give it all you've got. profile picture

give it all you've got.

this world has NOTHING for me.

About Me

turn your eyes upon jesus. look full in his WONDERFUL face. & the things of earth will grow STRANGELY dim, in the light of his glory and grace.O, how everything else just FAILS in comparasion to my Almighty God. My best friend.Lets see. My name is Charity Elizabeth Kienel and I am just simply in love with TRUE life. I will live, and I will live for Him, you see.. that is actually living. hahaha wooo.. right! So, I enjoy pretty much everything, except sitting at home with nothing to do. I like challange and things I have to WORK for. & striving to become better and more like My Precious Jesus wants me to be. I choose not to date, so I am single and thats not changing. I love to read and hang out with people. I am DEFINATELY an outgoing person and get energy from being around people. I have lots of opinions and I can sometimes be very pushy =/ BUT I am working on that. When I make my mind up about something, its almost impossible to change my mind, unless your God. I love standing OUT and staying firm. If people were all the same, that would be absolutely no fun at all. God definately made us to be different!!! i'm pretty sure that i'm pretty easy to talk to. I could go on forever, but I have to tell you what my life is truly ALL about...My True Love, MY BEAUTIFUL Jesus, the King of Kings, GOD ALMIGHTY. He is my LIFE, and its just....welll.... beyond words. I truly wish I could describe what I feel on the inside to everyone but ahhhh aihdgoishigohsiohgisrg. Take my word for it. He is my best friend, He has taken my life and COMPLETELY transformed who I am and shown me what beautiful life is all about. Everything about Him is beautiful. He is truly a romantic and intimate God and, well... He makes me laugh. =) IM JUST SO MADLY IN LOVE LADIES AND GENTS!

Get to Know Me

...About You...

Eye Color Green or hazel, I guess.
Hair Color Brown
Height 5'3
Favorite Color White!
Screen Name I don't have one.
Favorite Band Planetshakers, if I can only choose one.
Favorite Movie Anne of Green Gables
Favorite TV Show 24!
Your Car I'm a proud mini van driver.
Your Hometown I was born in Douglasville but I was raised in Hillsdale, Michigan
Your Present Town D-ville
Your Crush's First Name Jesus.
Your Grade I'm a senior! Woo!
Your Style ..Clothes style? Its kind of wierd. :)

...Have You Ever...

Sat on your rooftop Nope. But I'm going to sit on Jenna's rooftop and look at the stars!!!
Kissed someone in the rain Nope, thats a little too Notebook for me.
Danced in a public place Nope. I try to avoid humiliation.
Smiled for no reason Of course. Everyone has those times where they are sitting someone with a bunch of people around, and you think of something funny that happened the other day, and you laugh. And people think your nuts.
Laughed so hard you cried Of course, thats one of my favorites.
Peed your pants after age 8 Dude. Yes. I think I have a disfunction.
Written a song I make up songs all the time. The shower is very inspiring.
Sang to someone for no reason :) Yep.
Performed on a stage I don't perform.
Talked to someone you don't know All the time!!
Made out in a theater Before I met Jesus.
Gone roller skating since 8th grade Yea!! I went with Kacie and her dad. Aww, I miss her. I LOVE YOU KACIE!!
Been in love Been? I am! God is the love of my life!!!

...Can You...

Write with both hands Heck no.
Whistle I wish. :/
Blow a bubble Oh yes!
Roll your tongue Yep! Who came up with that anyways?
Cross your eyes Thats how I take my pictures.
Touch your tongue to your nose Ummm, no.
Dance HA! Not at all, its not even like.. funny when I try. It's just embarrassing.
Speak a different language Nope. I tried to learn Spanish..... it didn't work.
Impersonate someone I try to everyday.
Cook anything I love to cook!

...Finish The Line...

If I were a ... shoe, I would stink.
I wish ... that Jesus would come back, already!
So many people don't know ... how amazing Jesus really is.
I am ... tired of filling this out.
My heart is ... overflowing with love.
Take this survey

My Interests

Well, I love to play soccer! I love movies, well SOME movies. I like reading and being CLEAN! I love hanging out with my friends and being around people in general, I love The Church At Chapel Hill and my girls in AFG!!! My homeslices at Koinonia and all the girls in our awesome Bible study!! SHOUT OUT YO! My favorite though, telling as many people as I can about Jesus and living a life the reflects how awesome He truly is. ITS GREAT!

I'd like to meet:

Oh my goodness, where do I start? I would like to meet The Apostle Paul, Timothy, John the Baptist.. ummm Rosi O'Donnell, so we could have a good ol' debate. =) Fenelon (AMAZING DUDE, from like 8374867346 years ago)And lots of other people, but my oh my, I just can't wait to sit at the feet of JESUS!!!!


Planetshakers, Joel Engle, Rascal Flatts, Hillsong United, yeah, a whole lot of stuff, not even going to try!


Anne of Green Gables is my favorite movie ever. Simon Birch, Toy Story, The Lion King, Shark Tale, Aladdin, love em!


24, Lost, Joan of Arcadia, CSI (even tho is makes me want to throw up sometimes) And a bunch of other stuff. =)


The Bible, =) The Seeking Heart, The Way of The Shepherd, Redeeming Love, The Diary of Anne Frank, and many many more.


My dad. He is so awesome and spiritually encourages me everyday. My mom because she is so funny and outgoing, I get a lot of my personality from her. My brother because he taught me not to care what other people think and to just be myself and strive for the best. Nothing is impossible. And my Jesus because, well He is the love of my life!!! And no one will ever compare. period.

My Blog

Constant comfort.

Thank you, Jesus!!! for your constant comfort.Its beyond words how I feel SO much peace in the middle of such confusion. There are so many unanswered questions, so many mixed feelings, so much chaos! ...
Posted by give it all you've got. on Fri, 04 May 2007 07:44:00 PST

i love you, o lord, my strength.

..with my heart I will obey.. This is a lyric line in a song that me and a friend are singing at graduation and it stirred up conviction in my heart. I've been thinking about it so much ever since I r...
Posted by give it all you've got. on Fri, 20 Apr 2007 08:33:00 PST