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Cathy Jo

Welcome to Cathy Jo Moore's space on the Net!

About Me

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Being a problem child, I began to run away from home at the age of twelve which lead to my dropping out of school in the seventh grade. At the age of thirteen I became involved with a nation wide motorcycle club and would be associated with them for the next five years. I fell in love with a man from this club and we lived together two and a half years out of these five. In these five years I became a serious teenage alcoholic.
At eighteen I broke all associations with the club after meeting the father of my three children. Right after meeting him I had a dream of the Lord and a multitude of people. In this dream the Lord stood the size of the entire sky. Being very much of the world, the Lord would blot the memory of this dream totally from my mind until it was time for me to remember it again.
After two and a half months of being married we found out that I was pregnant with my daughter. Within the next three years I gave birth to my two sons. After five years of a bad marriage, my children’s father and I divorced and this was when I again began to date the man whom I had been in love with from my days of running with the club.
With my not having an education and could not read nor write at the time, I was pressuring a cleaning business, which was called, "House Cleaning Unlimited Services." Within these two years of our dating once again, I reached the lowest point of my life with my becoming a prostitute in order to finance the business, for it was the business that I was trusting would help me to get my children back who were no longer in my care.
This was when I had another dream about the Lord. I was on a bridge when Christ appeared before me. Two months after having this dream I asked the Lord to come into my life.
It was in the living room of a massage parlor when I heard Jesus name mentioned on a commercial. By this time I was dieing and knew it and was feeling ever so close to entering hell. I had heard Jesus' name all my life, but now I needed Him in such a great way, that hearing it this time was all together different. As soon as the man asked if I had ever asked Jesus to come into my life, I got up and ran out of that house as fast as I could. It was a Wednesday morning when I ran to seven doors to different Churches and all seven Churches were locked up tight on me. I then decided I needed to eat so I went to a Luby's cafeteria. It was there that I repented for all I had ever done in my life and then… asked Jesus to come into my life! I cried so hard during this time that my plate of food I had ordered, became a puddle of tears. However, I walked out a different person, for I now had Jesus within me. I rushed back to San Antonio, TX from Austin TX and went straight to Cornerstone Church. I have to say that still to this day can I ever remember feeling the Holy Sprit as strong as I felt Him in that empty auditorium on the first day of my being born again. This was the day that I heard the Lord’s voice for the very first time tell me, "Cathy, do not fear for I am with you.” And is He ever!
Today I am the author of five books in which two are published and soon book three which is my full testimony will be. It is is titled, “Before It’s Too Late.”
Being an ex prostitute who has been delivered from eight demons, my work now pertains mostly of my Lord and I helping those who may be fighting demon oppression, procession or demonic attacks that may be accruing in one’s home. It also consist of debating those who oppose and disbelieve in Jesus Christ as being God over the net.
So… if you feel that you or your home is under an attack, after 21 years of being a Frontline Warrior for Jesus I am hear to say that, “House Cleaning Unlimited Ministries,” is here to help you and that there is an Army of Strong brothers and sisters in Christ who so understand just a click away. Please feel free to contact me and we can go from there as to what can be done about the attack you believe you are under.

Due to the fact that I am self publishing, "Before It's Too Late," I am in search of an artist who can design a cover like the one above, so... if you are or know a talented artist who may be interested in doing this for me, please email me. The above pic is just to give an idea of what I am looking for. Thanks!

HCUM Business Cards
HCUM Banner
Back before every house in the US had a computer in their home, the Lord and I worked hard to distribute this free booklet across the Country as a part of this ministry work. If anyone is glad to see technology I am, cause I thought for sure passing that thing out was going to be the death of me.;) If you have ever read it, I would love to know about it, so... would you be so kind as to email me and let me know where it was you saw it and if it touched your heart in anyway. Thanks so much. Love, Cathy Jo

My Interests

As for my hobbies and interests, I am a mother of three and grandmother of five who are the apples of my eye. I love working out and love to cook. I’m a poet, graphic artist, web page designer and writer, but also love to read and do spend lots of time studying the word of God on my computer. I love all things that have to do with the outdoors. I enjoy getting together with my girlfriends, for we have a blast together. When the battles of ministry work get to be a little too much to handle, I love going out to sit by a lake or river and just be alone with my Lord and my Christian music.

