My family! Graphic design, art, music. Using God's gift to reach out to our youth: D+O+G (Declarations of God) Tags!
Jesus! On earth, inspiring Christians!
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God! My beautiful and inspiring daughter, my husband (the man of my dreams!), the most wonderful and supportive parents! What better heroes are there?
Look Who's Gotta Cool Tag!
Rod Fogle, lead guitar, of Beyond 12 says: "I have got to tell you that these are the best dog tags I have had and the only 1 plan to wear. These tags are made out of very strong metal with an imprint that is etched into my heart forever. THE ORIGINAL -SOUL MAN, JESUS CHRIST. You can't get better than that ;o)."
Natalie Kolenda, lead vocals, of Beyond 12 says: "Hey Chickie! Mucho thanks for the TAG! You are awesome.... I will be proud to where it at our concerts, look forward to meeting you in the future in person. Your new sis - Natalie"
Travis Eibel, co-founder, of Conway Area Ministers Outreach (C.A.M.O.) says: "Hey there Tammy...I am so Stoked to have you as a friend and ministry partner! And you are such an awesome designer and artist. I am so glad you decided to team up with Conway Area Ministers Outreach. I am PROUD to wear and show off MY Tag!!!"
Pastor Blake of Blake Speaks says: "Tam, I am so stoked about my new Dog Tag. You did a great job on designing them."
Leah Martensen , Christian recording artist, says: "Awesome! Really cool web site and product! I got my tag today and it's so well made. Can't wait to get them on my sales table. We need to talk about that! Congrats!"