Alls"
of the mythic Germans Cosmic Jokers.
This melody has a name, or two:
"The chicken with dog’s skeleton." "The eagle with dog’s skeleton."
For a moment, I hesitate between the two, but I know that ultimately it's the same thing.
I'll say "The chicken with dog's skeleton."

I wake up with this music in my head.

Inked by Leon

My Interests

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"Was ist, ist, was nicht ist, ist möglich."

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.: Anarko-mutagene Bricolage :: Art as Magic Practice :: Mutations and transformations :: Music :: Anarchy :: BeeQueen Orchid Practice :: Possiblism :: Beautiful Riots :: Zen Humour :: Biotek-Punk :: Eating and Drinking flowers :: the Great Panic :: Questions about Species, Sex, Genders, Races, Nature(s), Anti-Nature, Science, Power and Capitalism... :: Altered States of Consciousness :: outernationalism :: Martial Arts :: Viet Vo Dao :: Profane Illumination :: Chaos :: Unnatural Anarko-taoism :: Paradox :: Yoga :: Tatoos :: Sleeping :: Dreaming :: Love Secret Domains :: No Borders :: Montains :: Forest :: Art of Sounds :: Bio Art :: Vegetarian Food Art :: Psychedelic Art and Experiementation :: Land Art :: Body Art :: Travel Art :: Butoh :: Hybridity :: Utopia :: Tea :: Smoked Tea :: Playing Dijiridoo :: singing Diphonic chants :: Klecksography :: Klecksoradiography :: Relaunching the Dreamweapons :.

"... l'exaltant culte de la Métamorphose qui pétrit chairs et terre."

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.:x-rays and dream interpretations of injured children:.

Nous sommes toutes et tous des maisons hantées

:: Kleksoradiographies et interpétations de rêves d'enfants accidentés ::


Cette collection de kleksoradiographies d'enfants traque les fantômes
qui hantent nos inconscients durablement suite à des traumatismes.
L'enfance est une période de la vie extrêmement violente
où nous subissons nombres de chocs qui nous tourmenteront,
nous anéantiront, jusqu'à la fin de nos jours.

Le procédé Kleksoradiographique révèle les visages de ces
fantômes cachés dans les fibres les plus intimes de nos êtres.
C'est en les reconnaissant que l'on acquière
les pouvoirs de les chasser ou les dompter.

Sous chaque portrait les initiales de l'enfant
et la date du traumatisme sont notées.


"Cette société qui ne veut pas entendre parler d'envoûtements et de magie, et qui ne cesse de perfectionner et de mettre au point certaine armature psychiatrique pour décourager les lucidités, est née d'un tour de passe magique, d'une immonde opération qui lui a donné droit de cité dans les choses qu'elle continue à maintenir envers et contre tout à coup d'envoûtements. "
(Antonin Artaud. Lettre à André Breton.).


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.: TC&A - The Tissue Culture & Art Project :: Art Oriente objet :: Christian Boltanski :: Tantric Tibetan Art :: James Turrell :: Olivier Goulet :: Oceanian sacred Arts :: Mark Rothko :: Kwakiutl sacred Art :: Shamanic Art :: William Turner :: African sacred art :: Karl Blossfeldt :: Richard Long :: Andy Goldworthy :: Robert Smithson :: Dreamtime art :: Masks :: Ira Cohen :: Marta de Menezes :: Henri Michaux :: Walter De Maria :: Marcel Duchamps :: Ron Athey :: Roman Opalka :: Jheronimus Bosch :: Albrecht Dürer :: Leonardo Da Vinci :: Frida Kahlo :: Sandro Botticelli :: Hokusai Katsushika :: Yves Klein :: Guiseppe Arcimboldo :: Ivan Bilibine :: Guiseppe Penon :: Joel-Peter Witkins :: Sumi-e :: Tchan :: Shitao :: La Monte Young / Marian Zazeela :: Paul Laffoley :: Gustav Klimt :: Paul Gauguin :: many other wonders:...


I'd like to meet:

the Snark...and maybe you...

MySpace is owned by Rupert Murdoch's NewsCorp and is absolutely not independent!



.: Taj Mahal Travellers :: La Monte Young :: Dream Syndicate :: Coil :: UTON :: Early Pink Floyd :: Angus MacLise :: Eliane Radigue :: Birchville Cat Motel :: Henry Flynt :: East Bionic Symphonia :: Terry Riley :: Pauline Oliveros :: ZovietFrance :: Rapoon :: Random_Inc :: Random Industries :: Terre Thaemlitz :: Steve Roden :: Richard Chartier :: Bernhard Günter :: John Duncan :: Hazard :: Jacob Kirkegaard :: Taylor Deupree :: Michael Northam :: Makoto Kawabata :: Indian Ragas and dhrupad :: Zia Mohiuddin Dagar :: Pandit Pran Nath :: L. Subramaniam :: K. Sridhar & K. Shivakumar :: Gundecha Brothers :: Kosmischen Kuriere's bands : Cosmic Jokers - Sergius Golowin - Walter Wegmüller and more... :: many Krautrock wonders : Cluster - Code III - Faust - Agitation Free (in Egypt only)- very early Tangerin Dream - Limbus - Annexus Quam - Yatha Sidhra - Third Ear Band - Popol Vuh - Kluster - Harmonia - Liliental - Kraftwerk - Neu! and more...:: 60's and 70's psychedelic experimental :: Intersystems :: Tony Conrad with Faust :: Tony Conrad :: Nurse With Wound :: Tibetan tantric chants :: Coco Rosie :: The Wind Harp :: Stephen Vitiello :: japanes Shakuhachi :: Alvin Lucier :: Syd Barrett :: Vedic Sound :: Pearls Before Swine :: Nico :: Michael J Schumacher :: Kodò :: Alan Lamb :: Virgin Prunes :: Hildegard Westerkamp :: John Watermann :: Michael Prime :: John Cage :: Brast Burn :: early Leonard Cohen :: John Hudak :: olivia block :: rafael toral :: *0 :: Strawberry Fields Forever :: David Dunn :: Dreamweapon by Spacemen 3 :: Ryoji Ikeda :: Heldon :: Deathprod :: Phonophani :: Biosphere :: Skyphone :: Thomas Koner :: Phill Niblock :: Throbbing Gristle :: The Soft Pink Truth :: Death in June :: Diamanda Galas :: Thighpaulsandra :: Psychic TV :: Erik Satie :: Ultra-red :: The Velvet Underground :: Einstürzende Neubauten :: Acid Mothers Temple :: Alva Noto :: Steve Reich :: William Basinski :: Donnacha Costello :: Jon Hassell :: Brian Eno :: Trivandram Sisters :: ANNSCAN :: Sion Orgon :: Aprilfool :: Crass :: Ladytron :: Conflict :: Seht :: Godspeed You! Black Emperor :: Putressence :: the mighty acts of god :: "KENNETH ANGER’S LUCIFER RISING JIMMY PAGE SOUNDTRACK" :: "KENNETH ANGER’S LUCIFER RISING BOBBY BEAUSOLEIL SOUNDTRACK" and many other wonders :...

