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Worship isn't a music-style, it's a life-style!

About Me

If we are gonna make a difference for Jesus, we are gonna have to get a little bit crazy!

Amazing thanks to everyone that participated in First Night Douglas 08 and made it a wonderful success for the Kingdom of God. Over 25 local fellowships participated (from 11 different denominations) with 302 in attendance! Can't wait for First Night Douglas '09...www.FirstNightDouglas.com

2007 Revolve Tour Atlanta

It's not enough to say you know Him. It's not enough to just call yourself a Christian. It's not enough to just pray a prayer. You must know Him. You must know Him in His life & His death. You must make His life, your life. You must make His death, your death. Is He alive in you? Are you dead in Him? Has He made a difference in your life? Are you making a difference in the lives of those around you? It starts with His cross. It ends with your's! It starts at an Altar. It ends with you on the altar. Can you say "YES!" I will die for Him? Do you know Him? Do you really know him?

(Click on the video below!)

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This is an indictment... I repent...

    E quipping saints
    D iscipling believers
    G rowing the Kingdom
    E vangelizing our realm

E.D.G.E. is a Worship-Lifestyle based ministry of music, teaching & community outreach. We minister the message of a 24/7/365 passionate service to Jesus! (We prefer to call ourselves "followers of Jesus" rather than Christian, as it seems the title Christian has been so watered-down & adultrated in the late 20th century) We believe in practicing our faith with community outreach, peer-to-peer discipleship, corporate worship, discussion-based homegroups & relevant teachings from God's Word. We believe in preaching the pure, uncomprommised, holy Gospel message of selflessness & holiness as Jesus preached with His life! We believe in the Kingdom of God! We believe that the Kingdom suffers violence, and the strong will take it by force - so we profess with a declaration of war: let everything I do, be "for the Kingdom!"
The Ministries of E.D.G.E. include the teen girls home-based discussion-oriented youth worship & discipleship group:
Relevant teaching through
International networking & intercessory prayer through the ministry of
(Gary pictured here presenting a POW flag signed with thoughts & prayers from dozens of RopeHolders, to former POW Ron Young)
Community outreach through
(In 2001 Unto Me started a program to deliver Thanksgiving Dinner Baskets to local familes in need.)
E.D.G.E. has been ministering to the greater western Atlanta, GA area since July of 2001 & maintains that everyone that has answered the call to follow Jesus is a minister and has a purpose and commission to touch others for Christ; E.D.G.E. shares this message through the ministry of Kingdom Discovery, encouraging and empowering followers of Jesus to "step up to the plate" and make a difference in the lives that God has put around them!
One of the highlights of E.D.G.E.'s ministry was in April of 2005, when E.D.G.E. & A Fire for God presented "Surrender, West Atlanta! 2005" - a student worship conference featuring the worship lifestyle ministry of Joel Engle & Thomas Young:
E.D.G.E. Director, Gary Kienel, is currently working on his first published teachings, entitled: Youth Leadership On The EDGE, a collection of life-application, discussion oriented youth lessons:
"Youth Leadership On The EDGE" is the product of over 25 years of youth work, in the trenches, learning to communicate effectively the message of a worship life-style changing the course of reckless, rebellious & misguided youth into passionate righteous Jesus Freaks with a reason, a purpose & a mission for the Kingdom of God. Birthed primarily out of the 2+ year ministry of A Fire for God (AFG), this revolutionary discussion-based youth leadership program is designed to assist anointed youth & student leaders to encourage, empower & equip their teens to become mighty men & women of God to turn their schools, churches & communities upside down for the Gospel of Jesus Christ.
Using practical application, music, video, discussion, prayer & encouragement, "Youth Leadership on the EDGE" has been proven by God to turn the hearts & lives of students towards God, family & others while creating the disciples that Jesus has commanded us to be.
The first release in the series is a 13-week study available by Fall 2007. Sample topics & lesson out-takes will be available soon in the BLOG section of this page. Recommendations & testimonials are in the "What are People Saying" section below. Be sure and watch this site for ordering information as the release of PART I approaches.
About the author: Gary E. Kienel has been serving the Lord since age 15. Raised in a Roman Catholic home, he was passionate to know God from an early age. As an Altar Boy, he seriously considered the priesthood as a pre-teen. Gary was awakened to new life in Christ as a sophomore at Berry Academy in Rome, GA. What began as a bit offensive zeal matured into a passionately ambitious determination to serve God all the days of his life. Years of struggle & challenge revealed a mantel of prophetic gifting along with a God-given ability to teach & administrate. Gary declares: "I found the key to my spiritual journey to be just that - it is a journey; not a single step of faith, nor even several steps - but rather a lifetime of steps, a series of falling down & getting back up; a great adventure filled with victories and defeats; overcoming and suffering; a school of brokenness & death-to-self that leads to life beyond measure or comprehension." Gary was ordained in 2002 and is humbled to serve as the director of E.D.G.E. Ministries. Along with his wife of 26 years, Shelley, & their 16-year-old daughter, Charity, E.D.G.E. ministers to the community through youth ministry, holiday outreach, intercessory prayer, music & worship teachings. Gary's family attends The Church at Chapel Hill in Douglasville, GA.
Songs featured in "Youth Leadership on the EDGE": Shadow of the Cross, Living Sacrifice & Nothing Left of Me, by Joel Engle; Big, by Planet Shakers; Without You, by Chase Gentes; Song of the Redeemed, by Living Anthem; Made To Worship & Come Home Running, by Chris Tomlin; Reason, by Hoobastank; Dare You To Move, by Switchfoot; Jekyll & Hyde, by Petra;
Movies Movie clips featured in "Youth Leadership on the EDGE include scenes from: The Passion of the Christ; The Truman Show; Finding Nemo; Day After Tomorrow; Blue Crush; Braveheart; Chronicles of Narnia; Pay It Forward (Many of these movies should be screened or edited before viewing by youth; though the selected clips are edited to safe viewing, the movies in their entirity may not be suitable.)
What Are People Saying About "E.D.G.E."?
"You don't pebble...u rock! I appreciate the hospitality and the passionate love of Jesus in you all. I praise the Lord for how he is using you to display HIS Life to students."
- Thomas Young, Young Endeavors
(Following a weekend conference with AFG students from which this lesson guide was compiled.)
"You are an inspiration to me and all people in and out of your Community. I respect each of you greatly for showing young people how to worship and show your love for our Savior, Jesus Christ, and how we can all be bold with God! I can see that God shines in each of you. You have that Fire For God that keeps you coming back for more!"
- Alyshia Powell, Parent
(In reference to the girls of AFG following a worship/baptism gathering.)