I'd like to meet:

I love meeting people and all who know me know this. However, my longing to stand before my King and look Him in the eyes is growing so strong in my chest that I really do not ever think about meeting anyone else face to face other than Him now. I use to long to meet the man He has chosen for me, but I don’t even do that anymore.

Yes, after 21 years of being a Frontline Warrior for Christ and many hard battles behind, you can believe that I am ever so ready to say goodbye to this world.

The One Who Will Always And Forever...
Be At The Top Of My Friends List!


Some of my favorite artist are, Jimmy Swaggart, Third Day, Mercy Me, Delirious, Carman, Jeremy Camp and Margaret Becker.


Anything that has to do with end times or God. Love a good love story and action as well.


The news, TBN and Reba!


The Bible and left behind series.


Jesus Christ first and always, then Paul. And that is bacause of him being one of the greatest frontline Warriors, of all times!
Christian MySpace Graphics

These are what I call, "HCUM, Snag-a-Poems," and all of you are welcome to snag them if you wish for your own page or to use them to drop a comment on your friends pages! From now on all snag-a-poems will be listed under my pics for I will no longer be adding the new ones as they are made to the bulletin board due to the fact that it moves way too fast. If you do place them on your page, I wish to thank you for helping the Lord and I with spreading these messages, for it can be work believe it or not, even if it is a whole lot of fun.;)
Thanks everyone ahead of time who do help HCUM with this mission of spreading the gospel through these, "Messages from Messiah!" Know that I look forward to meeting you if I haven't already!
I hope all have a great day and may God bless!

I would like to mention, that I am finding Artwork that is being displayed on the net as free domain. If you see that I have used something that belongs to you and you do not wish for it to be used, please contact me immediately and I will put out a notice for that certain poem that is being displayed with your artwork to be deleted and not used. One warning is all I ask for.
To all the artist who do allow this, I wish to thank you from the bottom of my heart. Know that it is due to all of your hard work and gracious giving that makes it possible to get these messages out to where they just may minister to others.
May God bless your hands with many more wonderful pieces!
Cathy Jo
And oh yes, one last thank you to you Deb for always helping me in this work! I am so grateful on how the Lord works through us together and has made us a team. You are an awesome Sister Woman! CJ

Want a personal snag to give to someone speical? Send me a message and let's see what we can come up with! Or... if you would like to learn to make them yourself, but do not know where to start, check out my blog, Snag-a-Poems 2.
Thanks for viisting my page! Cathy Jo
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Sang-a-Poem 3

Posted by Cathy Jo on Tue, 02 Oct 2007 10:05:00 PST

Snap-a-Poem 2

Posted by Cathy Jo on Tue, 02 Oct 2007 09:57:00 PST

Snag a Poem page 1

Posted by Cathy Jo on Mon, 01 Oct 2007 03:01:00 PST

If You Were To Die Tomorrow

If You Were To Die Tomorrow If You Were To Die TomorrowThe Question I Must AskIs Did You Do What It WasThat Was Given As Your Task If You Were To Die TomorrowFor Sure Do You KnowThat You Would Go...
Posted by Cathy Jo on Wed, 27 Sep 2006 02:40:00 PST

This Bridge

This poem is about a dream I had about my walking across a bridge and Christ appears.  Two years after having this dream, I still did not understand just what it was the Lord was telling me by gi...
Posted by Cathy Jo on Wed, 27 Sep 2006 02:35:00 PST

God's Beauty

I've been writing for Jesus for twenty years now and just wanted to share some of work with all you here at Myspace.  Hope you like them for He has blessed me by giving them.  Love, Cathy Jo...
Posted by Cathy Jo on Wed, 27 Sep 2006 01:59:00 PST