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.: Picture of Light (Peter Mettler) :: Zerkalo - Stalker - Andreï Roublev - Solaris - and more (Andrei Tarkovski) :: The Invasion of Thunderbolt Pagoda (Ira Cohen) :: Gohatto (Nagisa Oshima) :: Element of Crime, Epidemic, Medea, Idiots (von Trier):: MAHABARATA (Peter Brook) :: Fellini-Satyricon :: Wavelength (Michael Snow) :: Why has Bodhi-Dharma Left for the East (Yong-Kyun Bae) :: The Night of the hunter (Charles Laughton) :: Persona, Viskningar Och Rop (Ingmar Bergman) :: Spider (David Cronenberg) :: Eraserhead - Inland Empire (David Lynch) :: Häxan (Benjamin Christensen) :: Blade Runner :: Dao Maze (Tian Zhuang Zhuang):: Sen to Chihiro no Kamikakushi (Hayao Miyazaki):: Dead Man (Jim Jarmusch):: jan svankmajer :: Sergei Parajanov :: Youri Ilienko :: Patrick Bokanowski :: Pier Paolo Pasolini :: Satyajit Ray :: Kenneth Anger :: Aleksandr Sokurov :: Jean Rouche :: Derek Jarman :: Werner Herzog :: Anya Bernstein :: The Atomic Cafe (Kevin Rafferty & Jayne Loader) many other wonders :...

See my friend makeshift shape's page :
and have a look to his Oomper Oomper trailer :





.: Henri Michaux :: Greg Egan :: Thomas Pynchon :: Philip K.Dick :: Brion Gysin :: Alexandra David Neel :: Muteba Kazadi :: J.G. Ballard :: Li Shang-Yin :: Bruce Sterling : "Schismatrix" :: Li Ho :: Gilles Deleuze :: John Cage :: Oliver Sacks :: Kenneth White :: Victor Segalen :: Ursula Leguin :: Peter Singer :: Donna Haraway : "Cyborg Manifesto" :: Lewis Carroll :: Lautreamont :: Antonin Artaud :: Hildegarde Von Bingen :: William Burroughs :: Claude Debru : "Le Possible et les biotechnologies" :: François Jacob :: Robert Musil :: David Toop : "Ocean of sound" :: Winsor McCay : "Little Nemo in Slumberland " :: many other wonders :...

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Une ,,uvre neuve

Je voulais une ,,uvre neuve
et qui accrochât certains points organiques de la vie,
une ,,uvre où l’on sent tout le système nerveux éclairé comme au photophore
avec des vibrations, des consonances.

Antonin Artaud

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Eliane Radigue

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"It is not true that the map of freedom will be complete with the erasure of the last invidious border when it remains for us to chart the attractors of thunder and delineate the arrhythmias of drought to reveal the molecular dialects of forest and savanna as rich as a thousand human tongues and to comprehend the deepest history of our passions ancient beyond mythology's reach

So I declare that no corporation holds a monopoly on numbers no patent can encompass zero and one no nation has sovereignty over adenine and guanine no empire rules the quantum waves

And there must be room for all at the celebration of understanding for there is a truth which cannot be bought or sold imposed by force, resisted or escaped":.

.: Muteba Kazadi (2019) :.

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My Blog

Manifeste pour l’abolition de l’apartheid international

Depuis plus de dix ans que les sans-papiers luttent collectivement contre la situation de discrimination violente qui leur est faite, et qu'ils bénéficient d'un soutien plus ou moins actif d'une fract...
Posted by Wladd_Muta on Tue, 11 Sep 2007 11:47:00 PST

Transfère sur Blogspot.

Dans une logique de multiplication de mes pages internets, j'ai ouvert une nouvelle adresse où vous pourrez désormait lire mon blog. http://mutagene.blogspot.com/Si vous considérez que les idées, que ...
Posted by Wladd_Muta on Fri, 03 Aug 2007 08:04:00 PST

POSSESSION (in english)

Text by Anya (see her MySpace and become her friend, you must know her!!!) about our visit in a very special Indian temple...As we were riding on the train and then the endless crowded bus, Bijuannoun...
Posted by Wladd_Muta on Tue, 14 Nov 2006 11:17:00 PST