My Interests


Member Since: 7/29/2006
Band Website: NoSpectators.net
Band Members:

"You may not have to die to be a History Maker for Jesus, but you will most certainly have to give your life!"

"Authority from God is not afraid of challengers, makes no defense, and cares not one whit if it must be dethroned." ~ Gene Edwards, A Tale of Three Kings

E.D.G.E. Ministries, Inc. Staff:

Gary Kienel

Shelley Kienel
Assistant Director

Charity Kienel
Youth Director

Scott & Patti Palmer
Staff Volunteers

Paul & Irene Biggs
Staff Volunteers

Donna K. Colee

Teresa K. Carmichael

2007 Sponsors & Partners:

Faith In Action
Douglaville, GA

Chapel Hill News & Views
Douglasville, GA

Custom Services & Solutions, LLC
Douglasville, GA

On Trac Ministries
Douglasville, GA

BarlowGirl shares a powerful message on "non-conformity" that we all could do well to hear (not just the girls out there!):

For All The Prodigals...

Ah brethren, that we would all get ahold of this spirit of truth: Battle Cry

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These sites, events, movements & friends
are worth your attention:

"More to life than living; more to freedom than running wild!"
~ Chandler

"You are a slave to Christ, an ambassador of God, a servant of the King, a soldier in the invisible battle of purity and evil. You will find inner peace only when you know who you truly are. Only at that point can you be authentic. Joy escapes many believers because they don’t fully grasp their identities as Revolutionaries; they labor in vain as halfhearted disciples. The emotional and spiritual ecstasy that Revolutionaries experience is linked to an awareness of their true role in the Kingdom of God. Until you become obsessed with imitating Christ and honoring God, your journey is moving in a dangerous direction. Devoting yourself to the Revolutionary way is a big step towards experiencing God’s pleasure." George Barna, Revolution

The Lamb of God:

Louie Giglio/Passion/7:22

Joel Engle

Gene Edwards


Mark Bell

Larry & Terri Latimer

Don Humphries

Steve Cason

Tres Dias Movement

John Maxwell

Os Hillman

George Barna


"Never forget what Jesus did for you. Never take lightly what it cost Him. And never assume that if it cost Him His very life, that it won't also cost you yours."
~ Rich Mullins (1955-1997)

"I repent of ever having recorded one single song, and ever having performed one concert, if my music, and more importantly, my life has not provoked you into Godly jealousy or to sell out more completely to Jesus!"
~ Keith Green (1953–1982)

"I start with the premise that the function of leadership is to produce more leaders, not more followers."
~ Ralph Nader

"Smooth Seas do not make Experienced Sailors!"
~ Unknown

"Above all else, remain vigilant in prayer; never give up! Remember, sometimes victory is an event; sometimes it is a journey!"
~ Gary Kienel

"Though we do not doubt the ability of God to intervene in the lives of mankind; we must never underestimate the power of our prayers to move His heart to do so."
~ Gary Kienel

Passion '07 - Glorify & Fire Fall Down, Chris Tomlin

Sounds Like: "The voice of the one crying in the wilderness: 'Repent, for the Kingdom of God is at hand!'"
Record Label:
Type of Label: None

My Blog

Chandler Rocks! Chandler Worships!

We were powerfully blessed to hook up with Chandler in concert Saturday evening, Sept 23 at the Douglasville Courthouse.  Chandler has just signed with SPIN360 records (The first group on Joel En...
Posted by \o/ E.D.G.E. MINISTRIES \o/ on Sun, 24 Sep 2006 06:13:00 PST

Charity, Baseball & BarlowGirl (On FoxNews!)

Last weekend, while at the Braves Baseball Game, just before the BarlowGirl postgame concert, Charity (my 16 year old daughter) was interviewed by FoxNews.  The report aired tonight on FoxNews du...
Posted by \o/ E.D.G.E. MINISTRIES \o/ on Wed, 06 Sep 2006 08:47:00 PST

Unity - The thing that Satan hates!

"Make them one, as You & I are one."  I'm thinking that those are fightin' words.  It seems that little stirs up the anger of hell like the word unity.  Actually, I guess it's not s...
Posted by \o/ E.D.G.E. MINISTRIES \o/ on Thu, 17 Aug 2006 04:07:00 PST

Who do you draw attention to?

Never let it be said that change doesn't take place.  In the midst of a powerful teaching by Louie Giglio at the June '06 7:22, the Lord spoke to me clearly that it was time to cut off the ole po...
Posted by \o/ E.D.G.E. MINISTRIES \o/ on Sat, 29 Jul 2006 09:01:00 PST